Why Am I Losing Weight For No Reason

Why Am I Losing Weight For No Reason
Why Am I Losing Weight For No Reason

Why am I losing weight for no reason

Why am I losing weight for no reason?
Why am I losing weight for no reason?

It happens that a person suddenly notices that his clothes suddenly become too big for him, the watch dangles on his hand, and his favorite ring begins to slip off his finger, and all this without any effort on his part. Why am I losing weight for no reason? - it's not so rare to hear this question. It should be said right away that weight loss never happens without a reason. Another thing is that a person cannot always determine the cause on his own, therefore, if such a condition is suddenly discovered, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Why?

Because often, significant weight loss is often medically based, and sometimes quite serious. A person who comes to a doctor with a complaint that he is losing weight for no reason may be sick with malignant cancer, anorexia nervosa, diabetes mellitus or AIDS. In elderly patients with a similar complaint, diabetes mellitus and oncological diseases are in the first place, in young patients - anorexia nervosa and infectious diseases (HIV, tuberculosis, etc.).

Diseases that promote weight loss

All diseases that cause severe weight loss fall into three groups:

1. Diseases accompanied by a decrease in appetite and a decrease in the supply of nutrients to the body. These include gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcerative colitis, gastritis, infectious diseases, malignant tumors, nervous diseases (depression, anorexia);

2. Diseases in which, with a preserved and even increased appetite, there is a loss of nutrients as a result of impaired metabolism. These are diabetes mellitus, parasitic diseases, malabsorption syndrome in the intestine, which accompanies chronic pancreatitis, celiac disease and some other diseases;

3. Diseases in which the body's energy consumption increases: thyrotoxicosis, spastic paralysis, pheochromocytoma.

If you are wondering why I am losing weight for no reason, first of all it is necessary to undergo a medical examination in order to exclude the above diseases.

Many come to the doctor with a problem - losing weight for no reason
Many come to the doctor with a problem - losing weight for no reason

A person may argue that he is feeling well, nothing hurts, and except for a strange weight loss, nothing else bothers him. However, this should not be a reason for complacency, since often unexplained weight loss is the first, early symptom of the disease, the so-called manifest symptom - the one from which pathology begins to manifest itself. Needless to say, the earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of a full recovery.

If the survey did not answer the question of why a person is losing weight for no reason, this is not yet a reason for carelessness. It is necessary to continue medical supervision, as with continued weight loss, symptoms will necessarily increase.

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