Guar Gum - Uses, Harm, Benefits

Guar Gum - Uses, Harm, Benefits
Guar Gum - Uses, Harm, Benefits

Guar gum

Guar gum is an E412 additive that is used in the food industry as a stabilizer, thickener and viscosity-imparting agent.

Guar gum is made from the seeds of the Guar plant
Guar gum is made from the seeds of the Guar plant

Naturally occurring guar gum is obtained from the seeds of the Guar plant, also known as Cyamopsis quadrangularis, a pea tree. Essentially, gum is a wood glue that is released from the damaged bark of a plant.

The second common name for guar gum is guarana, which can often be found on food labels.

In terms of its composition, guarana is similar to locust bean gum (additive E410), but it surpasses it in all characteristics.

Guar gum dissolves well in water, it is elastic and tough, withstands freezing and defrosting.

The main supplier of guar gum is India. In addition, the food supplement is produced in Pakistan, Australia, Africa.

Application of guar gum E412

Most often, guar gum is used for the production of ice cream and desserts, which are served chilled - the additive helps to slow down the ice crystallization process.

As a stabilizer, gum is used by manufacturers of meat, dairy products, cheeses, jellies, jams, toppings.

Guar gum E412 is used as a flour improver in the production of bakery products.

Manufacturers of oils and fats use guarana as a substance that provides fixation of food components.

Gum is added to sauces, ketchups and seasonings during their manufacture - to give them a dense consistency.

E412 additive can be found in ready-made salads, juices, dry soups, canned fish.

Manufacturers often use guar gum in combination with locust bean gum, agar, methylcellulose, carrageenan, pectin and other substances that improve the structure of products. They reinforce each other's action.

To summarize, the main properties of guar gum, which are of interest to the food industry, are the regulation of viscosity, moisture retention, increasing the elasticity of food products, increasing their volume, giving them a creamy consistency, and increasing their shelf life.

Guar Gum Powder
Guar Gum Powder

Guar gum is also used in the medical industry - it is added to drugs for diabetics so that sugar in the intestine is absorbed more slowly, as well as to other drugs and dietary supplements.

Guar gum - harm and benefit

It is believed that regular consumption of foods containing guar gum can help reduce appetite, lower cholesterol and fat levels, improve calcium absorption, and remove toxins and bacteria from the intestines. The gum can have a laxative effect.

Guarana can be recommended to be included in the diet menu - the supplement provides a feeling of fullness.

It is officially recognized that guar gum cannot harm humans, since it is not absorbed in the intestines. Cases of poisoning with the E412 additive have not been recorded, so there is reason to believe that it is really harmless. Another question is how conscientious the manufacturers are. In Russia, there have been cases when, under the guise of E412 additives, substances containing toxins were included in the composition of products.

Adherence to reasonable guar gum consumption rates is essential. In case of an overdose, dietary supplements and preparations based on guarana can cause pain in the intestines and stomach, nausea, and flatulence. In addition, the question of the medicinal compatibility of guar gum with other prescribed medications should always be studied, otherwise serious complications may arise.

With regard to such an advertised property of guar gum as weight loss, then this theory has been refuted by scientists.

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