A dentist is a specialist who treats diseases and injuries to the teeth, jaw and oral cavity organs.

Dentist professions
The profession of a dentist is a rather broad concept that combines several areas. So, for example, there is a dentist-therapist, dentist-orthopedist, dentist-surgeon, orthodontist, dentist-periodontist, and also children's dentist.
Dentist-therapist deals with the treatment of root canals and caries, and also carries out artistic restoration of teeth with the help of filling materials. Every dentist will say that the easiest way to save a tooth is at the initial stage of decay. However, today, modern materials and tools make it possible to successfully cope with even the most hopeless cases. In this situation, much depends on the experience and skill of the doctor.
A periodontist treats inflammation of the gums, which is the soft tissue and mucous membrane that support and surround the tooth. The gums and teeth are one system. There can be no healthy teeth without healthy gums, and vice versa. Thus, the periodontist deals with the treatment of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane), periodontitis (a complication of gingivitis) and other diseases.
The most unpleasant disease, according to the dentist, is periodontal disease, which occurs when the space between the gum and the tooth becomes infected. In this case, the following symptoms occur - bad breath, pain in the gums. If this disease is not treated, then over time it will lead to the fact that the teeth cease to hold in their nests, begin to wobble and fall out. In the treatment of periodontal disease, the main task of the dentist is to stop the inflammatory process and restore health to teeth and gums. For this purpose, drugs are often used, but sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical methods of treatment.
The dentist-surgeon treats those teeth that cannot be cured with conservative methods. The surgeon is engaged in the extraction of teeth, cleaning the cavity between the gums and teeth (curettage) during periodontal disease, bone grafting (in preparation for prosthetics), removal of cysts, etc.
An orthopedist is a specialist in dental prosthetics. He is also called a prosthetist for short.
Prosthetists, as a rule, deal with those patients who have already been consulted by a dentist-therapist, but the doctor did not consider it possible to restore the tooth with his own means. The prosthetist, in turn, offers the patient prosthetics options and takes dental impressions, on the basis of which the dental technician makes prostheses. After that, the prosthetist carries out their fitting, fitting and fixes them in the patient's mouth.
Today, a dentist can deal with dental prosthetics in various versions - crowns, inlays, bridges and implants. Removable dentures are also used, but over time they are used less and less.
An orthodontist specializes in bite correction. Malocclusion is a fairly common problem that is not only aesthetic in nature. An incorrect bite often interferes with the correct pronunciation of speech and sometimes causes gum and dental disease. At the consultation, the orthodontist will select special braces or aligners for the patient.
The pediatric dentist deals with dental treatment for patients aged 0 to 17 years. In this age period, the child's teeth and jaws are at the stage of formation, therefore, the task of the pediatric dentist is to take into account all the features of age development. The doctor not only treats dental caries, but also monitors the formation of the bite and teeth.
However, predominantly highly qualified dentists go beyond their narrow specialties. For example, a dentist-therapist can successfully combine his profession with the duties of a periodontist, that is, he can also deal with gum treatment.
Where does the dentist see?
Today the profession of dentist is one of the most demanded and, accordingly, highly paid. For consultation with a dentist, patients can turn to both public and private dental clinics.
General dentists are especially in demand in private dental clinics. Such a dentist can easily examine a patient, diagnose himself, draw up a successful treatment plan and implement it.
What qualities should a dentist have?
The profession of a dentist presupposes accuracy and responsibility, a penchant for manual work, well-developed fine motor skills, as well as goodwill and the ability to find a common language with patients.
What skills should a dentist have?
The dentist must be prepared for the fact that he will have to constantly improve his qualifications.
He must thoroughly know the physiology and anatomy of a person, in particular the structure of the teeth, oral cavity, jaws. In addition, he must be able to understand medicines and materials, be able to use dental instruments and equipment, be able to read X-rays and be proficient in diagnostic and treatment methods.
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