Pityriasis Versicolor - Drugs, Diagnosis, Treatment, Symptoms

Pityriasis Versicolor - Drugs, Diagnosis, Treatment, Symptoms
Pityriasis Versicolor - Drugs, Diagnosis, Treatment, Symptoms

Pityriasis versicolor

General information about the disease

A sick person with pityriasis versicolor
A sick person with pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor (often called versicolor versicolor) is an infectious fungal disease caused by fungi of the genus Malassezia. The largest number of cases is detected in countries with hot climates, but infectious agents are doing well in Russia. The peak of the pityriasis versicolor disease occurs in the summer months, when optimal conditions are created for the reproduction of the fungus. Despite the fact that the infection does not pose a danger to life and does not lead to disability, you will still have to deal with its treatment. The fact is that pityriasis versicolor is prone to recurrence, and its symptoms significantly reduce the quality of human life.

Pityriasis lichen symptoms

The main symptoms of pityriasis versicolor are small, irregular patches that appear on the chest, back, shoulders, and scalp. They are usually yellow-pink or dark brown in color and are characterized by slight flaking. If, during the diagnosis, pityriasis versicolor treatment was not carried out or was insufficient, then the spots begin to increase in size and over time merge into larger foci. The affected areas of the skin look very unattractive from an aesthetic point of view and cause significant psychological damage. At the same time, pityriasis versicolor versicolor can develop over several years, capturing more and more new areas of the skin.

The causes of pityriasis versicolor

The fungus can even be present on the skin of a healthy person, but, for the time being, it does not manifest itself in any way. Pityriasis versicolor begins to develop under the influence of provoking factors, which include:

  • endocrine pathologies;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • excessive sweating;
  • stressful situations;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • frequent use of antibacterial gels;
  • uncontrolled use of tanning salons.

In fact, the treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans is required after the occurrence of any situations that have had a negative impact on the condition of the skin. It is especially unpleasant if they fell on the summer months, since in the heat the fungus develops especially quickly and becomes active at the slightest influence of external stimuli.

Ways of penetration of infection into the body

Until recently, it was believed that it is very difficult to pick up pityriasis versicolor from a sick person, however, recent studies in this area refute the early conclusions of scientists. Nowadays, dermatologists are inclined to believe that pityriasis versicolor can appear not only after personal contact with an infected person, but also when sharing household items (bed linen, towels, washcloths, clothes). Thus, it is quite possible to pick up the fungus even in the fitting room of a clothing store. The first symptoms of pityriasis versicolor appear in a period of several weeks to several months. The duration of the incubation period depends on the state of human health and the presence of provoking factors, which we have already written about just above.

Diagnosis of the disease

An accurate diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor is made on the basis of visual examination data and anamnesis. Balser's iodine test helps to identify pityriasis versicolor, after which the affected skin becomes dark brown. In addition, doctors often use a special Wood lamp. In its light, the places of accumulation of fungi give a yellowish glow.

Pityriasis versicolor treatment

An irreplaceable ointment for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor
An irreplaceable ointment for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor

In recent years, several effective methods of treating pityriasis versicolor have appeared. However, many patients still experience frequent relapses. This is due to insufficient sanitization of things and household items. It comes to curiosities: a fully recovered person returns to normal life after treatment and, forgetting about precautions, uses his old towel. Of course, he is again diagnosed with pityriasis versicolor (the reasons for many such cases are related precisely to the lack of preventive measures and insufficient sanitization of things).

As for the course of therapy itself, the success of the treatment of pityriasis versicolor entirely depends on an integrated approach. In the fight against fungus are used:

  • antifungal ointments;
  • antibiotics;
  • special shampoos;
  • rubbing the skin with a weak solution of salicylic alcohol;
  • regular dousing with acidified water;
  • hardening of the body.

When treating pityriasis versicolor, drugs should not be chosen at random, but only after consultation with an experienced dermatologist. As a rule, the following are used: peeling and fungicidal agents, 2-3% iodosalicylic alcohol, 3-5% alcohol solution of iodine, sulfur-salicylic ointment (used with a significant spread of the fungus). Imidazole derivatives (travogen, clotrimazole, mycospores), allylamines (lamisil) and ultraviolet irradiation show good results. Once again, we note that the treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans is quite long and requires an integrated approach. For this reason, it is necessary to immediately abandon the idea of being cured with the help of exclusively folk remedies and consult a doctor who will advise the most effective, effective course.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
