Ryzhiki - Calorie Content, Useful Properties

Ryzhiki - Calorie Content, Useful Properties
Ryzhiki - Calorie Content, Useful Properties


Ryzhiks are edible mushrooms of the first category with a high nutritional value. After porcini mushrooms and milk mushrooms, they take the third place in taste and nutritional qualities.


These mushrooms got their name because of their characteristic reddish color. Outwardly, they are very bright, orange-red, with a cap up to 17 cm in diameter. Concentric circles of a darker orange color stand out on the surface of the cap. Young mushrooms have convex caps, mature ones - funnel-shaped, at the bottom of the cap are lamellar folds.

If the mushroom is broken, then drops of orange juice with a resinous smell are visible on the fracture. After a few minutes, both the juice and the break line turn green in the air. The stem of the mushroom is in the form of a cylinder, up to 6 cm long, with white flesh inside.

The mushrooms grow in groups in the form of ribbons or a semicircle. Spruce and pine forests are favorite places; these mushrooms prefer to grow on sandy soils. They are harvested from late July until the first frost in October. A large crop of saffron milk caps can be harvested in cool summer.

Useful properties of saffron milk caps

Camelina contains a lot of vitamin A precursor, beta-carotene, which gives mushrooms their characteristic color. Vitamin A is involved in the formation of visual pigment, that is, it is very important for vision. It improves the recovery of damaged tissues, accelerates the healing of wounds and cuts, and has a positive effect on the skin and mucous membranes. The beneficial properties of saffron milk caps are not limited to the presence of beta-carotene. Mushrooms also contain vitamins of group B and C, trace elements - iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium. These substances are part of enzymes, regulate the water content in cells, and perform a number of other important functions.

Camelina contains the natural antibiotic lactrioviolin, which is active against many bacteria. Therefore, saffron milk caps are especially useful for inflammatory bacterial infections, including tuberculosis.

In case of pulmonary diseases, the use of saffron milk caps in addition to essential medicines accelerates recovery.

Camelina contains up to 4% of easily digestible protein, the nutritional value of which can be compared with meat. The amino acids from these mushrooms are well absorbed by the body.

Cooking saffron milk caps

Ryzhiks have long been an integral part of Russian cuisine. They were also always appreciated in France, Poland and Italy, where mushrooms were transported from Russia. In cooking, these mushrooms are considered a delicacy dish, they are so tasty and nutritious.

Most often, mushrooms are salted - this is the easiest and fastest way to prepare them for future use. Before salting, the mushrooms are recommended not to be washed, but simply to be cleaned of debris and wiped clean. They are simply sprinkled with salt, and put under oppression, and when the layer of mushrooms settles, fresh ones are reported from above. Salted mushrooms are often added to okroshka.

Ryzhiks go well with vegetables, potatoes, onions, they are tasty fried, pickled, stewed with meat, in soup and hodgepodge. Camelina stewed in sour cream is especially tender. We can recommend these mushrooms as a filling for pies and dumplings.

Fried mushrooms
Fried mushrooms

Caloric content of saffron milk caps

The calorie content of mushrooms, like other mushrooms, is low, and amounts to about 20 kcal per 100 g of mushrooms. But salted and pickled mushrooms are high-calorie foods, and surpass herring, chicken eggs and meat, beef in nutritional value. Vegetarians especially appreciate the calorie content of salted mushrooms, because for them it is still a valuable source of protein.

Harm from saffron milk caps

Eating saffron milk caps can cause constipation and muscle weakness in some people. The use of these mushrooms puts a significant strain on the digestive system, and can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. It is not recommended to eat mushrooms for people who have had their gallbladder removed.

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