The Tip Of The Nose Grows Numb: Causes, Treatment, What It Can Be

The Tip Of The Nose Grows Numb: Causes, Treatment, What It Can Be
The Tip Of The Nose Grows Numb: Causes, Treatment, What It Can Be

Why is the tip of the nose numb and what to do

The content of the article:

  1. When to see a doctor
  2. The tip of the nose grows numb: causes and risk factors
  3. Associated symptoms
  4. Treatment
  5. Video

If a person has numbness at the tip of the nose, this is usually more difficult to notice than numbness in the upper or lower extremities. The reasons for the development of numbness can be physiological or pathological.

The tip of the nose may go numb due to physiological or pathological reasons
The tip of the nose may go numb due to physiological or pathological reasons

The tip of the nose may go numb due to physiological or pathological reasons

When to see a doctor

If, in addition to numbness of the nose, a person has a deterioration in vision, an increase in body temperature, paresis and even more paralysis, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. If sensory impairment occurs regularly, this is also a reason for seeking medical help, since in the absence of timely treatment, the patient may develop serious complications (including disability and death).

The tip of the nose grows numb: causes and risk factors

The causes of numbness in the nose are varied. This condition can be observed with colds, myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident, multiple sclerosis.

Common reasons why a violation of the sensitivity of the nasal skin can develop is trigeminal neuralgia, in which there is numbness in the nasolabial triangle. Numbness of the face can be observed in patients who have migraine headaches.

Risk factors include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • infectious processes;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • age-related changes;
  • excessive physical and mental stress;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • poor nutrition;
  • overweight;
  • trauma;
  • violation of posture.

Violation of the sensitivity of the nose can mean that a person is allergic to cold, which manifests itself not only when going outside in the cool season, but also when eating cold food, using cold water for washing.

Some of the reasons that can cause the appearance of numbness, in addition to the listed pathological conditions, are presented in the table.

The reasons Explanation
Long stay of a person in an uncomfortable position This can happen when falling asleep in a face-down position.
Hypothermia of the body In the cold, slight numbness of the nose may be observed; in severe frost, a person may temporarily stop feeling frozen parts of the body
The use of certain drugs For example, vasodilators

Associated symptoms

Signs accompanying the complete or partial loss of sensitivity may be a tingling sensation, crawling creeps, itching or burning - the so-called paresthesia. In addition to reducing the sensitivity of the skin of the nose, a person can also feel involuntary twitching of the facial muscles, swelling, and also:

  1. With sinusitis - a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the region of the nose, forehead.
  2. With a cold - discharge from the nasal cavity, sneezing, coughing.
  3. With mental strain and stress - headache, surges in blood pressure.
  4. With trigeminal neuralgia, intense pain in the innervation zone (often in one half of the face).
  5. With osteochondrosis - aching neck pain, headache, dizziness.
  6. With a stroke, numbness of the back of the head, lips, impaired consciousness, drowsiness or agitation, headache, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, increased sweating, weakness in the limbs (up to the development of paralysis of one side of the body), speech disturbances are often noted.
  7. With myocardial infarction - severe pain behind the sternum, in some cases, patients notice chest discomfort, complain of shortness of breath, unproductive cough. Patients with diabetes mellitus may not feel pain.
  8. In multiple sclerosis, clinical signs can be varied depending on the localization of the lesion. Patients may have disorders of the pelvic organs, visual analyzer, decreased intelligence, spasms, numbness and pain, impaired motor functions, depressive conditions, emotional lability.
  9. In case of impaired blood circulation (primarily in the neck, head) - numbness of the face is accompanied by severe headache. This is often observed with atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

In addition, against the background of circulatory disorders, patients can also experience:

  • difficulty swallowing;
  • dizziness;
  • disorders of speech, hearing, vision;
  • violation of motor functions.


Treatment is to eliminate the cause of the numbness.

If the tip of the nose becomes numb due to the fact that a person slept in an uncomfortable position, after waking up and restoring blood circulation, the numbness goes away on its own.

After a long stay in the cold and returning to a warmer room, it is recommended to give up smoking, drinking alcohol for a while, you should not try to warm up frozen and numb parts of the body with hot water, intensive rubbing. In such a situation, you can apply a warm towel (for example, heated with an iron) to your nose.

Hypothermia of the tip of the nose should be avoided
Hypothermia of the tip of the nose should be avoided

Hypothermia of the tip of the nose should be avoided

In case of an allergic reaction to the cold, before going out in the cold season, it is recommended to apply a protective cream to open areas of the body, to avoid hypothermia.

For the treatment of pathological conditions that may be accompanied by numbness of the tip of the nose, the following can be used:

  • decongestants;
  • neurometabolic stimulants;
  • anticoagulants;
  • beta-blockers, etc.

Often, patients are prescribed physiotherapy, exercise therapy, diet, bed rest may be required, some patients may require surgical treatment.


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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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