Why are male hormones elevated in women and what to do
The content of the article:
- Hyperandrogenism
- Causes of excess male hormones in women
- Increased male hormones in women: symptoms
- Why hyperandrogenism is dangerous
- Diagnostics
- How to lower male hormones in the female body
- Prevention
- Video
If women have increased male hormones, this cannot be ignored. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out what exactly caused the increase.
Male sex hormones (androgens) are present in the body of both men and women, but in women they are produced in much smaller quantities. The main male sex hormone in humans is testosterone, which is produced in women by the ovaries (in men - by the testes), the adrenal cortex, and subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Hyperandrogenism in women can lead not only to various diseases, but also to a change in appearance
Most of the testosterone (97-99%) circulates in the blood in a bound state, that is, in conjunction with the proteins albumin and globulin. In a woman's body, testosterone is a substrate for the synthesis of estrogens, stimulates the maturation of follicles. With the onset of menopause, the concentration of testosterone in the blood of females decreases.
In a woman's body, androgens perform a number of important functions, which include:
- influence on the psychological and emotional state;
- strengthening bone tissue, developing muscles;
- participation in the formation of blood cells.
An increase in male sex hormones (hyperandrogenism) in females is a fairly common pathology of the endocrine system. According to statistics, this problem is faced by 10–20% of women (4–8% of adolescent girls).
Hyperandrogenism is classified into two types:
- absolute - with an increase in the concentration of androgens in the blood;
- relative - with a normal content of androgens, but their increased metabolism into more active forms or an excessive susceptibility to them of target organs.
Causes of excess male hormones in women
The level of testosterone physiologically increases in women during pregnancy, after childbirth, the concentration of this hormone, as a rule, returns to normal limits.
A significant predominance of androgens over estrogens is caused by an increased production of androgens in the body of females or an increase in their effect on the target tissue. A decrease in the concentration of globulin that binds sex hormones can contribute to the development of pathology.
Some reasons for the excess of male hormones in women are presented in the table.
Cause | Explanation |
Genetic predisposition | Usually transmitted after one generation |
Neoplasms in the body | Tumors of the ovaries, adrenal glands |
Use of medicines | Uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives |
The effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body | Including prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, frequent visits to the solarium |
Increased male hormones in women: symptoms
If females produce excess androgens, this can have the following manifestations:
- male-pattern hair growth (excess hair growth on the face, chest, abdomen);
- increased hair loss on the head;
- excessive production of sebum and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which leads to rashes on the skin (most often on the face and neck, less often on the shoulders, back, chest);
- violation of the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, abundant discharge is possible during menstruation);
- enlargement of the clitoris;
- nervousness, irritability, panic attacks, unmotivated aggression;
- sleep disorders;
- change in voice (becomes deeper and rougher);
- change in figure (the appearance of deposits of adipose tissue in the male type, that is, in the abdominal region);
- general deterioration in health.
Why hyperandrogenism is dangerous
If an excess of male hormones in the female body is not promptly treated, the progression of pathology can lead to the development of the following pathologies:
- polycystic ovary disease;
- miscarriage;
- infertility;
- obesity;
- violation of the sensitivity of receptors to insulin, the occurrence of diabetes mellitus.
Hyperandrogenism in girls can lead to late onset of menstruation, underdevelopment of the breast, virilization of the external genitals.
Indications for the appointment of a laboratory determination of the level of androgens can be:
- infertility;
- miscarriage;
- hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;
- polycystic ovary syndrome;
- acne;
- oily seborrhea;
- hirsutism;
- alopecia;
- the presence of hormone-producing tumors of the adrenal glands and ovaries;
- monitoring of ongoing treatment with antiandrogens.
When signs of hyperandrogenism appear, the examination includes:
- collection of anamnesis;
- physical examination;
- general and biochemical blood test;
- determination of the level of sex hormones (testosterone, luteinizing, follicle-stimulating hormones, prolactin, estradiol, dihydrotestosterone, etc.);
- general urine analysis;
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
- computed or magnetic resonance imaging of the adrenal glands.
With excessive hair growth, a differential diagnosis with an ovarian cyst may be required.
Blood for laboratory tests is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, after the last meal, 8-12 hours should pass. It is recommended to exclude fatty foods from the diet before testing.
How to lower male hormones in the female body
Trying to reduce androgen levels yourself is strongly discouraged. If you suspect the development of a pathological process, you need to contact a qualified specialist and undergo an examination (the doctor will issue a referral with the names of all necessary studies).
With this pathology, patients can receive antiandrogen therapy. If the patient is diagnosed with adrenal hyperandrogenism, glucocorticosteroids are used. In the presence of neoplasms, antitumor treatment is performed.

With hyperandrogenism, strength training is contraindicated, as it leads to an increase in the level of androgens.
A diet is shown, especially for obesity, regular, but moderate physical activity, which helps to reduce body weight and improve the general condition of the patient. At the same time, it is advisable to abandon strength sports if the patient is engaged in them, since they stimulate testosterone production.
Cosmetic procedures, although they are not part of the treatment, but by improving the patient's psychological state, also help to normalize the hormonal status.
In order to prevent hormonal disruptions, it is recommended:
- timely treat diseases that can lead to an increase in the level of androgens;
- undergo regular medical examinations;
- to refuse from bad habits;
- eat balanced;
- avoid physical and mental stress;
- ensure adequate rest and sleep at night;
- maintain a normal body weight.
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Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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