Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms

Chronic fatigue syndrome, also called "yuppie syndrome", "manager's syndrome" and "couch plague", is a disease that was isolated in a separate form only in 1988, but has now become an epidemic that has engulfed a significant part of the population of large cities. Some doctors tend to consider chronic fatigue syndrome not as an independent disease, but as a borderline state between health and disease. Most agree that since chronic fatigue syndrome can last for several years, manifesting itself as persistent symptoms, it is still not a borderline condition, but a disease that requires adequate therapy. People do not die or become disabled from chronic fatigue syndrome, but the quality of life is significantly reduced in people,and in advanced cases, complete disability may occur. The most active and productive part of the population suffers from this disease, women more often than men.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Causes

It is currently believed that the main cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is a modern way of life, which is extremely unhealthy for a person, especially one that is far from natural among residents of megacities. Urban residents suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome dozens of times more often than rural residents, in whom such a disease is extremely rare, literally in isolated cases. People who do manual labor also develop chronic fatigue syndrome much less frequently than people whose work is not related to physical activity. Analyzing the lifestyle of patients, doctors are able to identify the following causes of chronic fatigue syndrome:

  • Physical inactivity. As a result of a decrease in physical activity at times, compared with normal, not only the musculoskeletal system suffers. The negative effect is on the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems, and on the metabolism in general.
  • Unbalanced nutrition and hyperphagia. Under natural conditions, all living things get their own food with difficulty, and in quantities necessary to maintain life. Modern people have unlimited access to food, and food products are far from healthy in their composition. This is a refined food, poor in nutrients, but rich in calories and artificial chemical compounds. Even large quantities of such food cannot saturate the body, and often starvation is hidden behind the symptoms of hyperphagia (overeating), since there are not enough vital substances.
  • Increased emotional and mental stress. Modern residents of megalopolises, especially the prosperous part of them, spend most of their time in a state of stress, without resting or relaxing for a long time, sometimes weeks or even months. This gradually leads to depletion of compensatory mechanisms.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms

Chronic fatigue syndrome has many symptoms. This disease can be disguised as migraines, pharyngitis, arthritis and many others, so its diagnosis can be difficult. There are major (major) and minor (minor) symptoms of chronic fatigue.

The major symptoms of chronic fatigue are two: fatigue that does not have a specific cause for a long time, which does not go away even after a long rest; and a decrease in the mode of physical activity by more than half.

Minor symptoms include:

  • Ailments of unknown etiology, similar to influenza, a feeling of weakness,
  • inability to concentrate
  • general discomfort
  • headaches,
  • dizziness
  • a sore throat,
  • feeling of anxiety, depression
  • chest pain not associated with heart disease
  • digestive disorders (irritable bowel syndrome or chronic constipation),
  • arrhythmias,
  • interruptions in blood pressure,
  • susceptibility to infectious diseases,
  • irritability,
  • depression,
  • sleep disorders.

One often hears the following description of chronic fatigue syndrome from patients: “Nothing hurts for me, and everything hurts at the same time. I'm tired and I feel bad. A characteristic symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is that even after sleep, a person does not regain strength, and he feels tired at the beginning of the day. Vacation does not help either, during which the manifestations may soften a little, but not completely disappear.

Diagnostics of the chronic fatigue syndrome

The diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome of the disease is extremely difficult due to the multiplicity of symptoms and the absence of a sharp severity of any group. The disease is diagnosed on the basis of the existing clinical picture, in the presence of one of the major and more than six minor symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

The main thing in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is not drug therapy, although it is also used, but lifestyle changes. Without this, any medication will have only a temporary effect, and sooner or later the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome will return again.

Recommendations for lifestyle changes for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome are given as follows:

  • normalization of the daily routine, with sufficient rest, at least 8 hours of sleep;
  • individually selected physical activity, preferably daily, but not excessive. For example, long walks;
  • normalization of nutrition. A diet that takes into account energy consumption, with a predominance of fresh vegetables and fruits, complex carbohydrates and dairy products. Refusal of fatty, fried, smoked foods, fast food and sweets;
  • training in relaxation techniques and their application in everyday life.

A good effect in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is given by a course of acupuncture, which helps to relieve neuromuscular tension; for the same purpose, physiotherapy is used, especially hydrotherapy, ozone therapy, as well as therapeutic massage in one or more courses. If necessary, the patient is assigned a psychotherapist consultation.

From medications, immunocorrectors are used, since with chronic fatigue syndrome there is a persistent decrease in immunity, and vitamin therapy as a general tonic. They also use symptomatic treatment, depending on the manifestations of the disease: pain reliever for headaches and muscle pains, cold remedies, mild laxative, etc. It is possible to use sedatives (sedatives), but for a short time, since they can be addictive, in addition, they reduce the ability to concentrate, which is already reduced in chronic fatigue syndrome. The appointment of hypnotics is not recommended, but is also allowed for a short time, since they are quickly addictive and do not contribute to the development of a normal mode of activity and rest.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
