Exercises From The Ears On The Hips

Exercises From The Ears On The Hips
Exercises From The Ears On The Hips

Exercises from the ears on the hips

The ears on the thighs inflict true suffering on many women and girls. This part of the female body is the first to store fat reserves and the last to part with them.

How to do exercises from the ears to the hips
How to do exercises from the ears to the hips

Of course, in order to cope with the problem, you will need to normalize nutrition and exclude all provoking factors from it. At the same time, it will not be possible to do without physical exercise from the ears on the hips.

Removing the ears on the hips: exercises for success

There are a great many exercises from the ears on the hips. At the same time, there are five main ones that can be successfully performed at home regularly and without the help of a coach. Each person determines the number of repetitions and approaches for himself individually, taking into account his own physical capabilities, age and health.

The first exercise is more convenient to perform on a gymnastic mat. It consists in abducting the legs from the knee-elbow position. The arms are straight, and the joints of the legs are bent at right angles. The bent leg is bent to the side parallel to the body in a vertical plane without extension. Upon returning to the starting position, the movement is repeated with the second leg. The exercise is repeated 15-20 times for each leg in 2-3 sets. Rest between sets - 2-3 minutes.

The second exercise from the ears on the hips is swinging the legs. They are performed intensively and with the maximum possible amplitude. Swings can be done both backward and sideways. The number of repetitions is 20-30 for each leg, 2-3 sets with 2-3 minutes of break in between.

The starting position for the third exercise against the ears on the thighs is lying on your side. The upper part of the body rests on an arm bent at the elbow joint. Now leg swings are performed from a horizontal position, and they make sure that the raised leg is parallel to the body, and does not deviate to the side. Repeat the exercise 25-30 times with each leg, 2-3 approaches and a 2-3 minute break between them.

The fourth exercise is lunges. From a standing position, they take a step forward, bend the knee at a right angle, and leave the other in place. In this case, the "remaining" leg falls parallel to the floor and tries to touch it with the knee. 15-20 lunges are performed for 2-3 approaches with rest breaks. This exercise is especially effective with a dumbbell load.

One of the most useful and effective exercises for the ears on the thighs is squats. It is only important to adhere to the correct technique for its implementation. In particular, the legs should be shoulder-width apart to engage the external thigh muscles. It is also useful to take dumbbells in your hands. It will take 20-40 repetitions, 2-3 sets and 2-3 minutes of rest in between. With overweight, it makes sense to reduce the number of repetitions so as not to have a destructive effect on the knee joints.

An excellent exercise from the ears on the hips is a semi-bridge. You will need to lie down, bend your knees, feet on the floor, arms along your torso. We raise the pelvis, straining the buttocks and fixing ourselves in a raised position for a few seconds. 12 reps, 2-3 sets, rest.

The most effective exercises from the ears on the hips
The most effective exercises from the ears on the hips

Exercises against the ears on the thighs: general recommendations

The key to the success of performing exercises from the ears on the hips is systematicity. Classes should be held at least three times a week every other day. Already after a month, you can feel noticeable results.

The second rule is complexity. Any one exercise will not give the desired effect, namely, their combination in practice gives the long-awaited result.

Do not forget that excessive physical activity for an unprepared body is fraught with injuries and sprains. On an emotional level, this can lead to demotivation. In this issue, the saying that "less is more, but better" is most appropriate.

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