How to correctly measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer
The content of the article:
- Preparatory stage for determining pressure at home
- How to correctly measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer
- Interpretation of the obtained results
- Video
If you want to measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer, you will need a so-called hand-held apparatus. The device must be equipped with a cuff itself and a pressure gauge with which the pressure is read.

A mechanical blood pressure monitor is fairly easy to use, but still requires some skill
Cuffs vary in length, you need to pay attention to this: the size in centimeters is indicated on the package. A cuff of 22–42 cm is considered universal, smaller cuffs are used in pediatrics, larger cuffs - in patients with non-standard shoulder size.
A device for measuring blood pressure (blood pressure) can be sold without a phonendoscope, in which case it will need to be purchased separately, or with a built-in stethoscope. The complete set is also indicated on the tonometer packaging.
Preparatory stage for determining pressure at home
There are some rules that must be followed to obtain the most reliable result:
- Half an hour before the procedure, you must refrain from drinking caffeinated drinks, strong tea, alcohol and stimulating drugs. It is also recommended to give up excessive physical activity.
- To take the measurement, you must take a comfortable position, sitting on a chair or in a chair. In this case, the hand should be located on a flat surface, approximately at the same level with the heart. If necessary (for example, in debilitated patients), the measurement can be performed in the supine position.
- It is necessary to prepare the tonometer: completely release the air from the cuff by opening the valve on the rubber blower (pear), carefully position the tubes to prevent twisting and kinking, place the pressure gauge on a flat surface with the dial up.
How to correctly measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer
In the process of determining blood pressure, it is necessary to remain motionless, not to talk, not to change the position of the hand.
It is recommended to measure blood pressure on bare skin. Only certain models of professional devices, whose phonendoscopes have increased sensitivity, allow measurement through a thin layer of clothing. In all other cases, the limb must be freed from the sleeve before measurement.
- The cuff is put on slightly above the elbow bend, with tubes along the inner surface of the arm (the specific location is indicated in the instructions for the device or is shown in the form of a pictogram on the surface of the accessory). Fastens with an overlap with Velcro or through a special metal fixing ring. This does not require it to grip the hand too tightly; a finger should be placed between the inner surface of the pad and the skin.
- The head of the phonendoscope is installed under the lower edge of the cuff, the membrane is tightly pressed against the skin in the place of the most distinct pulsation.
- The valve on the bag closes, with its help the air bellows are filled with air. It is necessary to pump air into the cuff until the pulse in the phonendoscope stops listening to + 20 mm Hg. Art. additionally.
- The valve opens slowly, air begins to gently bleed out of the cuff in small portions. At the same time, the measuring person monitors the readings of the pressure gauge needle.
At the moment when the cuff squeezes the brachial artery as much as possible, the movement of blood in it stops. When the air mixture is released from the cuff (and its pressure on the vessels of the arm is weakened), blood flow begins to recover. The first tones that appear in the phonendoscope are defined as an indicator of systolic blood pressure. And when the tones fade away, and the pulsation ceases to be detected, the value of diastolic pressure is recorded.
Thus, measuring blood pressure with a mechanical tonometer is not difficult. However, it should be borne in mind that in some cases it is much easier to do this using electronic devices:
- poor eyesight or poor hearing of the measurer. In this case, it will be problematic to follow the movement of the gauge needle and clearly fix the tones in the phonendoscope. Some electronic devices are equipped with a special voice assistant that speaks the results;
- the presence of arrhythmia. If there is no special education, you may not hear the first beat with an irregular heartbeat. In digital devices, for this case, there is a special algorithm for detecting heart rhythm disturbances, when the error is minimized;
- the need to measure the pressure to oneself for a weakened or elderly patient.
Summing up, we can say that mechanical devices are not for nothing considered the best of their kind: they are as reliable and simple as possible. But when handling them, certain skills, good eyesight and hearing are required.
If you have never used a mechanical blood pressure monitor yourself, you can learn from the nurse in the clinic by asking her to teach you - it will take a few minutes.
Interpretation of the obtained results
It is recommended to measure the pressure twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, or if an atypical situation arises (intense headache, dizziness, flickering of luminous points before the eyes, ringing in the ears, instability when walking, etc.).
According to modern concepts, the optimal BP is less than 120 (systolic) and 80 (diastolic) mm Hg. Art. If the pressure figures are often or constantly fixed at 90 and 60 mm Hg. Art. and below - this phenomenon is called hypotension and requires the consultation of a cardiologist.
Pressure in the range of 120-129 and 80-84 mm Hg. Art. is regarded as normal, and in the range of 130-139 / 85-89 mm Hg. Art. - as normal high or prehypertension.
If, during measurements, normal high pressure is regularly recorded, this is a reason to contact a specialist. In this case, there is a high risk of developing hypertension. The therapist or cardiologist will tell you how to protect yourself from the development of the disease.
Pressure over 140 and 90 mm Hg. Art. is a manifestation of arterial hypertension - a serious cardiovascular disease. If such numbers are systematically recorded in the morning after a night's sleep or at rest against the background of psycho-emotional well-being, you should contact a cardiologist. Also, the reason for consulting a specialist is an abrupt increase in blood pressure during stress, neuropsychic overstrain, physical exertion.
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Olesya Smolnyakova Therapy, clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy About the author
Education: higher, 2004 (GOU VPO "Kursk State Medical University"), specialty "General Medicine", qualification "Doctor". 2008-2012 - Postgraduate student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, KSMU, Candidate of Medical Sciences (2013, specialty "Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology"). 2014-2015 - professional retraining, specialty "Management in education", FSBEI HPE "KSU".
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