Increased testosterone in women: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment
The content of the article:
- Causes of high testosterone in women
- Symptoms of high testosterone in women
- Consequences of high testosterone in women
How to normalize high testosterone in women
- Medication correction
- Nutrition with high testosterone in women
- Lifestyle change
Increased testosterone in women can be observed due to physiological and pathological reasons. This disorder affects the state of health, in particular, the reproductive function. To avoid drug correction, you need to change your diet and lifestyle.
Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is synthesized in the female body in a small amount by the ovaries and adrenal cortex.
This hormone is responsible for androgenization in girls. Androgenic activity of testosterone appears from the 13th week of intrauterine development. In addition to total testosterone, its free (not bound to proteins) fraction may have diagnostic value. The binding proteins for this hormone are albumin and globulin.
In the female body, testosterone controls the maturation of follicles, affects fertility, takes part in the development of muscle and bone tissue, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, affects character and mood. It serves as a substrate for the formation of estrogens, and also stimulates the pre-ovulatory release of luteinizing hormone. Testosterone allows the diagnosis of androgen-secreting ovarian and adrenal tumors.
The level of testosterone changes throughout the day, its maximum amount is found in the blood in the morning, and by night it decreases significantly. The synthesis of testosterone in a woman's body is influenced by age, health, occupation, and the phase of the menstrual cycle. Testosterone production decreases during menopause.
Testosterone levels in girls and women:
Age Testosterone level, nmol / l Girls under 1 year 0-2.31 Girls 1-6 years old 0-1.22 Girls 6-11 years old 0.49-1.82 Girls 11-15 years old 0.84-4.46 Girls 15-18 years old 1.36-4.73 Women over 18
Reproductive age 0.31-3.78 Pregnancy up to 3-4-fold increase in the values of non-pregnant When taking oral contraceptives 0.45-2.88 Causes of high testosterone in women
There are both physiological and pathological reasons for the increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood in women.
A pathological increase in testosterone can be primary and secondary, have a congenital and acquired character, as well as an ovarian (ovarian), adrenal (adrenal) and mixed form, depending on where exactly its production increased.
The causes of increased testosterone in women are:
- hereditary predisposition - the exact mechanism of genetic transmission of pathology has not been fully understood, however, it has been noticed that transmission through the female line is carried out mainly through a generation, that is, to a granddaughter from a grandmother;
- unbalanced diet - causes both short-term and long-term increased testosterone in women;
- prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
- irrational use of drugs (hormonal contraceptives, barbiturates, drugs for the treatment of anovulatory infertility, etc.);
- ovarian diseases, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, pituitary gland pathologies.
Normally, the content of testosterone in the blood of women rises during ovulation and pregnancy (maximum values are observed in the third trimester). The increased production of testosterone during pregnancy is due to the fact that this hormone is also secreted by the placenta. Despite the fact that the concentration of testosterone in the blood is higher than usual during this period is normal, it is important to be registered with obstetricians and control the level of the hormone, since its excessively high content can lead to the fading of pregnancy.
Physiological increase in testosterone in women also occurs against the background of heavy physical exertion (for example, with increased sports, especially its power types).
Symptoms of high testosterone in women
An increase in testosterone in women can cause menstrual irregularities (amenorrhea, irregular menstrual cycle), increased facial and body hair growth, and coarsening of the voice. The proportions of the body of women with increased testosterone levels for a long time are close to the male type (broad shoulders, narrow pelvis), the clitoris is enlarged. Other signs of increased testosterone in women include increased oily skin, skin rashes, sleep disturbances, changes in character (irritability, aggressiveness), significant hair loss on the head, changes in sexual behavior (increased libido).
One of the symptoms of increased testosterone in women is increased facial hair growth One of the symptoms of high testosterone in women is increased facial hair growth.
The level of testosterone in the blood is determined by laboratory methods. Normal values of total testosterone content in women of reproductive age are in the range of 0.31–3.78 nmol / L, however, it should be borne in mind that, depending on the method used, the norms may differ in different laboratories.
Consequences of high testosterone in women
The increased production of testosterone in the female body leads to the development of all kinds of skin problems, such as seborrhea, acne, etc.
Significantly increased testosterone in women becomes the cause of the inability to conceive and bear a child, and in case of pregnancy, it causes the development of complications during gestation and childbirth. It is characteristic that there is no connection between a woman's appearance (presence or absence of male-type changes) and the development of hyperandrogenic infertility. So, reproductive disorders can be observed in very feminine patients and absent in women with excessive body hair and / or overly developed muscles.
In addition, against the background of increased testosterone, the risk of developing diabetes increases.
How to normalize high testosterone in women
Only an endocrinologist can reliably determine the presence of pathology and prescribe adequate treatment, independent hormonal correction is unacceptable.
The increase in testosterone caused by physical exertion does not need to be treated.
In the case of increased testosterone in women, when planning pregnancy, it is recommended to reduce the level of the hormone and maintain it within the normal range until conception and for several months of pregnancy. In such patients, during the entire period of gestation, it is necessary to control the level of testosterone, since its significant increase, which occurs in pregnant women for physiological reasons, can lead to the development of complications of pregnancy.
It is important to control testosterone levels in girls who have a genetic predisposition to an increase in this hormone.
Medication correction
With increased testosterone, oral contraceptives, calcium gluconate, vitamin D, and some other drugs are prescribed if necessary. Hormone therapy is carried out according to strict indications. It is not recommended to take hormonal medicines without consulting a doctor, as it can significantly worsen the situation.
Treatment can be supplemented with herbal medicine. Flax seeds, licorice root, angelica, dwarf peony (marin root), dwarf palm, and peppermint are used.
It has been found that two cups of mint tea per day can help reduce elevated testosterone levels and keep them within normal values when drinking mint tea every day.
Nutrition with high testosterone in women
When testosterone is high, it is important to eat a balanced diet. The diet should include sufficient quantities of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries (especially apples and cherries), fresh juices, whole cow's milk, cream, meat, fish, white bread, honey, vegetable oils, wheat, rice. Black natural coffee, black and green tea are allowed. It is useful to use muesli, oatmeal and / or oatmeal, cooked in milk and seasoned with honey (before adding honey, the porridge must first be cooled a little). Dates (both fresh and dried) are indispensable for high testosterone. Dates occupy a leading position among the products that help reduce the level of this hormone, and also have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
The amount of table salt in the diet should not exceed 3 g per day. You should limit or exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, stop smoking. Eating should be regular, it is not recommended to allow a strong feeling of hunger.
Lifestyle change
The normalization of testosterone levels in women is facilitated by the rational alternation of physical activity and rest. Strength training, which promotes the production of the male hormone, is best replaced with dancing and / or aerobic exercise.
With increased testosterone in women, it is advisable to refuse strength training, preferring yoga With increased testosterone in women, it is advisable to refuse strength training, preferring yoga
With increased testosterone, yoga is recommended, since in addition to gentle physical activity, it allows you to stabilize the psycho-emotional state. Sleep at night should be at least 8 hours a day. In order to lower testosterone levels, women should avoid stress and excessive mental stress.
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Anna Aksenova Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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