Right Hand Grows Numb: Causes And Treatment, Which Doctor To Contact

Right Hand Grows Numb: Causes And Treatment, Which Doctor To Contact
Right Hand Grows Numb: Causes And Treatment, Which Doctor To Contact

The right hand goes numb: reasons for what to do

The content of the article:

  1. Why is the hand going numb
  2. Numbness of the right hand: causes

    1. Causes not related to the disease
    2. Osteochondrosis
    3. Carpal tunnel syndrome
    4. Scalene syndrome
    5. Myocardial infarction
    6. Stroke
  3. The right arm goes numb from the shoulder to the hand: what to do

    1. Which doctor to contact
    2. How to treat pathology
    3. What can be done at home
  4. Video

If the right hand goes numb, the reasons can be very different. Numbness of the hands is often associated with the pathology of the nerves, blood vessels, and the spine. At the same time, the symptom may not pose a danger to the human body. Short-term numbness, especially at night, is often associated with uncomfortable posture or tight clothing. If the hand is constantly taken away, you need to see a doctor to find the cause.

Treatment for hand numbness depends on the underlying cause
Treatment for hand numbness depends on the underlying cause

Treatment for hand numbness depends on the underlying cause

Why is the hand going numb

Numbness (paresthesia) is a form of sensitivity disorders. This phenomenon is accompanied by a tingling sensation, a creeping sensation.

Any part of the body can go numb, but often these are the upper and lower extremities. Numbness of the right hand can occur in different areas:

  • from shoulder to fingertips;
  • from elbow to toes;
  • brush (palm or back surface).

Localization depends on the level of damage to the nervous tissue. Often, a symptom occurs on only one side. This indicates compression of the nerves or blood vessels of the right limb.

Numbness of the right hand: causes

The causes of paresthesia can be different: from temporary factors to serious diseases. It is necessary to determine the cause as soon as possible, since the tactics of treatment depend on this.

Causes not related to the disease

Short-term numbness in the right hand is often not associated with a serious medical condition. The following factors influence the development of a symptom:

  • uncomfortable posture while sleeping;
  • tight clothing that squeezes the shoulders;
  • monotonous work, including flexion and extension of the hand;
  • prolonged sitting at the computer without interruption.

The right hand becomes numb more often, as it is the leading one when performing various kinds of work.

Often, numbness of the right hand occurs in women during pregnancy. This is usually due to fluid retention in the body.


A common cause of paresthesia is damage to the spine - osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia. The reason for the development of symptoms in osteochondrosis is infringement of peripheral nerves. If the cervical spine is affected, the nerves that innervate the upper limb are impaired.

What signs are characteristic of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  • numbness of the hand (usually on one side);
  • pain in the neck;
  • pain in the arm;
  • dizziness, noise in the head.

The disease develops more often in persons over 40 years of age. In the development of the disease, heredity, spinal injuries, overload, and a sedentary lifestyle play a role.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

The most common cause of right hand numbness is carpal tunnel syndrome, or carpal tunnel syndrome. The developmental mechanism consists in the compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel.

Any factors that cause carpal tunnel narrowing, tissue swelling, or fluid retention affect the development of the syndrome. At risk are people whose profession is associated with performing monotonous movements of the hand:

  • pianists;
  • artists;
  • seamstresses;
  • joiners;
  • painters;
  • sign language interpreters.

The disease often develops in people who spend a lot of time at the computer. It is not so much the duration of the work that is important as the position of the hand.

With carpal tunnel syndrome, there is pain in the hand, numbness, and the hand tingles.

Scalene syndrome

If the hand becomes numb on only one side, it can be caused by compression of blood vessels and nerves. This is characteristic of the scalene syndrome, in which the subclavian vessels and branches of the brachial plexus are compressed.

The cause may be cervical osteochondrosis, trauma or curvature of the spine, obesity. When the subclavian artery and nerves are compressed, the following symptoms develop:

  • numbness of the right hand;
  • neck pain that radiates to the shoulder;
  • isolated arm pain;
  • pallor and coldness of the skin.

Myocardial infarction

In rare cases, numbness in the right hand can be associated with cardiac problems. With myocardial infarction, chest pain can be given to the right arm. An additional symptom is paresthesia - tingling, a creeping sensation in the right hand.


Loss of sensation on one side may indicate brain damage. If the cerebral circulation is impaired, a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) develops. The main distinguishing feature is that in stroke, the disorders persist for a long time, and in TIA, all changes are reversible.

Any focal symptoms can indicate a stroke:

  • violation of the sensitivity of the right or left arm, leg;
  • lack of movement in the limbs;
  • loss of vision;
  • speech disorder;
  • lack of coordination.

Right arm numbness does not always indicate a stroke or TIA. But, if the violation of sensitivity persists for a long time, and besides this, other symptoms are disturbing, it is better to exclude the pathology of the brain.

The right arm goes numb from the shoulder to the hand: what to do

If your right hand is cramping strongly and often, you need to see a doctor. To identify the cause, the doctor will prescribe an examination, which may include both laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. After identifying the underlying disease, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Which doctor to contact

Which specialist to contact when a symptom occurs depends on several factors - additional symptoms, medical history, concomitant pathology.

  • if numbness is the only symptom - to a neuropathologist;
  • with pain in the spine - to a neurologist;
  • after a joint injury - to a traumatologist;
  • if you are additionally concerned about chest pain, there are heart problems - to a cardiologist.

It is not always easy to determine what kind of doctor you need to see. If there is any doubt or it is not clear which disease symptom is numbness, it is best to consult a general practitioner or family doctor. The general practitioner will examine the patient and, if necessary, refer him to a more specialized physician (neuropathologist, surgeon, cardiologist). If you suspect a myocardial infarction or stroke, you should immediately call an ambulance.

If there is reason to suspect a vascular accident (heart attack, stroke), you should call an ambulance
If there is reason to suspect a vascular accident (heart attack, stroke), you should call an ambulance

If there is reason to suspect a vascular accident (heart attack, stroke), you should call an ambulance

How to treat pathology

If your hand becomes numb, do not take the medication yourself. Treatment depends on the underlying disorder that caused the symptom to develop. It is selected individually, there are no universal medicines to get rid of paresthesia.

Disease Treatment methods

Treatment of osteochondrosis is complex:

1. Medicines - anti-inflammatory, pain relievers, B vitamins, muscle relaxants.

2. Therapeutic gymnastics - exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck.

3. Fixation of the spine in the cervical spine.

4. Traction of the spine.

5. Massage, manual therapy.

If treatment is ineffective or complications develop (disc protrusion, intervertebral hernia), surgical intervention is indicated.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

At the beginning of treatment, limitation of movement is applied by wearing an orthosis. Also, movements that load the brush are excluded.

In the absence of a positive effect, medications are prescribed:

• non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Movalis, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac;

• glucocorticoids - Prednisolone, Dexamethasone.

If conservative treatment does not help within 2 months, surgery is prescribed.

Scalene syndrome

Conservative treatment is complex:

1. Drug treatment includes the use of analgesics, muscle relaxants, B vitamins.

2. Sessions of manual therapy, myofascial massage are carried out.

3. Physiotherapy is also used - ultrasound therapy, magnetotherapy.

4. To strengthen the muscle corset, therapeutic exercises are necessary.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgery is indicated.

Myocardial infarction

This is a medical emergency. An urgent medical care is indicated, which consists in restoring blood flow.

For this, medical or surgical methods are used:

• medication - anticoagulants, fibrinolytics;

• surgical - stenting, thrombectomy.

What can be done at home

You can try to get rid of numbness at home. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If numbness occurs in connection with professional activities, you need to take a break every hour and stretch your hand.
  2. Avoid wearing tight clothing that squeezes your neck or shoulders.
  3. If the right hand becomes numb during sleep, you need to change the position. A gentle hand massage will also help.
  4. For frequent numbness, exercises for flexion and extension of the hand, elbow and shoulder joints will help.

These guidelines can help if numbness occurs due to a short-term pinching of a nerve or clamping of a vessel.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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