Slimming hula hoop
Hula hoop for weight loss is a sports hoop that helps to lose weight, as well as pump up certain muscles. Hulahoop removes the belly and reduces the volume of the waist.

Ancient Greek athletes and representatives of the British aristocracy of Shakespeare's times twisted such a sports equipment. Due to its simplicity, efficiency and low cost, this hoop very quickly became popular all over the world. At the same time, in terms of the number of calories burned, hula hoops can be compared to a treadmill. Indeed, in ten minutes of training with a hoop, about one hundred kilocalories are burned. And exactly as many calories during this time can be spent on the treadmill.
Types of hula hoops
When choosing a hula hoop for weight loss, you should pay special attention to its weight. This sports hoop must necessarily weigh more than a kilogram. With a weak press, you should not choose a hoop that is too heavy, as exercising with it can lead to damage to internal organs.
The simplest hoops are made from plastic. The Gymflextor hoop is a hybrid of a versatile machine and a hoop. It is made of sports rubber with a durable camera inserted inside. With the help of such a flexible simulator, you can swing the press, use it as a hoop, bend your arms in different directions.
The massage hula hoop has special massage elements on its inner surface. In reviews of the hula hoop for weight loss, it is said that such a massage hoop improves blood circulation in the waist area. Massage hula hoop removes the sides and stomach. When performing exercises with a hoop, the hips are actively worked, which helps to significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite.
The massage hoop should not be used on sensitive skin and weak abdominal muscles, as exercise can be accompanied by painful sensations and bruises on the body.
For some hula hoops, the calories burned during specific exercises are displayed on the built-in counter. It runs on two batteries. However, it must be borne in mind that when calculating calories on a hula hoop, the individual parameters of a person are not taken into account. Therefore, the counter can only show an approximate result.
There is also a collapsible hoop made up of separate plastic sections. Often, such hoops have massage elements, a calorie counter, and increased weight for optimal load.
Advantages of hula hoop for weight loss
Slimming hula hoop removes the stomach, tightens the sides. With regular exercises with the hoop, other positive elements can be noted. Exercising with this sports equipment will help to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as prevent varicose veins.
During hula hoop exercises, lymph circulation improves. Hulahoop removes the sides and stomach, but this does not require any special skills and abilities. Classes with this hoop are not inferior to a standard workout, during which fats are burned, various muscles are strengthened and the body acquires slender, beautiful shapes.
Slimming hula hoop exercises
For the first lessons, it is better to choose an easy and simple hula hoop. The first lesson should last no more than five minutes. In the next workouts, the time can be increased, gradually bringing the duration of the workout to half an hour.
When the body gets used to the load, the hoop can be slightly heavier. Weight loss hula hoop exercises can be an addition to a standard workout or act as a full-fledged sports activity.
For the first lessons with a hoop, it is advisable to wear a wide belt so that there are no bruises on the body. It is most effective to use an iron hoop, but special training is required to perform exercises with it.
Before doing the exercises, you need to bend your knees a little and put them shoulder-width apart. You can put your feet together, but in this position it will be much more difficult to rotate the hoop. You need to twist the hula hoop for weight loss on an empty stomach.
It is necessary to press the hoop to the back slightly above the waist, turn the body to the left, and then quite sharply turn back and release the hoop.
After that, you can make smooth movements, as if swinging a little.

If you spread your legs a little, then the weight is transferred from one leg to the other. When rotating a hula hoop for weight loss, you cannot use the chest and buttocks, but only the legs, waist and neck. If the hula hoop falls, then you need to speed up your movements.
Reviews about hula hoop for weight loss
There are many positive reviews about hula hoop for weight loss. Hulahoop removes the sides and stomach, even if the weight does not decrease with its regular use. Indeed, to a greater extent, this hoop is suitable for shaping a figure, and not for rapid weight loss.
However, for a visible result, the hoop must be twisted regularly. After all, there is nothing difficult in this, and painful sensations and bruises disappear after a week of training, when the skin gets used to the load.
Moreover, it is desirable to twist the hoop in different directions, since some reviews say that with prolonged one-sided twisting, the shape of the waist on the right and left becomes different.
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