Pork Tongue - Calorie Content, Benefits, Harm

Pork Tongue - Calorie Content, Benefits, Harm
Pork Tongue - Calorie Content, Benefits, Harm

Pig tongue

Since ancient times, meat has been the most popular component of the daily human diet. Pork is one of the most common types of meat. Pork contains a significant amount of zinc, iron, amino acids, vitamin B (especially B12). Pork proteins are the closest to natural proteins. Due to its beneficial components, pork is considered an irreplaceable product that helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and the development of physical health. Red meat is considered healthy, because it contains less cholesterol than chicken or beef. In addition, this type of meat contains myoglobin, which is responsible for the movement of oxygen through the muscles.

Pork tongue fresh
Pork tongue fresh

Pork tongue is considered a by-product of the first category. In terms of nutritional value, this delicacy is second only to the first grade meat. The weight of one pork tongue varies from 250 to 450 grams. It has a delicate structure and pleasant taste, so this product is in constant demand.

Composition and calorie content of pork tongue

One hundred grams of the product contains 65.1 mg of water, 50 mg of cholesterol, 5.1 mg of saturated fatty acids and 1 g of ash.

Pork tongue is a supplier of such valuable biologically active substances as B vitamins, vitamins E and PP, potassium, calcium, sodium, manganese, iron, cobalt.

The calorie content of the pork tongue is 208 kcal per hundred grams of product. Of these, 34 kcal are for proteins, 115 kcal for fats, and 59 kcal for carbohydrates. This composition provides 10% of the required calories from the daily value.

The benefits of pork tongue

The benefit of pork tongue is not only that it acts as an excellent source of biologically active substances, but also that this delicacy is also a valuable supplier of protein to the human body. The language is indicated for use by adolescents during the period of active growth, athletes, people who have suffered severe injuries. A properly prepared tongue is also great for baby food. The benefits of pork tongue for people suffering from anemia, kidney disease, infectious diseases, as well as after frostbite and burns are undeniable.

Pork harm

Since the tongue contains a large amount of cholesterol, it is contraindicated in atherosclerosis. In the human body, the fat of this product is converted to cholesterol. And cholesterol, as you know, contributes to the appearance of fatty plaques and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. The use of pork tongue is contraindicated in liver diseases, as well as in cholecystitis and gastritis. Pork, including the tongue, contains a significant amount of histamine, which provokes various allergic reactions, often leading to the development of eczema, dermatitis, phlegm, abscesses, as well as thrombophlebitis and appendicitis.

Ways to cook pork tongue

There are many recipes for pork tongue dishes. These are mainly cold appetizers, aspic, salads. However, those who follow the figure should not abuse this product. The high calorie content of the pork tongue contributes to the appearance of unwanted extra pounds.

Boiled pork tongue
Boiled pork tongue

Before boiling, this delicacy is soaked in water, since raw skin is very difficult to remove from it. Pork tongue has a specific flavor, so it is very important to cook it correctly. The tongue is boiled under a tightly closed lid for about three hours, with the addition of parsley root, bay leaf and onions. The resulting broth is called ram. Ram is very nutritious and healthy. At the same time, the cooking water is replaced every half hour. After boiling, the finished product is immersed in cold water for a few seconds until it is partially cooled and then the skin is removed. Ram can be filtered through cheesecloth and stored in the refrigerator. Pork tongue is best served with grated horseradish and vinegar.

Boiled tongue can be used in various salads, added to mushrooms and asparagus, or used as meat loafs or homemade sausages. Ram can also be used to make aspic, homemade noodles, and other dishes.

If the tongue is baked in a bag or foil, then peel it only after complete cooking. After baking, slightly cool the tongue, remove the skin from it.

The skin is very easy to remove from the smoked delicacy. If the skin is poorly removed, then the tongue has not yet boiled enough.

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