Chronic And Acute Vaginitis - Symptoms, Treatment

Chronic And Acute Vaginitis - Symptoms, Treatment
Chronic And Acute Vaginitis - Symptoms, Treatment


Vaginitis symptoms
Vaginitis symptoms

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. The disease can be of infectious etiology, i.e. occur due to contact with the mucous membrane of the vagina of pathogenic bacteria, viruses or yeast fungi.

More rarely, there are non-infectious vaginitis caused by allergies or burns. Chemicals in intimate products can cause similar reactions.

Often, due to the consonance of the names, vaginitis is confused with vaginosis - a bacterial dysbiosis of the vagina. This is another form of non-infectious vaginitis.

Vaginitis symptoms

Vaginitis is manifested by specific vaginal discharge. A small amount of colorless and odorless secretion is normal and does not apply to the clinical symptoms of vaginitis. But if the discharge became profuse, acquired an unpleasant odor and began to cause irritation on the skin, this phenomenon may be one of the symptoms of vaginitis.

Another important symptom of vaginitis is vaginal itching. It can cause severe discomfort during intercourse. The itching usually worsens after urinating.

Types of vaginitis

The most widespread are 5 main types of vaginitis of infectious origin. Their classification is based on the type of pathogen:

  • fungal vaginitis or candidiasis,
  • bacterial vaginitis,
  • viral vaginitis,
  • chlamydial vaginitis,
  • trichomoniasis vaginitis.

The symptoms of vaginitis for each of the above types are quite similar. Therefore, it is possible to accurately determine the cause of the disease only after analyzing the vaginal culture.

Depending on the clinical course of the disease, it is customary to distinguish between chronic and acute vaginitis. In acute vaginitis, the most intense manifestation of symptoms of the disease is observed. The itching sensation can be very strong, the discharge is profuse, purulent or cheesy. With acute vaginitis, difficulty urinating and severe pain in the lower abdomen are also possible.

Symptoms of chronic vaginitis are more prolonged in time, but less pronounced. With chronic vaginitis, itching may be absent, and the discharge is not abundant. However, with every decrease in immunity caused by illness, stress, pregnancy, chronic vaginitis worsens.

Over time, women with chronic vaginitis develop ulceration in the vagina. They can cause discomfort during sex and problems with orgasm.

Diagnosis of vaginitis

The diagnosis of "vaginitis" is made by examining the contents of the vaginal smear. For this, its pH is studied, as well as microscopic, cultural and immunological composition. The degree of the inflammatory reaction is determined by the number of leukocytes.

For the analysis to be reliable, a woman should not have sex, wash or douche before visiting a gynecologist.

Vaginitis treatment

Effective treatment of vaginitis with rosemary essential oil
Effective treatment of vaginitis with rosemary essential oil

Treatment of vaginitis of an infectious or non-infectious origin is always aimed at correcting the ecosystem of the vagina. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, vitamin preparations and eubiotics are used to remove pathogenic microorganisms and colonize the vagina with beneficial bacteria.

In the local treatment of vaginitis, derivatives of Metronidazole and Nitromidazole are often used. They have a positive effect on the vaginal flora and stimulate the production of interferon. Local treatment of vaginitis occurs with vaginal suppositories. The drugs are used once a day before bedtime.

Treatment of vaginitis is not carried out during menstruation, and also only under the strict supervision of a doctor and is very limited during pregnancy and lactation. It is especially dangerous to use suppositories based on Metronidazole and Nitromidazole in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Prevention of vaginitis

The development of vaginitis can prevent avoiding wearing synthetic underwear and tight pants. In order to avoid exacerbation of the disease, women with chronic vaginitis are advised to eat more dairy products with live bacteria and use special intimate hygiene products with lactic acid.

To prevent the development of acute vaginitis caused by sexually transmitted Trichomonas or chlamydia, it is also important to always use barrier methods of contraception.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
