Ataxia - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Ataxia - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Ataxia - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Ataxia (ataxia; Greek ataxia - lack of coordination, disorder) is a violation of movements, which is manifested by a disorder of their coordination.

The following types of ataxia are distinguished:

  • Alcoholic (alcoholica) - occurs with alcohol intoxication; due to a functional disorder of the vestibulocerebellar system;
  • Articulation (articulatoria) - accompanied by impaired speech articulation; manifested by its jerkyness, slowness, elongation; observed against the background of damage to the cerebellum and its connections with the brain stem;
  • Vestibular (vestibularis; synonym: labyrinth ataxia) - occurs when the vestibular analyzer is damaged; manifested by nystagmus, dizziness, deviation of the body when standing and walking towards the lesion;
  • Dynamic (dynamica; synonym: locomotor ataxia) - manifested by impaired coordination during voluntary movements of the limbs, especially the upper ones;
  • Hysterical (hysterica) - has a psychogenic origin; characterized by great variability of manifestations, depending on the degree of suggestibility of the patient and his emotional state;
  • Frontal (frontalis) - static-locomotor ataxia on the side opposite to the lesion of the frontal-cerebellopontine pathways;
  • Cerebellar (cerebellaris) - ataxia with damage to the cerebellum and / or its efferent and afferent pathways; manifests itself in the form of static or dynamic ataxia;
  • Acute cerebellar (acerebellaris acuta; synonyms: Westphal-Leiden acute cerebellar ataxia, Leiden-Westphal acute ataxia) - transient cerebellar ataxia; occurs at the height of the development of an acute infectious disease and intoxication or after them;
  • Rubral (rubralis; anat. Nucleus ruber - red nucleus) - dynamic ataxia; combined with a gross tremor of the extremities on the side that is opposite to the lesion focus of the posterior part of the red nucleus;
  • Sensitive (sensitiva) - dynamic and static ataxia; occurs with lesions of the pathways of proprioceptive sensitivity;
  • Spinal (spinalis) - sensitive ataxia; occurs when the posterior columns of the spinal cord are damaged;
  • Static-locomotor (staticolocomotoria) - manifested by disorders of walking and standing;
  • Static (statica; synonym: trunk ataxia) - is manifested by imbalance in the sitting and standing position;
  • Tabetic (tabetica) - spinal ataxia; arises as a manifestation of syphilis of the nervous system.

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