Chronic Fatigue Treatment

Chronic Fatigue Treatment
Chronic Fatigue Treatment

Chronic fatigue treatment

Modern living conditions do not always have a positive effect on human health. The ecological situation, constant exposure to stress factors, and altered environmental microflora lead to the development of new pathological conditions. One of them is chronic fatigue syndrome. In this article, we will consider the causes, symptoms and treatment tactics for patients with this disease.

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

More on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease characterized by loss of energy, apathy, persistent depression of mood, which alternates with bouts of aggressive behavior. These manifestations occur even after minor mental or physical exertion and do not go away after good rest.

Most often, pathology develops in working people with increased responsibility, as well as residents of megacities. Chronic fatigue syndrome has been assigned a separate code for the international classification of diseases, which indicates the importance of the problem.

Asthenia is similar in symptomatology and pathogenesis to chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition develops after severe infections, due to emotional exhaustion and somatic diseases. As with chronic fatigue, asthenia worsens a person's quality of life and requires immediate and competent treatment.

Why Chronic Fatigue Occurs

According to some reports, a disruption in the work of the energy center of the brain - the reticular formation, which is responsible for active wakefulness due to a decrease in the production of ATP energy - is the main cause of chronic fatigue.

Factors that can trigger the development of chronic fatigue include:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Acute and chronic diseases.
  3. Poisoning.
  4. Chronic stress.
  5. Excessive mental and physical stress.

These factors negatively affect the neurons of the brain, disrupting their normal functioning. Such pathological changes in cells require appropriate correction. Treatment of chronic fatigue should be comprehensive and aimed, among other things, at improving metabolic processes in the tissue of the central nervous system.

Chronic fatigue symptoms

The severity of the symptoms of the disease depends on its stage. The exacerbation is accompanied by a significant deterioration in the patient's condition, during the period of remission the manifestations are insignificant. The main symptoms of chronic fatigue include:

  1. a constant feeling of fatigue that lasts for a long period;
  2. lack of strength and desire to perform any actions;
  3. violation of the quality of sleep, an increase in the period of falling asleep;
  4. decreased appetite.

The variety of symptoms makes it difficult to diagnose the condition. In most cases, patients seek medical help from family doctors or therapists. Unfortunately, they often misdiagnose. Therefore, when the above symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a narrow specialist - a neurologist. This doctor will select the optimal treatment for chronic fatigue based on differential diagnosis.

Chronic fatigue treatment

Correction of the condition of patients with chronic fatigue should only be dealt with by a doctor: self-medication in this case can aggravate the course of the pathology. According to the recommendations of health care professionals, it is necessary to create a protective regime for the patient, which will combine periods of good rest and sufficient physical activity.

It is important to protect the patient from stress factors, carry out therapy for somatic diseases, and increase the activity of the immune system. Along with this, the patient's diet should be normalized, including foods high in vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

A key focus in the treatment of chronic fatigue is drug therapy. Various drugs are used, with the help of which all pathogenetic links of the disease are affected.

Cytoflavin - a drug for the treatment of chronic fatigue
Cytoflavin - a drug for the treatment of chronic fatigue

Medicines containing succinic acid deserve special attention. The original representative of this group of drugs is Cytoflavin. It has four components:

  • succinic acid;
  • inosine;
  • nicotinamide;
  • riboflavin.

The benefits of succinic acid, proven by clinical studies, are much more pronounced in this combination. The components of the drug "Cytoflavin" are metabolites - they nourish weakened cells of the nervous system, improving their energy. In addition, the drug has an antioxidant and antihypoxant effect. The substances that make up "Cytoflavin" prevent premature aging of brain cells and promote active transfer of oxygen from capillaries to neurons, eliminating hypoxia.

"Cytoflavin" can be used in the treatment of patients with an acute stage of chronic fatigue, using an injection form of release. Also, this drug is effective during the period of remission: taking the tablets allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the nervous tissue and prevent exacerbation.

Asthenia treatment

The use of "Cytoflavin" for the treatment of asthenia is justified. In this condition, pathological processes similar to those in chronic fatigue are observed in the nervous tissue.

Patients have:

  • depletion of energy reserves in neurocytes;
  • hypoxia of nerve cells;
  • inhibition of excitation processes;
  • unpleasant subjective sensations in the muscles of the limbs;
  • cerebral and joint pain;
  • a stable depressive mood, which can be replaced by bouts of anger or aggression towards others;
  • subfebrile body temperature.

The use of succinic acid in this case is beyond doubt. Together with the rest of the components of "Cytoflavin", the substance increases the energy reserves in cells, eliminates hypoxia and reduces the intensity of free radicals formation.

The benefits of succinic acid in the treatment of asthenia
The benefits of succinic acid in the treatment of asthenia

In addition to drugs, patients with asthenia are prescribed restorative treatment, physiotherapy, good nutrition and rest. Treatment of chronic fatigue and asthenia is a lengthy process, so it is important that the drugs used in the therapy regimens do not have a negative effect on the body.

The experience of using "Cytoflavin" showed that taking it for 25 days, as prescribed in the instructions, was not accompanied by significant adverse reactions. At the same time, the benefits of succinic acid in combination with other components of the drug were noticeable after 7 days of use and persisted for 1 month after the completion of the course of treatment. In general, the use of "Cytoflavin" in the complex treatment of patients with chronic fatigue or asthenia will contribute to their speedy recovery and return to normal life.

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