Diet Dishes For Weight Loss - Recipes, Rules Of Use

Diet Dishes For Weight Loss - Recipes, Rules Of Use
Diet Dishes For Weight Loss - Recipes, Rules Of Use

Slimming Dishes

Those who want to get rid of excess weight believe that the desired result can be achieved only by giving up most food products and switching to a diet that excludes the use of many favorite foods. In fact, this is not the case. It's just that when losing weight, more attention should be paid to the calorie content and composition of the dishes, and to prepare meals for losing weight, choose only healthy and natural products. Some dietary dishes are not inferior to the dishes familiar to many.

Slimming Diet Recipes

Buckwheat porridge - a dietary dish for weight loss
Buckwheat porridge - a dietary dish for weight loss

Today, there are a huge variety of dietary recipes. All recipes use products approved for weight loss. Slimming meals relieve hunger and stress. They saturate the human body with all the necessary nutritional components. If recipes for dietary dishes are regularly used for cooking, then the process of losing weight will be gradual and painless.

When losing weight, it is very useful to eat porridge. For breakfast, you can cook buckwheat porridge in milk. To prepare porridge, you need two hundred grams of milk and one hundred grams of buckwheat. One hundred grams of this dish will contain approximately 150 kcal. Porridge should be eaten without salt and sugar. Dried fruits and honey can be used to improve the taste. You can cook millet porridge. Before cooking, wash millet under running water. You can sprinkle the finished porridge with grated cheese. The calorie content of the dish will be approximately 160 calories per hundred grams.

When losing weight, one should not forget about the first dietary meals for weight loss. Diet soups provide long-term satiety, effectively satisfying hunger. Lean mushroom soup is a pretty interesting recipe for a low-calorie dish. To prepare the soup, prepare seven to eight potatoes, one carrot, one onion, 50 grams of dried mushrooms, a small amount of vegetable oil, spices (pepper, salt). We pre-soak the mushrooms for two to three hours. Then we boil and rinse. Chop and fry in sunflower oil, along with carrots and chopped onions.

At this time, boil and mashed potatoes. You can add a small amount of mushroom broth to the potatoes (until the consistency of thick sour cream). Here we also introduce frying from onions, mushrooms and carrots. Add salt and pepper to taste. One hundred grams of this dietary dish accounts for 92 kcal.

Slimming dishes can be prepared from dietary meats. For the preparation of stewed veal, take 500 grams of meat, 100 grams of sunflower oil, 100 grams of red wine, 200 grams of onions. Add salt, pepper, thyme, basil leaves to taste. The weight loss recipe is extremely simple. Cut the veal into pieces and simmer. When the meat becomes soft, add chopped mint and thyme, chopped onion rings, chopped basil leaves, a little water to it. Simmer the veal for another 15 minutes and pour in the wine.

Zucchini and eggplant casserole is another interesting recipe for weight loss. The casserole can be served as an appetizer, as an independent dish, or as a side dish. To prepare the casserole, take 400 grams of eggplant, 600 grams of zucchini, a glass of sour cream, one egg, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Pre-soak the eggplants for 20-30 minutes in salted water. Cut the vegetables into pieces and put them alternately on a greased baking sheet. We send to the oven preheated to 200 ° C. While the vegetables are languishing in the oven, beat the sour cream, salt and eggs with a mixer until smooth. As soon as the vegetables are browned, take them out of the oven and fill them with a mixture of sour cream and eggs, after which we bring the casserole in the oven to readiness. One hundred grams of this dietary food for weight loss has about one hundred calories.

For dessert, you can make a berry cocktail. Mix 250 grams of low-fat yogurt, a third of a glass of milk and half a glass of frozen or fresh berries (strawberries, currants, raspberries). Place all ingredients in a mixer and beat well. Since this cocktail is quite thick, it is better to eat it with a small spoon from a glass.

Almost all dietary recipes for weight loss involve steaming, stewing, or baking. These treatments are considered the most beneficial.

Slimming dishes - vegetable salads
Slimming dishes - vegetable salads

Vegetable salads are also considered dietary meals. When losing weight, they must be included in the diet. To prepare a salad for weight loss, take a packet of steamed couscous groats, three tomatoes, a glass of water, an onion, a bunch of parsley, a pinch of salt, one tablespoon of olive oil, and the juice of half a lemon.

Pour the groats with warm water and leave for ten minutes until they swell. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, finely chop the onion and parsley. After the cereal has absorbed all the water, gently stir it with a fork. Then add vegetables and herbs, season with lemon juice and olive oil, season with salt and pepper to taste. Salad (like other slimming dishes) will be especially tasty if chilled in the refrigerator for an hour before serving.

Rules for the use of dietary foods for weight loss

When using dishes for weight loss, it is imperative to exclude spices, semi-finished products, products containing flavors and dyes from the diet.

You should try to eat food in small portions, while chewing it well. It is better to eat five to six times a day in small portions than twice a day in large portions.

At lunchtime, you should eat the largest portion of calories. It is better to refuse dinner. If it is difficult to refuse dinner, then it is better to have dinner three hours before bedtime. Dinner should be light and low in calories.

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