Analyzer I - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Analyzer I - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Analyzer I - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:


Analyzer I

Analyzer I is an anatomical and physiological education that provides analysis and perception of information about the phenomena occurring inside the organism itself and / or in the environment, and forms sensations specific to this analyzer.

The following types of analyzers are distinguished:

  • Painful - an analyzer that forms painful sensations under various chemical and physical influences that have a damaging effect on the body;
  • Vestibular - an analyzer that analyzes information about movements and position of the body in space;
  • Gustatory - an analyzer that provides the analysis and perception of chemical stimuli when exposed to the receptors of the tongue and forms taste sensations;
  • Motor - an analyzer that provides analysis and perception of body position in space, as well as active and passive movements of individual parts of the body;
  • Visual - an analyzer that provides analysis and perception of light radiation from the environment and forms images and visual sensations;
  • Interoceptive - an analyzer that provides analysis and perception of information about the state of internal organs;
  • Skin - an analyzer that provides analysis and perception of data coming through the surface of the skin, with the formation of pain, tactile and temperature sensations;
  • Olfactory - an analyzer that provides analysis and perception of data on substances in contact with the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and forms olfactory sensations;
  • Proprioceptive - an analyzer that provides analysis and perception of data on the condition of tendons, muscles, articular surfaces and ligaments;
  • Speech motor - an analyzer that provides analysis and perception of data from the speech organs, in particular, from the muscles that change the tension of the vocal cords;
  • Auditory - an analyzer that provides analysis and perception of sound stimuli and forms auditory images and sensations.

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