Treatment of angina with folk remedies at home in children and adults
The content of the article:
- Soda-salt solution
- Camomile tea
- Apple cider vinegar solution
- Propolis solution
- Decoction of medicinal plants
- Healing mixtures
Ointments for sore throat
- Recipe number 1
- Recipe number 2
- Folk remedies for sore throat for oral administration
- Video
Folk remedies for tonsillitis allow you to quickly cope with the disease. However, it must be remembered that in case of a purulent form of the disease, they should be used as an addition to the main therapy.

Pharmacy chamomile for angina can be used both for rinsing the throat and for inhalation
Angina, or acute tonsillitis, is an infectious disease in which the tonsils of the pharyngeal ring become inflamed. Most often, it is caused by various viruses or bacteria, which are infected by airborne droplets or by contact.
At the initial stage of the disease, a sore throat appears, which gradually increases and begins to radiate to the ears. Other characteristic symptoms include high body temperature, weakness, and chills. Tonsillitis is often accompanied by swollen lymph nodes.
Gargling is one of the most well-known treatments for sore throat. This procedure allows you to eliminate purulent plaque from the surface of the tonsils, moisturize the mucous membrane and reduce inflammation.
Soda-salt solution
To prepare the solution, mix 5 g of baking soda and table or sea salt and pour 200 ml of warm water into them. Add 3-4 drops of iodine to the finished solution.

One of the commonly used treatments for tonsillitis is rinsing with soda-salt solution.
Soda is effective against fungi, iodine has an antiseptic effect, and the saline solution cleans and moisturizes the mucous membrane well.
Gargle three times a day. Apply the product with care, avoiding swallowing.
Camomile tea
3 g of dry chamomile flowers are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and insisted under the lid for an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and used to gargle. You can use the product every two hours.
Pharmacy chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. For medicinal purposes, such an infusion can be used not only for rinsing the throat, but also for inhalation. It can also be taken orally instead of tea, adding honey or sugar to taste.
Apple cider vinegar solution
One tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar is dissolved in 200 ml of warm boiled water. This means gargle every two hours. To enhance the effect, you can add another teaspoon of honey.

Apple cider vinegar is included in many recipes for sore throat.
According to patient reviews, this is a good remedy for sore throat, which allows you to cure the disease in a short time.
Propolis solution
In 100 ml of 70% alcohol, 30 g of propolis are dissolved. In order to grind propolis, it is frozen and then crushed in a mortar or with a hammer. After the product has stood for 10 days, it can be used to gargle.
To prepare the solution, dissolve one tablespoon of the tincture in 200 ml of warm water and gargle for 3-5 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day for a week.
You can store the tincture in the refrigerator for a year.
Decoction of medicinal plants
To prepare the broth, mix one teaspoon of sage and eucalyptus leaves, pour 1/2 liter of water and simmer for three minutes. After the product has cooled to a comfortable temperature, it is filtered and used for gargling.
The broth is used 3-4 times a day. It can also be used for inhalation.
Healing mixtures
The following folk remedies help to quickly relieve inflammation and get rid of a sore throat:
- a mixture of vodka and salt. In 100 g of vodka, it is necessary to dissolve 2 full (with a slide) tablespoons of coarse table salt. Use a cotton swab to lubricate the tonsils every 30 minutes. The procedure is repeated for 3 hours. Such treatment is carried out daily, in the evening. According to patients' reviews, this is one of the most effective methods, especially if you start using it at the initial stage of the disease;
- a mixture of garlic juice, aloe, lingonberry and liquid honey. Mix all the ingredients (one tablespoon at a time), stir until the product becomes homogeneous. The glands are treated with the mixture, removing purulent plaque. The procedure is carried out every hour until the tonsils are cleared of pus. According to reviews, after using the medication, the symptoms of sore throat are stopped for a long time. The finished product must be stored in a sealed glass container;
- a mixture of fresh sea buckthorn berries and refined olive oil. 50 g of fresh sea buckthorn berries are thoroughly chopped and poured with the same amount of refined olive oil. After the product has been infused for a week in a dark place, it is rubbed through a sieve and poured into a glass container. At the first sign of illness, the throat is lubricated every hour. Also, sea buckthorn oil can be taken orally, one teaspoon twice a day, this will help the body to cope with tonsillitis faster;
- a mixture of beet juice and honey. One tablespoon of red beet juice is diluted with warm boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio and half a teaspoon of honey is added. The medicine has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. The affected mucous membrane is lubricated three times a day until the disease recedes;
- a mixture of beets and apple cider vinegar. Grate table beets on a fine grater (about a glass), put it on a plate, mix with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and leave for 2 hours. Then the product is squeezed out and diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. Gargle with this medicine three times a day.
Ointments for sore throat
Treatment of angina with folk remedies in adults and children is not complete without the use of special ointments that help to quickly relieve inflammation, reduce sore throat and clear the mucous membrane from plaque.
Recipe number 1
100 ml of refined olive or sunflower oil is placed in a water bath. After it boils, add 10 g of pre-crushed beeswax.
Before starting the preparation of the ointment, boil a fresh chicken egg hard-boiled, remove the yolk and divide it into 4 parts. To prepare the ointment, use 1/4 part.
After the wax has dissolved, add chopped yolk in small portions. The liquid will foam heavily at this time. Then the agent is removed from the heat, allowed to stand for a quarter of an hour and filtered through a nylon cloth. Store the finished ointment in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass jar.

Ointments are used to apply to inflamed areas of the mucous membrane
At the first sign of sore throat, a small amount of ointment is warmed up and thoroughly lubricated with a sore throat. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. The improvement is visible the very next day.
Also, the ointment can be used to treat the throat with compresses. To do this, it is applied to a small piece of cotton fabric, which is applied to the throat and tied with compress paper and a scarf on top. Leave such a compress overnight.
Recipe number 2
Another folk remedy for sore throat is an ointment based on butter, aloe and honey. To prepare it in a water bath, melt 100 g of natural oil and add 50 ml of aloe juice. Then the mixture is removed from the heat and mixed with 100 g of May honey, after which the finished ointment is placed in a glass jar and placed in the refrigerator.

With angina, the use of products containing aloe juice is effective
The ointment can be used in adults and children from 2 years of age. It is applied directly to the tonsils, preferably when the first signs of the disease appear. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.
Such a remedy can be taken orally, for this half a teaspoon of the ointment is dissolved in 200 ml of warm milk and drunk in small sips.
Folk remedies for sore throat for oral administration
In order to help the body cope with tonsillitis, the following remedies are used:
- recipe number 1: one glass of fresh ripe viburnum berries is poured into 1 liter of water and boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After the product has cooled slightly, it is filtered through cheesecloth, and the berries are squeezed out. Add 100 g of honey to the finished broth. Drink 50 ml every 2 hours. Treatment continues until the symptoms of the disease disappear. The finished broth can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days;
- recipe number 2: mix one glass of sea buckthorn berries, raspberries and viburnum, grind them and add the same amount of honey. After the mixture has stood for 2 days in the refrigerator, add 500 ml of vodka to it. Take the remedy one teaspoon three times a day, before meals. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. This medicine helps to cope with chronic tonsillitis;
- Recipe # 3: Half fill a dry glass jar with fresh aloe leaves that have been refrigerated overnight. They are covered with sugar, the neck of the container is tied with gauze and placed in a dark place for three days. Then the product is filtered and squeezed out. With an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, take one teaspoon three times a day before eating. Treatment is continued until the disease recedes. You can store the medicine for two months in a cool dry place;
- recipe number 4: half fill a dry glass container with fresh tea rose petals and fill them with liquid honey. The tool is left for a week. In chronic tonsillitis, dissolve half a teaspoon of the medicine three times a day;
- recipe number 5: Bring 100 ml of light beer to a boil, then cool slightly and drink in small sips. You can use this remedy 5 times a day, until the symptoms of tonsillitis are relieved.
It must be remembered that angina is a serious disease that often causes complications in the form of pyelonephritis, myocarditis or rheumatism, so its treatment must be approached responsibly.
If within 1-2 days after the start of the use of folk remedies for the treatment of angina in children and adults, nothing has changed, the sore throat remains severe, and the body temperature reaches high numbers, you should consult an otolaryngologist or therapist.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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