Anastomosis I - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Anastomosis I - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Anastomosis I - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Anastomosis I

Anastomosis I in anatomy:

  1. Anastomosis - PNA (Parisian Anatomical Nomenclature); Greek anastomosis - anastomosis, from anastomoo - to supply with an opening, an opening - a natural connection of two hollow organs (for example, ducts, vessels);
  2. Anastomotic vessel (obsolete) connecting two lymphatic or blood vessels.

The following types of anastomosis are distinguished:

  • Arterial (arterialis) - an anastomosis in the form of an arterial branch or a network that connects two arterial vessels;
  • Arterial extraorganica (arterialis extraorganica) - arterial anastomosis between sections of arteries located outside the organ supplied by them;
  • Arterial intraorganic (arterialis intraorganica) - arterial anastomosis between the sections of the artery inside the organ supplied by it;
  • Arterial intrasystemic (arterialis intrasystemica) - arterial anastomosis between the branches of one main artery;
  • Arterial intersystemica (arterialis intersystemica) - arterial anastomosis between the branches of various major arteries;
  • Arteriovenous glomerular [arteriovenosa glomeriformis - LNH (Leningrad histological nomenclature); synonym: glomus] - arteriovenular anastomosis in the form of a tangle of convoluted vessels, which is surrounded by a connecting capsule and supplied with numerous nerve endings;
  • Arteriovenular [arteriolovenularis - PNA (Parisian Anatomical Nomenclature); arteriovenosa - BNA (Basel Anatomical Nomenclature), JNA (Jena Anatomical Nomenclature); synonym: arteriovenous anastomosis] - connection between arteriole and venule;
  • Venous (venosa) - between two venous vessels;
  • Cavo-cavalis (cavo-cavalis) - venous anastomosis between the tributaries of the inferior and superior vena cava;
  • Carotid-basilar (carotidobasilaris) - arterial anastomosis between the internal carotid and basilar artery of the embryo, which is reduced by the time of birth; at a later age is a developmental anomaly;
  • Portocavalis is a venous anastomosis between the tributaries of the hollow and portal veins; located in the walls of the upper part of the rectum, abdominal esophagus, etc.;
  • Ducts [ductuum - LNE (Leningrad Embryological Nomenclature)] - the connection of the dorsal and ventral ducts of the pancreas of the embryo.

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