Influence of electromagnetic waves

What would the world be like without the influence of electromagnetic waves? Do not rush to answer this question, because our planet has existed for millions of years, surrounded by radiation. The natural magnetic field of the Earth, the natural electric field, radio emission from the Sun, atmospheric electricity - these are the electromagnetic waves that have surrounded us since time immemorial. Living nature is impossible without this physical phenomenon. However, thanks to human activity, such a problem has arisen as electromagnetic pollution, the source of which is household appliances, computers and components, construction power tools, mobile phones, high-voltage power lines, and radio stations. What is the effect of electromagnetic waves of anthropogenic origin and how to minimize it?
Comfort zone
For normal life, a person needs environmentally friendly conditions from the point of view of the influence of electromagnetic fields. Studies have shown that a person experiences the same stress, both in conditions of severe electromagnetic pollution and in the absence of natural sources of radiation (shielding from natural sources of EMF occurs in confined spaces bounded by metal or reinforced concrete, for example, in transport salons, elevator shafts and other rooms).
Ideal conditions from this point of view are located far from settlements, in places where no electrical appliances are used. And since most of the planet's inhabitants cannot provide such living conditions for themselves, a situation arises when each of us, to one degree or another, experiences the influence of electromagnetic waves of anthropogenic origin.
In some cases, this effect does not go beyond the normal range and is compensated by the body. In other situations, the influence of electromagnetic waves on the body can lead to the development of unpleasant consequences from harmless ones, such as increased skin blood flow, to a number of symptoms.
The negative impact of electromagnetic waves on the body
According to various studies, exposure to electromagnetic pollution can cause the following symptoms in humans:
- From the nervous system: changes in the electroencephalogram, neurasthenia, tremor of the fingers, dysfunctions of the central and autonomic nervous system, sweating;
- From the side of the cardiovascular system: unstable blood pressure and pulse, cardiovascular and vagotonic disorders;
- General symptoms: headache and dizziness, weakness, decreased performance and concentration, fatigue, shallow sleep that does not bring vigor, decreased potency, a feeling of internal emptiness, unstable body temperature, allergic reactions.
The effect of electromagnetic waves on a person is noted at the level of cells, organ systems and the body as a whole. It is believed that the nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems react to this kind of pollution, and the range of diseases also affects such serious ailments as leukemia and the appearance of tumors. However, to date, no fundamental research has been carried out to prove the direct carcinogenic effect of electromagnetic waves on the body.
Some experts are inclined to believe that chronic fatigue syndrome is also associated with an increase in electromagnetic pollution. And although the reasons for this phenomenon are not fully understood, it is noted that the disease is typical for developed countries and its prevalence is increasing every year.
Are the changes caused by the influence of electromagnetic waves on the body reversible? Symptoms from the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as a rule, disappear after the influence of EMF is eliminated, but with constant exposure to a harmful factor, violations become stable and lead to diseases.
However, the situation is not devoid of irony, and one of the results of the negative influence of electromagnetic waves on a person is electromagnetic phobia. The obsessive sense of threat forces people to avoid antennas, even those that are used not for broadcasting, but for receiving radio broadcasting, as well as attribute the properties of radiation to electromagnetic waves, buy devices for allegedly decontaminating premises and territories, etc. However, competent explanations of specialists corresponding to the level of education of the patient can help people with such phobias.
Be that as it may, the effect of electromagnetic waves on a person is considered potentially pathogenic. The symptoms caused by this factor are collectively referred to as "radio wave illness".
Influence of electromagnetic waves within the apartment
The greatest concern of ecologists and medical specialists is caused by high-voltage equipment - power lines, transformer stations and substations. However, the level of their electromagnetic impact on the environment is regulated by the SanPiN standards, in addition, such structures are, as a rule, located at a distance from residential areas, due to which the influence of electromagnetic waves on a person is minimized. Household appliances that are in our apartment are of much greater interest to all of us.
The modern lifestyle involves a high concentration of home appliances in a limited living space. Electric heaters, fans, air conditioners, an additional lighting system, computer equipment, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, blenders, an always-on refrigerator and microwave oven and many other devices that are in the immediate vicinity are quite capable of creating a powerful electromagnetic background. Do not forget about household electricity distributors, which, like a spider web, entwine the entire apartment. When household appliances are turned off, this network creates an electric field, when the equipment is operating, a magnetic field of industrial frequency appears. Moreover, the influence of electromagnetic waves from such devices is felt, even if they are in a room behind a wall.
How to protect yourself from the influence of electromagnetic waves

With the modern lifestyle, it is impossible to completely isolate oneself from the effects of anthropogenic radiation, but it is possible to reduce them to a minimum. For example, stay as far as possible from a microwave oven or electric oven when they are working, as well as from office equipment, washing machines, etc. Switch off appliances when not needed. In this case, it is advisable to completely de-energize the device, and not leave it in sleep mode.
It is difficult to limit the effects of electromagnetic waves from telephones, which act as alarms, communication, navigation, and many other functions. However, experts recommend not giving phones to children under the age of 5-8. When buying this gadget, choose models that use the GSM 1800 communication standard, use a headset to reduce the amount of radiation, do not put your phone near your head when you go to bed. The less you are near working electrical appliances, the less effect they have on your body.
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