Constant hunger

Hunger is a feeling of the body's natural physiological need for food. The feeling of hunger is regulated by the so-called food center, which is a collection of structures of the central nervous system responsible for regulating the choice and intake of food. The food center consists of two main areas responsible for the formation of feelings of hunger and appetite: the "satiety center" located in the ventromedial part of the hypothalamus, and also the "hunger center" located in the lateral part. Due to the effect on the hypothalamic department of the food center of metabolic products, hormones, and other biologically active substances, the feeling of hunger and satiety alternates.
The formation of a feeling of hunger and satiety are more complex processes than is commonly believed, since they are located on the periphery of human physiology and mental state. Scientists have found that the formation of a feeling of hunger is provoked not only by physiological factors. The formation of a feeling of hunger is also influenced by the psycho-emotional state of a person. In turn, the feeling of fullness is formed not only by the feeling of a full stomach, but also by the feeling of pleasure from eating. The food center receives information about the saturation of the body in two ways: by nerve impulses emanating from the gastrointestinal tract, and also by the level of substances contained in the blood. The food center monitors the state of the body by the level of glucose, amino acids, and fat breakdown products.
A constant feeling of hunger can be a symptom of a digestive disorder such as pathological hyperrexia - a constant feeling of hunger that does not correspond to the body's physiological need for food. Hyperrexia is typical for patients suffering from the following diseases:
- stomach ulcers;
- chronic gastritis with gastric hypersecretion;
- diabetes;
- hyperthyroidism.
Constant hunger: causes, ways to eliminate the constant feeling of hunger
The main causes of constant hunger are:
- Increased mental activity;
- Excessive energy consumption as a result of intense physical exertion;
- Malnutrition;
- Thirst;
- Stress and depression;
- Hormonal disruptions, menstrual irregularities, the menstrual cycle itself;
- Syndrome of psychological dependence on food.
One of the likely reasons for the constant feeling of hunger is unhealthy diet, in which the body feels a deficiency of vital elements: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, trace elements.
The constant feeling of hunger, the causes of which lie in the regular increased mental activity, can be easily corrected by increasing the level of glucose in the blood. In this case, the constant feeling of hunger is provoked by the need of the brain, and not by the physiological need of the whole organism. Other foods used to saturate the body with such a feeling of hunger will be ineffective. Having not received a sufficient level of glucose, the body will soon "require" a new portion of food to replenish the missing elements. The best sources of glucose for the brain in this case will be starchy carbohydrates: rice, bread, other grains, nuts, beans, potatoes, corn.
Constant hunger, caused by psychological factors, is difficult to satisfy with regular meals. When identifying the dependence of a constant feeling of hunger on a psychological state, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the causes that provoke the hungry reflex.
With intense physical exertion, triglycerides (fats), glycogen and glucose become the main sources of energy for the body, for which the body needs low-calorie foods with a high content of proteins and carbohydrates: boiled chicken, baked fish.
Elementary thirst can provoke a feeling of hunger, for which a glass of still, sugar-free water will help to quench it.
The constant feeling of hunger is also influenced by the level of hormones produced by various body systems. These include:

- hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary system (thyroliberin, neurotensin, corticoliberin);
- sex hormones (estrogens, androgens);
- thyroid hormones (thyroxine, calcitonin, triiodothyronine);
- pancreatic hormones (insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, glucogen).
Fluctuations in the hormonal background during the menstrual cycle in women explain the constant feeling of hunger, the dissatisfaction of which is characterized by the manifestation of irritability, depression, and feelings of dissatisfaction.
Constant hunger and nausea
Often, constant hunger and nausea are symptoms of various diseases, one of which is hypoglycemia - a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood, as a result of which hypoglycemic syndrome develops. Depending on the severity of hypoglycemia, different treatment methods are used.
In some cases, a constant feeling of hunger and nausea can be the first signs of pregnancy that a woman feels even before the very fact of pregnancy is established. If you feel a constant feeling of hunger and nausea, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination to identify the relationship of symptoms, as well as to make an accurate diagnosis.
Constant hunger during pregnancy
The constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy is characteristic of many women. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes certain changes. The formation of a feeling of hunger during pregnancy is influenced by hormones, stressful conditions. Often, a constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy can be a signal of a lack of certain vital elements: iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins.
Hunger attacks during pregnancy are not considered abnormal. During this period, it is important for a woman to follow a balanced diet enriched with vitamins, iron, and other micro and macro elements. It should also be remembered that uncontrolled satisfaction of hunger can lead to significant weight gain, which, in turn, can negatively affect the state of the body.
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