Discharge from the nipples

The appearance of discharge from the nipples is one of the main complaints with which patients turn to a mammologist. Fluid from the breast may flow spontaneously or appear only when the nipple is squeezed.
The color of nipple discharge can be different: white, yellow, gray, bloody. According to their consistency, they are watery, liquid or thick.
And if the discharge from the nipples during pregnancy of a whitish liquid (colostrum) is the norm, then in all other cases, any discharge from the breast is, most often, a symptom of certain diseases of the mammary glands.
Causes of nipple discharge:
- Ectasia (expansion) of the milk ducts. An inflammatory process occurs in several or one milky duct, as a result of which exudate begins to accumulate in it. The disease usually occurs in women over the age of 40. The first sign is the appearance of dark or green nipple discharge. Treatment is usually conservative, but sometimes surgery may be required to remove the affected duct.
- White nipple discharge is most commonly seen in galactorrhea and is a milky fluid, colostrum, or milk. Such discharge from the nipples during pregnancy, as we said above, is the norm. In all other cases, they are a symptom of hormonal imbalance in a woman's body. Therefore, if you have white discharge from the nipples, then you should definitely visit a mammologist and endocrinologist. You should also donate blood for the content of prolactin and thyroid hormones. Sometimes galactorrhea can occur in women taking oral contraceptives.
- The appearance of transparent discharge of yellow or green color from the nipples can be observed with fibrocystic mastopathy.
- Closed chest injury. In this case, spotting from the nipples is observed. In some patients, they are not bloody, but yellow.
- Transparent discharge from the nipples can appear against the background of acute or with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the female genital organs, as well as after an early miscarriage or artificial abortion.
- Mastitis. With purulent fusion of breast tissue, purulent discharge appears from the nipples. In this case, the treatment is carried out by a surgeon and consists in opening the abscess, draining its cavity and prescribing antibiotics.
- Intraductal papilloma. It is a benign tumor located inside the cavity of the lactiferous duct. One of the symptoms of this disease is the appearance of bloody discharge from the nipples, which has a fairly thick consistency. Surgical treatment with obligatory histological examination of the removed breast tissue.
- Mammary cancer. The disease is asymptomatic for a long time. One of the first signs is the appearance of bloody discharge from the nipple from the affected breast. Often, at the same time, a woman notes an increase in the same breast and the appearance of a nodular neoplasm in its thickness. Some patients complain that they have sore nipples and spontaneous discharge from the chest.
- Paget's disease. This disease is a special form of breast cancer that primarily affects the nipple. With Paget's disease, the appearance of the nipple changes (retraction, deformation), its color (darkening or redness). Often, patients complain that they have discharge and the nipple hurts, or itching, burning occurs in its area. Treatment of Paget's cancer is surgical - removal of the breast (mastectomy).
Discharge from the nipples: what to do?

If you find that you have discharge from the nipples, you should definitely come to an appointment with a mammologist. To make an accurate diagnosis, a laboratory and instrumental examination is required:
- Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the mammary glands;
- Mammography;
- Blood test for hormones;
- Cytological examination of nipple discharge.
Remember that the appearance of any discharge from the mammary glands always requires special attention and a mandatory in-depth examination. This is especially true for bloody discharge from the nipple, in the event of which you should consult a doctor immediately!
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!