Calorie content of lavash
Lavash is a type of unleavened bread made from wheat flour, water with the addition of salt, which is the true recipe for this product. Modern manufacturers add yeast and other ingredients to the dough that stabilize the taste and extend the shelf life of the product. However, such additives significantly affect the beneficial properties of this bread product. Real pita bread, the calorie content of which is very low, is a dietary product that can not be excluded from the diet during weight loss. The rich vitamin and nutrient composition of pita bread will allow you to eat tasty and healthy, while not disrupting the calorie content of the daily diet. How many calories are in pita bread? What types of pita bread are there?
Lavash: calorie content, vitamin composition, useful properties

Lavash, whose calories range from 260 to 285 calories, is a traditional dish of the Middle East cuisine. The traditional recipe for Armenian lavash, the calorie content of which does not exceed 275 calories, includes only three ingredients: flour, salt, water. The only ingredients allowed in the traditional recipe are roasted sesame seeds or poppy seeds. A distinctive feature of the dish is not only the recipe, but also the cooking technology. Thus, lavash, the calorie content of which does not exceed the caloric content of other types of bread, is baked in a special oven called "tandoor", without the use of fats and oils.
Lavash is an unleavened flat cake that reaches 1 m in length and 40 cm in width. However, modern flatbreads are baked in much smaller sizes for ease of use. The weight of one cake reaches 200-250 g. Due to its composition, lavash, which has a low calorie content, can be stored for a long time. In the countries of the Middle East, lavash is stored for future use, it is traditionally harvested in September. After baking, the finished tortillas are hung individually, dried and stacked. During storage, the lavash dries up, but it is worth lubricating the dried cake with a little water, as the bread becomes soft and aromatic again.
The number of calories in pita bread is extremely low, which allows using this type of unleavened bread even during strict diets. Nutrient composition of lavash, the calorie content of which does not exceed the calorie content of white bread, in 100 g of the product:
- Proteins - 9.1 g;
- Fat - 1.2 g;
- Carbohydrates - 53.5 g.
Lavash, whose caloric content is relatively low, does not contain yeast impurities, and also contains less fat in comparison with white bread.
The vitamin composition of pita bread (calories from 260 to 285 calories) is also rich. This type of bread contains B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP), as well as vitamins E, K, choline.
Macronutrients in lavash:
- Potassium;
- Calcium;
- Magnesium;
- Sodium;
- Phosphorus.
Trace elements in pita bread:
- Iron;
- Manganese;
- Copper;
- Selenium;
- Zinc.
Considering how many calories are in pita bread, as well as its vitamin composition, this flour product can be safely included in the diet. However, when choosing a product, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the calories of pita bread, but also to the composition indicated by the manufacturer on the package. Preference should be given to those varieties of pita bread, the calorie content of which ranges from 260 to 285 calories, and the composition of which does not contain food additives, flavors and stabilizers.
Lavash, the calorie content of which reaches the calorie content of white bread, contains dietary fiber (2.2 g per 100 g of product), which helps to improve digestion. The constant use of lavash allows you to stabilize the carbohydrate balance of the body, strengthen the immune system, replenish the vitamin balance, and also reduce weight due to the absence of yeast components in the product. Due to its thin shape, pita bread does not undergo prolonged heat treatment, which allows it to preserve the beneficial properties of its components to the maximum.
Lavash can be used as bread, as well as an ingredient in various low-calorie dishes.
Types of lavash: Armenian lavash (calorie content), Georgian lavash
Traditionally, there are two types of lavash. Thin Armenian lavash, whose calorie content reaches 277 calories, is the most popular variety of this Middle Eastern dish. It is this type of bread that retains its useful properties for the longest time. The use of such pita bread can not be limited even while dieting. Thin cakes allow you to create interesting tasty dishes: rolls with low-fat meats and fish, as well as with vegetables. Lavash gives its unique taste and aroma to the products wrapped in it.
The number of calories of Armenian leafy lavash is also equal to the calorie content of traditional white bread, but lavash is much healthier.
Compared to Armenian lavash, the calorie content of which does not exceed 270 calories, Georgian lavash has more calories. Georgian bread also differs from the traditional Armenian lavash in composition and baking method. So, yeast is a part of Georgian lavash, which makes it more luxuriant and similar to traditional breads. Georgian lavash is not a dietary product; nutritionists do not recommend eating this type of bread while dieting. Also, Georgian lavash cannot be stored for as long as Armenian lavash.
Calorie content of thin lavash: tasty and healthy lavash dishes
How many calories are in pita bread? Lavash, whose calorie content reaches 285 calories, is hardly a traditional dietary product. The explanation for this is its special form. The calorie content of thin pita bread will depend on the type of flour used in the recipe, as well as on the baking method (some manufacturers use vegetable fats when baking this type of bread). The weight of one cake reaches 250 g, the calorie content of a thin pita bread (1 cake) is 712 calories. However, the amount of bread used in a dish does not exceed 50-70 g (in this case, the calorie content of a thin lavash of this portion will be only from 142 to 199 calories). It should also be noted that pita bread contains practically no fat.

Lavash is used in many delicious, low-calorie recipes. So, any diet is based on the principle of a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and a reduced amount of fat. The most popular lavash dish is rolls stuffed with meat and vegetables.
To make delicious rolls, you can use:
- Low-fat meats (veal, boiled poultry), fish;
- Any seasonal vegetables (excluding potatoes).
In the preparation of lavash dishes, it is not recommended to use fats (mayonnaise, sauces, oils). It is recommended to heat the meat in a hot frying pan without adding fat; vegetables are chopped in any convenient way. Pieces of hot meat are placed on a flat cake, vegetables are placed on top of the meat. Then a roll is formed. The rolls are placed in a hot, fat-free pan and heated on both sides.
For the filling of pita rolls, you can use any low-calorie ingredients, which will allow you to eat tasty and healthy.
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