What Causes Pain In The Lower Abdomen On The Left

What Causes Pain In The Lower Abdomen On The Left
What Causes Pain In The Lower Abdomen On The Left

What causes pain in the lower abdomen on the left

Drawing pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women
Drawing pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women

Lower abdominal pain on the left can be a symptom of various diseases. With regular discomfort, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe an examination of the abdominal cavity and reproductive system. Any painful sensations, and especially pronounced ones, should not be ignored. The sooner medical assistance is provided, the more chances that the treatment will be effective and the disease will not cause complications.

Causes of pain in the lower left abdomen in women

On the left side of the abdominal cavity are the left kidney, intestines and internal reproductive organs. Lower abdominal pain on the left usually indicates one of the following conditions:

  • Inflammation of the colon - painful sensations are often accompanied by upset stools and bloating. Inflammatory processes in the lower intestine are manifested by stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the left. The first thing to do in this case is to go on a diet that excludes fresh fruits and vegetables, spices, milk, spicy and black bread from the diet. If this does not help, a doctor's consultation is necessary;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (acute inflammatory process in the uterine appendages) - accompanied by pain in the left abdomen. Sometimes the temperature rises. It is important to prevent the spread of infection in the small pelvis, as this can lead to peritonitis;
  • Ovarian cyst - with this disease, the temperature rises, nausea, vomiting and severe aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left appear. With such symptoms, a woman must definitely visit a gynecologist, since this is a serious disease that requires surgical intervention;
  • Ectopic pregnancy - this condition is accompanied by pain that spreads throughout the abdominal cavity and gets worse over time, especially during movement. If medical care is not provided on time, the fallopian tube will rupture, which is accompanied by sudden severe acute pain;
  • Ovarian apoplexy is a hemorrhage when a mature follicle ruptures with an egg, often after physical exertion or sex. Symptoms of this condition are severe acute pain radiating to the rectum and lower back, as well as nausea, vomiting, weakness, up to loss of consciousness;
  • Torsion of the legs of the ovarian cyst - severe pulling pain in the lower abdomen on the left can appear when the cyst of the left ovary is twisted by more than 90 °. The cyst is located on a pedicle through which blood vessels pass. If it becomes twisted, the blood supply is disrupted, the cyst enlarges and can grow together with neighboring organs. This condition is accompanied by severe painful sensations after physical exertion or sex, nausea, vomiting, high fever. Surgical intervention is required;
  • Painful periods - when the follicles rupture and the egg is released, painful sensations in the lower abdomen may appear, which should not cause much concern. But if at the same time clots appear in the menstrual flow, perhaps an inflammatory process has begun in the body, and treatment is necessary.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left in men

In men, in addition to inflammation of the large intestine, the appearance of aching or stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the left may be associated with diseases of the genitourinary system: prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, malignant or benign tumors of the genital organs. Unpleasant sensations in this area are a mandatory reason for visiting a urologist.


To eliminate pain, you need to find out what exactly caused it. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a doctor - first, he conducts an initial examination of the patient, palpation, and then prescribes laboratory and instrumental research methods. To clarify the causes of pain in the lower left abdomen, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, laboratory analysis for the presence of herpes infection, X-ray examination of the lumbosacral spine and pelvic bones, X-ray or endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder are usually prescribed. For women with chronic pelvic pain, it is advisable to undergo laparoscopy, since this is a necessary stage in the diagnosis of endometriosis, inflammation of the uterine appendages, adhesions in the abdominal cavity, in the pelvis and other diseases that most often cause discomfort in the lower abdomen.

How to relieve aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left

Independent measures will help if the pain is not caused by an acute surgical pathology, therefore, with severe, unbearable pain, you need to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

As evidenced by the stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the left
As evidenced by the stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the left

If the pain is accompanied by constipation and flatulence, you can give a cleansing enema with a warm solution of anti-inflammatory herbs, such as chamomile or string. You should not use general analgesics, as they have many contraindications and side effects. If the diagnosis is confirmed, and pain occurs due to spasm with intestinal colic, you can take an antispasmodic (No-shpa, Dibazol, Papaverine).

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen on the left in women, arising from inflammation of the genitourinary organs, disappear with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunocorrectors, injections of vitamins B1 and B6, physiotherapy procedures.

To ease the painful course of menstruation, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed. It is important that the required drug is selected by a gynecologist, since oral contraceptives have contraindications and side effects. A quick means of relieving pain during menstruation are rectal suppositories with belladonna.

In any case, it is better not to relieve pain, but to prevent it. To do this, you must follow simple rules of hygiene, strengthen the immune system, engage in moderate physical activity, especially during sedentary work, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and monitor nutrition.

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