How to calculate your ideal weight?

Today, the struggle of mankind with excess weight is not a whim, but an urgent need. Many people on the planet are obese. And this is fraught not only with an ugly appearance, but with a variety of health problems.
First of all, overweight people suffer from the cardiovascular system. According to statistics, an increase in ideal weight by only 10% increases the diastolic and systolic pressure by 5 mm. rt. Art., which increases the likelihood of stroke and heart attack. The second group of complications of obesity includes the development of diabetes mellitus, and the third - oncological diseases. It is not for nothing that VM Dilman described obesity as "the disease of all diseases."
Ideal weight - what is it?
To understand how close you are to ideal, you need to be able to calculate your ideal body weight. In fact, such concepts as "ideal weight" or "ideal figure" are rather abstract. This is especially true for women. No matter how women strive to achieve perfection, this will not work, since by nature a woman is designed in such a way that she will always find a flaw. Therefore, it is necessary to treat these concepts in terms of well-being and common sense. So, if you feel good at a certain weight, you have no health problems, you are not deterred by your own reflection in the mirror, then this is your optimal weight.
To date, scientists have developed many different techniques on how to calculate your ideal weight. However, do not rely on them completely. They give only a general idea of what should be the weight of a normal healthy person at the appropriate height and age. It is also necessary to know how to calculate the ideal weight by age, since there is no doubt that the ideal weight of a young girl will be less than that of an adult woman. All these seemingly small and insignificant nuances must be paid attention to in order to calculate the ideal body weight.
How to calculate your ideal weight? The most common techniques
For a very long time, the ideal weight could be calculated using an elementary formula: the figure 110 was subtracted from human height in centimeters (for example, 174 cm - 110 = 64). Recently, however, she has been heavily criticized. It is believed that the data obtained does not correspond to the real picture.
The technique developed by Adolphe Ketele, a Belgian scientist, gained great popularity in the 20th century, according to which the ideal weight for women and men can be calculated by the body mass index. Body mass index is calculated using the following formula: person's weight (kg) / height (m) squared. The same scientist developed the following scale of indices:
- parameters from 18.3 to 24.99 are considered the most optimal;
- if the body index is less than 18.5, then the person is clearly depleted;
- if the parameters are more than 24.99, then this indicates an excess of body weight;
- a body mass index from 30 to 35 indicates the first stage of obesity;
- 35-45 - the second degree of obesity;
- above 45 - the presence of the third and most dangerous degree of obesity.
Today there are many similar techniques, which, however, can only give an approximate idea of the ideal weight. After all, showing body weight is one thing, but revealing the percentage of fat and muscle mass is quite another. This requires a more accurate calculation using special instruments. To judge the amount of fat for yourself, you can squeeze a fold in your belly between your fingers. Ideally, it should not be more than 2 cm.
How to Calculate Ideal Weight for Women?

is provided by nature that the female body should have more fat than the male. The fat layer is necessary for a woman to supply energy and protect the fetus during pregnancy.
It is possible, without assistance, to calculate the ratio of the waist circumference (T) to other body circumferences: hips (B), which is measured at the highest point on the buttocks, legs (H), which is measured at a place slightly below the thigh, and arms (P), measured taken at the widest point of the bicep. Normally, you should have the following indicators:
- waist in relation to hips (T / B) - below 0.85;
- waist in relation to the legs (T / H) - below 1.5;
- waist in relation to the arms (T / R) - no more than 2.4.
This technique is called central obesity index determination and is an excellent addition to the data obtained in determining the body mass index.
Russian scientists prefer how to calculate the ideal weight by age. Doctors, in particular, rely on the Egorov-Litvinsky system, according to which the ideal weight of young women (under 30) has the following indicators:
- growth up to 166 cm - 65.2 kg;
- 167-168 cm - 68.5 kg;
- 169-170 cm - 69.2 kg;
- 171-172 cm - 72.8 kg;
- 173-174 cm - 74.3 kg.
Now you need to take your real weight, subtract from it the prescribed above, corresponding to your height, and divide the result by the formula (tabular weight * 100%). Now look in the results table:
- less than 10% - everything is fine with your weight;
- 10-30% - you are at the initial stage of obesity;
- 30-50% correspond to the second degree of obesity;
- more than 50% - the third degree of obesity.
In this technique, as in any other, there are also a lot of shortcomings. Before choosing a method for calculating your ideal weight, it is important to remember that the most optimal weight for you is the one at which you feel the most comfortable.
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