What Is Naturopathy?

What Is Naturopathy?
What Is Naturopathy?

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is sometimes presented as a new branch of medicine, something of a fashionable hobby, and nothing is further from the truth. This is the most ancient trend, because the word "naturopathy" is translated as "treatment by nature", and, without a doubt, treatment with natural gifts was the first and only one available to man in ancient times. Despite the modern advances in medicine, naturopathy remains relevant today, because one way or another a person is a part of nature, and it is the natural methods of influencing health that are most natural for him.

Principles of Naturopathy
Principles of Naturopathy

Principles of Naturopathy

The main principle of naturopathy is that a healthy body is able to successfully withstand the overwhelming number of traumatic factors, including infection. Therefore, in order to restore shaky health, it is necessary to direct efforts to strengthen the body, strengthen immunity, restore the natural balance, and even becoming strong, the body will be able to fight back the disease.

Naturopathy methods

The methods by which the naturopathic effect is carried out are distinguished by the almost complete absence of side effects and the minimum number of contraindications - of course, if they are used correctly. Like all other areas of medicine, naturopathy requires thoughtfulness, systematized knowledge, experience and an individual approach.

  1. Proper nutrition. This is a cornerstone in the health of the body, since everything depends on nutrition even more than on a set of genes. “You are what you eat” is an ancient statement not that by eating plants a person becomes a plant, but by eating animal meat - an animal. It says that only healthy food can make a person healthy and keep him in this state.
  2. Massage and manual therapy. Sensitive, skillful hands can work wonders, literally lifting difficult patients to their feet.
  3. Gymnastics. Correctly calculated dosed movements help restore not only muscles and joints, but also improve blood circulation, and this, in turn, is a powerful healing factor. The youth of a person in oriental medicine is determined by the state of his joints. Articular gymnastics by Alexei Mamatov (mamatov.com) is an excellent example of the author's naturopathic technique that helps restore joints and maintain them in perfect condition.
  4. Hydrotherapy. Effective in the treatment of many diseases, from nervous disorders to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is also widely used in official medicine.
  5. Herbal medicine. Medicinal herbs can reduce the drug load on the body and provide a milder, but no less effective effect than synthetic drugs.
  6. Therapeutic fasting. The word "fasting" scares many, but it should be remembered that therapeutic fasting and forced hunger are not the same thing. Correctly carried out even one-day fasting has a powerful stimulating effect on the body's defenses.
Therapeutic fasting is one of the methods of naturopathy
Therapeutic fasting is one of the methods of naturopathy

Healthy lifestyle

The medicine of the future is called preventive medicine, although it was known in ancient times that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. People do not have to discover anything new, because naturopathic methods of maintaining health are preventive medicine that determines the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Eating reasonably, being mobile, using natural gifts and limiting everything that can lead to illness - this is so simple and so natural for a person that he simply cannot but come to this sooner or later. This means that the future belongs to naturopathy.

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