Get Rid Of Fatigue After Work

Get Rid Of Fatigue After Work
Get Rid Of Fatigue After Work

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Get rid of fatigue after work

How to get rid of tiredness after work
How to get rid of tiredness after work

It would seem a strange question - how to get rid of fatigue after work. Relax, naturally. Of course, this is the correct answer, but it is not always possible to rest in such a way as to get rid of fatigue, and the evidence of this is the rapidly growing number of people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and various sleep disorders. There are few townspeople who are unfamiliar with the feeling that work has filled everything, that in the morning they wake up already tired, and that life has turned into a series of bleak, tiring days. Therefore, resting, having fun, sleeping and getting rid of fatigue are not always the same thing.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian physiologist I. M. Sechenov convincingly proved by a series of experiments that the most complete rest provides not complete rest, but a change of activity. This statement means that active recreation is much better for relieving fatigue than passive reclining on the couch in front of the TV or sitting in front of a monitor screen. No matter how strange it may seem at first glance, nevertheless, it is a fact, scientifically substantiated and proven. Everyone can conduct an experiment for one month: sign up for a gym, and come home from work not to travel on social networks, but to spend an hour in active sports. If you don't have time to visit the gym, an evening jog in the park, or at least a fifteen-minute Pilates roller coaster from YouTube, is fine.

Comparing your feelings with what you experienced before and after the experiment, you will understand that the physiologist Sechenov was three times right. Only those who are physically tired can have a good rest, this is very important. The problem is that a modern person hardly gets tired physically. The technique does everything that is possible for him, it also delivers the mortal body to the place of work and back, and as a result, the over-excited and overworked mind rushes about in a body full of unspent energy. This is the root of all evil and the reason that getting rid of fatigue is so difficult.

Mastering relaxation techniques gives a good effect. They help to relax completely, thus allowing the mind and body to relax. However, relaxation techniques are good as a complement to the basic rule above. To help them, you can use aromatherapy, warm foot baths, massage. Walking in the fresh air helps to get rid of fatigue very well, they give the necessary physical activity to the muscles, without exhausting the body, and at the same time provide an influx of oxygen. For people whose work is related to mental activity and is characterized by sedentary activity, walking in the fresh air is the first necessity, along with food, water and sleep.

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