Calorie Content Of Raisins - Content Of Fats, Proteins, Carbohydrates And Vitamins

Calorie Content Of Raisins - Content Of Fats, Proteins, Carbohydrates And Vitamins
Calorie Content Of Raisins - Content Of Fats, Proteins, Carbohydrates And Vitamins

Calorie content of raisins

How many calories are in raisins and how to use it correctly
How many calories are in raisins and how to use it correctly

Raisins are sun-dried, sun-dried grapes with seeds. Known for a long time, raisins are an indispensable ingredient in the human diet, due to the high content of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Raisins, the calorie content of which is quite high, allows you to effectively cope with the feeling of hunger, has a calming effect on the nervous system, allows you to gently cleanse the intestines, which contributes to weight loss. How to use raisins for weight loss? How many calories are in raisins?

Raisins: calorie content, vitamin, nutritional composition of dried fruits

Raisins, the calorie content of which is high in comparison with other dried fruits, is valuable because dried berries retain up to 100% of micro- and macroelements, as well as up to 80% of vitamins contained in fresh grapes. Currently, there are several ways to dry berries, however, to get real raisins, the grapes must be dried in the sun for 14-16 days. When dried industrially, the berries acquire a beautiful bright, rich shade that attracts the eye. This effect is achieved with the use of dyes and preservatives, which significantly reduces the beneficial properties of raisins. The calorie content of dried fruits is up to 290 calories per 100 g of the product, depending on the grape variety and the level of sugar content in it.

Despite the high calorie content of berries, raisins are very healthy. Dried berries contain:

  • Proteins - up to 3 g;
  • Fats - up to 0.6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - up to 79 g.

By studying the nutritional composition of raisins, the calories are distributed as follows:

  • Protein - up to 15 calories;
  • Fat - up to 7 calories;
  • Carbohydrates - up to 278 calories.

Raisins, the calorie content of which is higher than the calorie content of fresh grapes, which contain up to 72 calories per 100 g, supplies the body with a number of essential vitamins:

  • В1 - thiamine, catalyzes the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, promotes normal growth and development of the body, normalization of the function of the heart, digestive and nervous systems. Vitamin B1 is not synthesized in the body;
  • B2 - riboflavin, a coenzyme of most biological processes, vitamin is necessary for the formation of red blood cells of erythrocytes, regulation of reproductive function, normalization of thyroid function, maintenance of growth and development of the body, strengthening nails, skin, hair;
  • PP - nicotinic acid, takes part in many oxidative processes of the body, the metabolism of fats, amino acids, purines, proteins, tissue respiration, and biosynthesis processes. Vitamin PP is a drug;
  • C - ascorbic acid, antioxidant, coenzyme of metabolic processes of the body, regulates the synthesis of interferon, takes part in immunomodulation.

Raisins, the calorie content of which must be taken into account by those who want to lose weight, contain a number of minerals:

  • Sodium - up to 11 mg - maintains the osmotic concentration of blood, water, acid-base balance;
  • Potassium - up to 750 mg - supports the work of the cardiovascular system, skeletal muscles, eliminates edema;
  • Calcium - up to 50 mg - calcium ions are involved in blood coagulation processes, ensure the constancy of osmotic blood pressure, regulate muscle tissue contractions, the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters;
  • Magnesium - 35 mg - a cofactor of many biological reactions in the body, an essential element for protein synthesis, normalization of the function of the nervous system, improves intestinal motility;
  • Phosphorus - 101 mg - a coenzyme of many biological processes in the body;
  • Iron - 1.8 mg - a catalyst for oxygen exchange processes, the main active element of blood hemoglobin.

With such a rich composition of raisins, the calorie content of these dried berries can be neglected in the usual diet.

Raisins: Calories and Benefits of Dried Fruit

The benefits of raisins for weight loss
The benefits of raisins for weight loss

Raisins, whose calories are mainly provided by healthy carbohydrates and sugars, help to normalize many body functions. With the regular use of raisins, metabolic processes, sleep are normalized, aggressiveness and irritability decrease. The beneficial properties of raisins, the calorie content of which can be neglected when using berries in small portions, are explained by its rich composition. The high concentration of sugars in raisins stimulates brain activity. Fructose and sucrose are instantly absorbed by the body. A small portion of raisins contributes to the rapid recovery of strength after hard physical and mental work. The high potassium content of raisins, which reach high levels of calories and make them a food contraindicated for overweight people, makes berries an indispensable product for patients,suffering from various heart diseases. The low boron content of raisins helps prevent osteoporosis. Raisins are also beneficial during pregnancy as they are an additional source of iron and are also effective in preventing edema.

How many calories are in raisins: how to eat dried fruits?

Raisins, the calorie content of which is quite high, cannot be attributed to dietary products, but these dried fruits help to normalize metabolic processes. The fiber contained in raisins helps to gently cleanse the stomach and intestines, removing toxins. Trace elements in raisins, the calorie content of which can be neglected even during a diet, help to improve intestinal motility. Raisins, which have a higher calorie content than other dried fruits, are an essential component of any diet, providing:

  • Long-term feeling of fullness. Raisins, the calorie content of which eliminates the feeling of hunger, are recommended to be consumed in small portions during snacks between main meals;
  • Balance of vitamins and microelements in case of deficiency of their intake with food;
  • Cleansing the body;
  • Accelerating the metabolism of body fat.

Raisins for weight loss: how to lose weight by eating delicious dried fruits?

Raisins for weight loss is an effective auxiliary product for weight loss and maintenance of vital functions of the body, restoration of vitamin balance.

How to use raisins for weight loss? Raisins, the calorie content of which does not allow them to be consumed in large quantities, must be included in the diet as an additional product to effectively combat hunger between meals. Raisins are added to low-fat cottage cheese, porridge to add a sweet fruity taste and aroma to dishes, replacing sugar. A decoction of raisins for weight loss is also effective, which must be taken on an empty stomach and 30 minutes before each meal. The broth will cleanse the intestines, provide a feeling of fullness, which will allow you to eat smaller portions at a time. Eating small quantities of berries will allow you not to think about how many calories are in raisins. The lusciously sweet taste of raisins makes it difficult to eat a lot of berries in one go. The permissible norm for the use of raisins for weight loss is up to 40 g per day. With high mental stress, more raisins are allowed in the diet.

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