Diet For Hips - Basic Rules, Menu Options, Recommendations

Diet For Hips - Basic Rules, Menu Options, Recommendations
Diet For Hips - Basic Rules, Menu Options, Recommendations

Diet for thighs

Basic principles of the thigh diet
Basic principles of the thigh diet

Hips, buttocks and abdomen are the most "problematic" areas that give women a lot of grief. Fat deposits in these places appear quickly - due to the physiological characteristics of the woman's body, but it can be extremely difficult to correct the figure.

A diet that is based on the exclusion of fatty foods, alcohol, sweets from the diet helps to lose weight in the hips, incl. chocolate, flour. Allowed to eat rice, seafood, cereals, lean meat, wholemeal bread, vegetables, legumes, fruits.

Calorie content of the daily diet: 1200 calories for a woman and 1500 for a man.

Basic diet rules for hips and abdomen

  • The duration of the thigh diet is no more than 2 weeks. Prolonged restriction of fats and proteins can lead to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, metabolic disorders.
  • At the end of the diet, it is important to get out of it correctly, and not to abuse flour, sweet and fat in the future.
  • The norm of proteins in a diet for slimming thighs is no more than 25g per day.
  • Meals should be fractional: three main meals and two or three additional snacks.
  • We must not forget about sufficient water intake: 30 ml per kilogram of body weight per day must be drunk - this will ensure good digestion.
  • The daily diet menu for the hips and abdomen should be varied, otherwise psychological discomfort will arise, and it will be problematic to lose weight.

Thigh Slimming Diet Menu

The first option for the thigh diet:

For breakfast, you can drink low-fat yogurt or kefir (no more than 1%), eat some fruit and a slice of rye bread with a tomato.

Thigh Slimming Diet Menu
Thigh Slimming Diet Menu

For lunch, you can sit down 200 g of boiled chicken meat, vegetable salad with lemon juice, drink tea or coffee.

For dinner, you can stew vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, and legumes are especially useful. You can also eat one baked apple.

The second diet option for the hips and abdomen:

For breakfast, you can eat boiled potatoes with boiled mushrooms, rye bread, drink coffee or tea.

For lunch, you can bake or roast meat well, eat a few fresh tomatoes.

For dinner, you can again stew vegetables, boil buckwheat porridge.

Cheese, vegetables and fruits, crisp bread or wholemeal bread, low-fat yogurt, cereals are suitable as snacks in the morning and afternoon during the thigh diet.

To lose weight in the thighs, the diet can be based on one product (mono diet). It is better to lose weight in this way in the summer, for example, during the ripening season of melons: watermelon and melon. Watermelon is rich in fiber and well removes fluid from the body, and melon removes toxins, has a laxative and diuretic effect. For weight loss on watermelon and melon, you can "sit" no more than a week, because a mono-diet is quite difficult for the body. For a longer thigh diet, add boiled eggs and brown bread to the diet.

In the summer, you can also use such a diet for slimming thighs: eat green vegetables and fruits throughout the day without restriction: apples, bell peppers, all types of cabbage, cucumbers, beans in pods, zucchini, parsley, lettuce, dill and other greens. The exception is green peas. Such a diet lasts for two weeks, while once a week you can include the following foods to choose from in the daily menu:

  • grilled mushrooms, one boiled potato, vegetable salad;
  • dietary yogurt, cereals and vegetable salad;
  • grilled lean meats, boiled corn kernels

What else you need to know about the thigh diet

As in any other case, only restricting food will not work. To lose weight in the thighs, a diet will only help if it is combined with exercise. Any kind of load on the legs will do: squats, jumping rope, running and walking, swimming, aerobics, dancing, skiing and skating.

To tidy up the skin after a diet for the thighs, to remove cellulite from the thighs and abdomen will help wraps with chocolate or algae, massage.

Sports should be continued after the end of the diet, and weight loss courses should be carried out periodically, once every one or two months.

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