Pork Ears - Cooking, Benefits, Calories

Pork Ears - Cooking, Benefits, Calories
Pork Ears - Cooking, Benefits, Calories

Pig ears

Pork ears are a popular snack
Pork ears are a popular snack

For some reason, the society has a mistaken opinion that only wealthy people can afford to eat tasty and wholesome food, and the rest are forced to choose food, focusing not so much on their nutritional value and usefulness, but on their cost. But actually it is not. There are many different products that, despite their affordable price, have high taste and useful qualities. Pig ears can also be attributed to them.

Pig ears application

There are various ways to cook pork ears. They are smoked, fried, baked, boiled. Fried pork ears, which are initially marinated in red oil, soy sauce, vinegar, honey, garlic dressing, etc., are very tasty. There are lovers of this offal who eat it raw. In many countries of the world, pork ears are considered one of the best delicacies, for example, in Ukraine, Czech Republic, Germany, Korea, Lithuania, Belarus, and the Philippines.

But despite this, there will always be people who say that this food product not only does not cause appetite, but is simply not tasty. Most often, such statements can be heard from those who have never tasted this delicacy or tried it where the secret of making pork ears is not known. Therefore, gourmets advise to try pork ears for the first time only in those establishments where the chef knows how to skillfully cook them.

The benefits of pig ears

Many people refuse to eat pig ears due to their high cholesterol content. Yes, there is really a lot of cholesterol in them, and therefore this food product is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. But for everyone else, moderate consumption of pig ears will only benefit.

Pork ears contain about 38% of complete protein, which is necessary for building cells and normalizing metabolism in the human body.

The benefit of pork ears lies in the fact that they are rich in minerals, in particular magnesium and zinc. We often obtain these substances, useful and necessary for the normal functioning of the body, from imported vitamin and mineral complexes, which are quite expensive. And pig ears are a natural and harmless source of them!

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of pig ears for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as, for example, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis or osteoarthritis deformans. Pork ears are also useful for bone fractures, joint injuries. This is due to the fact that they contain a lot of calcium and collagen salts - a protein that is the basis of tendons and cartilage. In addition, collagen is essential for healthy skin, nails and hair. The calcium contained in pork ears is well and almost completely absorbed, because this product also contains phosphorus salts, which are necessary for its assimilation.

Pork ears also contain B vitamins, iron, iodine, potassium and sodium.

The calorie content of pork ears does not exceed 220 kcal per 100.0 g of raw product. When cooking, the calorie content of pork ears naturally increases due to the addition of honey, oil, etc. The highest calorie content is found in fried pork ears, and the lowest in boiled or baked ones.

Cooking pork ears

Grilled pork ears
Grilled pork ears

Pork ears can be served as a cold or hot snack. It is very simple to prepare them. We offer you a recipe for pickled pork ears. Rinse 0.5 kg of pork ears thoroughly under running water and boil in salt water for at least two hours. Remove from water and cool. Cut the finished ears into small strips (it is more convenient to do this with scissors) and put them in a plastic bag.

To prepare the marinade, mix 50.0 g of vegetable oil, 50.0 ml of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of finely crushed coriander, 3 chopped cloves of garlic, add salt, sugar and pepper to taste. Pour the marinade over the pork ears. Tie the bag tightly and shake vigorously several times to distribute the marinade evenly in it. Refrigerate for 24 hours.

If the process of cooking pork ears seems too long and complicated for you, then you can always buy a ready-made version in the store. But at the same time, do not forget that many manufacturers add various dyes and flavors to this delicacy, which are far from safe for human health. Therefore, if you care about proper nutrition, then it is still better to spend a few hours cooking pork ears and enjoy a truly tasty and healthy dish!

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