Gooseberry - Calorie Content, Composition, Vitamin Content, Beneficial Properties

Gooseberry - Calorie Content, Composition, Vitamin Content, Beneficial Properties
Gooseberry - Calorie Content, Composition, Vitamin Content, Beneficial Properties

Calorie content of gooseberry

Gooseberry - beneficial properties and effects on the body
Gooseberry - beneficial properties and effects on the body

Gooseberry is a perennial plant of the Currant genus, the Gooseberry family. Gooseberry is a shrub that grows 1-1.2m in height. Gooseberries are also called the fruits of a shrub - berries up to 12-15 mm in diameter with well-visible veins. Gooseberries ripen in August with a green, yellow or purple hue. The first mention of the gooseberry as a cultivated plant dates back to the 11th century. Currently, gooseberry grows in Europe, Asia, North and South America, North Africa. Gooseberries are known not only for their taste. Gooseberries are used, the calorie content of which is quite low with a rich vitamin composition, not only for the preparation of tasty and healthy desserts. The beneficial properties of gooseberries are especially appreciated. Currently, more than 1500 varieties of this shrub are known. The main disadvantage of the plant is its susceptibility to various diseases and pests.

Gooseberry: calorie content, composition, vitamins, macro-, microelements

Gooseberries are consumed both ripe, picking them at the end of August, and green. The gooseberry, the beneficial properties of which were appreciated in ancient times, has a unique composition.

Gooseberries, which have a calorie content of 43 calories per 100g, contain:

  • Proteins - 0.7g;
  • Fat - 0.2g;
  • Carbohydrates - 12g.

Also in the gooseberry, the calorie content of which is negligible, contains a number of valuable vitamins, among which the most important are provitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP.

Gooseberries, the calorie content of which can be neglected when calculating the calorie content of the daily diet with a diet, is also a source of important micronutrients:

  • Copper;
  • Iron;
  • Iodine;
  • Chromium;
  • Fluorine;
  • Zinc;
  • Manganese.

Gooseberry is a source of such essential macronutrients for the body as:

  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium.

Gooseberries contain up to 15% sugars (fructose, sucrose, glucose), organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric). Also, the gooseberry contains nitrogenous substances, tannins, tannin, which has a hemostatic, antidiarrheal effect. The high level of pectin content in berries helps to eliminate heavy metal salts from the body. Also, in the berries of gooseberries, the calorie content of which is quite low, anthocyanins and leukoanthocyanins are found, which contribute to the elimination of harmful substances from the body.

Gooseberry: beneficial properties

The gooseberry, the beneficial properties of which are determined by its rich vitamin composition, is a source of biologically significant substances that support the normal functioning of the body. Gooseberries, the calorie content of which is low and the vitamin composition is unique, have long been used in folk medicine to correct many conditions.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of gooseberries, the calorie content of which may vary depending on the degree of ripeness and the sugar content in berries, as an adjuvant and a natural source of vitamins and nutrients to restore the body after illness.

Gooseberries, the calorie content of ripe berries of which reaches 55 calories per 100 g, are used for hypovitaminosis (especially with a deficiency of vitamins C and B), as well as with a deficiency of copper and phosphorus in the body.

Folic acid (vitamin B9), contained in gooseberries, which have a low caloric content with excellent taste and beneficial properties, is an effective treatment for anemia.

Gooseberry is considered an excellent choleretic agent.

Calorie content of gooseberry, benefits and taste
Calorie content of gooseberry, benefits and taste

Due to the high content of hypotensive, anti-sclerotic substances, gooseberry berries are especially useful for patients suffering from various heart diseases, as well as for atherosclerosis and hypertension. A decoction made from gooseberry berries helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body, improves blood flow, thereby reducing the burden on the heart. Gooseberries have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Gooseberry has a stimulating effect on the digestive tract, contributing to natural cleansing and normalization of digestion.

Especially valuable are the substances in the gooseberry composition that promote the elimination of heavy metal salts from the body.

With a low content of calories in gooseberries in comparison with its beneficial properties, berries have a choleretic and diuretic effect, which helps to normalize the function of the kidneys, bladder and liver.

In folk medicine, gooseberry is used for any inflammatory processes of the skin (erysipelas, plant burns, rashes, eczema). Gooseberry is used both as food for replenishing the vitamin and nutritional balance of the body, and for external uses as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. Traditional medicine also uses gooseberry leaves.

Weight loss and gooseberries: calories and detoxification

Due to its unique vitamin composition, gooseberry is used to normalize the state of the body. The beneficial properties of berries are not limited only to replenishing the vitamin balance. Gooseberry is one of the most effective anti-obesity remedies. How do gooseberries, which are extremely low in calories, help you lose weight?

With a low calorie content in gooseberries, berries contain a lot of fiber - dietary fiber that helps to naturally cleanse the body, eliminate toxins and toxins. Gooseberry, having a tonic effect, also affects the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing the absorption of nutrients, increasing intestinal peristalsis.

Nutritionists recommend introducing gooseberries into the diet as a natural source of vitamins and minerals, which avoids physiological stress in the event of a deficiency in nutrient intake. Delicious gooseberries, the calorie content of which is very low, which allows you to eat berries without restrictions even during a diet, help to effectively cope with the stress that inevitably arises during a diet.

Gooseberries retain their beneficial properties both fresh and dried. Dried berries are used to prepare medicinal decoctions, infusions, and tonic compotes. It is recommended to use gooseberry infusion to cleanse the intestines, which helps to reduce weight and normalize digestive processes. To prepare a gooseberry cleansing infusion, you need to pour 1 glass of berries with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist during the day. The infusion is consumed in 0.5 cups on an empty stomach, as well as at bedtime.

The use of such an infusion, both during a diet and for prophylactic purposes, will not only cleanse the body, but also replenish the balance of the elements necessary for the body, increase its protective functions, and restore the action of many systems.

With a fairly low calorie content in gooseberries, these berries can be used as desserts, as well as in place of snacks between meals.

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