On Which Hand To Measure Pressure: On The Right Or On The Left, How Correctly

On Which Hand To Measure Pressure: On The Right Or On The Left, How Correctly
On Which Hand To Measure Pressure: On The Right Or On The Left, How Correctly

How to measure the pressure on the arm correctly: on which arm the pressure is measured, how to prepare and take the measurement

The content of the article:

  1. What does blood pressure depend on
  2. Devices for measuring blood pressure (tonometers)
  3. How to prepare for a blood pressure measurement
  4. How to measure pressure on the arm
  5. Video

It is required to measure the pressure on the arm - this is a well-known fact, but on which one?

On which hand blood pressure (BP) should be measured depends on whether there is a difference in the readings obtained on one and the other hand. There is usually such a difference, but it is individual for everyone.

The pressure should be measured on the arm on which it is higher
The pressure should be measured on the arm on which it is higher

The pressure should be measured on the arm on which it is higher

To determine which arm is best to measure blood pressure, a series of measurements should be taken on both arms. An interval of 2-3 minutes should be maintained between two successive measurements in order to restore blood circulation. Usually ten measurements on each hand of the patient are sufficient. After each measurement, the result is entered into a table divided into two columns for the left and right hands, respectively. If blood pressure is consistently higher on one of the hands than on the other, then it should be measured on the arm with a higher value. If the blood pressure on both hands is approximately the same, it is recommended to take measurements on the left arm for right-handers and on the right for left-handers.

The answer to the question of which hand to measure pressure with an electronic tonometer is similar to that of a mechanical device.

What does blood pressure depend on

The level of pressure in a person varies depending on age, time of day (it rises slightly in the evening), physical activity before measurement (rises after a shower, walks, jogging), the presence of bad habits (in smokers and alcohol abusers, blood pressure is usually higher), the use of a number of foods and drinks (blood pressure is increased by salty, fatty, fried, sweet foods, caffeinated drinks, etc.). In addition, blood pressure differs slightly between women and men (by 5-10 mm Hg).

At the age of 20-40, a blood pressure of 120 to 80 mm Hg is considered normal. Art., a deviation of 10 mm Hg is permissible. Art. up or down.

Devices for measuring blood pressure (tonometers)

Before purchasing a blood pressure monitor for measuring blood pressure at home, it is advisable to consult a doctor. An automated electronic device that can be placed on a patient's wrist, finger, or shoulder is commonly used to measure blood pressure in clinics. In a domestic environment, it is convenient to use mechanical, semi-automatic or automatic blood pressure monitors, which measure blood pressure at a standard shoulder level. Models with built-in memory, for example, Omron tonometers, allow storing data on the level of the measured value for a certain period of time directly in the device. It is recommended to check the tonometer once every 6 months.

How to prepare for a blood pressure measurement

Why is it important to prepare properly for measuring blood pressure? If the measurement is incorrectly made and distorted results are obtained, a person can independently take the drug, which will lead to unpredictable consequences.

It should be remembered that even with proper preparation and measurement of blood pressure at home, it is not recommended to self-medicate. Any medications can only be taken after consulting your doctor.

So preparation.

1.5-2 hours before the procedure, it is necessary to stop taking medications that affect the level of the measured indicator (including vasoconstrictor drops and sprays).

Before measuring blood pressure, ensure complete rest for at least 10 minutes. During this time, you should not eat, watch TV or use any other devices, as such activity can lead to an increased heart rate and an increase in blood pressure.

An hour before the procedure, you should exclude the use of tea and coffee.

No smoking required 15-20 minutes before measurement.

BP can be elevated if measured with a full bladder.

How to measure pressure on the arm

When measuring pressure, the patient should not lean on anything with their hands. The hand on which the measurement is taken should lie calmly, but not hang. You should not sit with one leg over the other, as in this position large vessels are pinched, which is likely to distort the result.

To measure blood pressure, it is recommended to take a comfortable sitting position (lean back, relaxing your muscles) or lying down. The hand on which the measurement is taken should be positioned approximately at the level of the chest. If the arm is below the chest, the reading may be falsely low.

The cuff is placed approximately 2 cm above the elbow bend. Then it is evenly tightened so that it grasps the upper limb with its entire surface. Since the thickness of the arm is not the same in different places, the cuff should be tightened slightly obliquely.

If the cuff is not properly seated, the pressure measurement may give inaccurate results. If the cuff is overtightened and / or is inflated slowly with air, a false increase in blood pressure is noted, and if the cuff is not sufficiently inflated with air, a falsely lowered value is noted.

Do not wear the tonometer cuff over clothing, and you should also check that the rolled-up sleeve of clothing over the cuff does not pinch the limb.

When measuring blood pressure, the cuff should not be worn over clothing
When measuring blood pressure, the cuff should not be worn over clothing

When measuring blood pressure, the cuff should not be worn over clothing

The pointer of the device must be exactly at zero before starting the measurement. After that, air is quickly pumped in until the arrow reaches a mark that is about 20 mm Hg. Art. exceeds the level of systolic (upper) pressure (i.e., a little longer after the pulse disappears). Then the pressure in the cuff is gradually reduced. The division on which the first tone was heard corresponds to the systolic pressure, the last tone corresponds to the patient's diastolic (lower) pressure.

If the tones are poorly heard, the patient is advised to raise his hand up, then bend and straighten it several times.

Even in the absence of diseases associated with an increase or decrease in blood pressure, people over 40 years of age and patients at risk are recommended to regularly measure it.


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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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