Kerosene treatment in folk medicine

Kerosene has been used as a medicine for a long time. The treatment with kerosene became widespread at the same time when kerosene lamps began to be widely used in everyday life, displacing the previously used oil and fat lamps. Most likely, the rationale of kerosene therapy is very simple - to anoint the wound with what is at hand and what most resembles pharmacy products, since kerosene, unlike pharmacies, was always at hand in those days, in addition, it is perfectly absorbed.
Indeed, kerosene has antiseptic properties, bacteria cannot survive in it. In addition, its mineral oils can help heal superficial injuries. Kerosene was smeared with sore throat, also using it as an antiseptic. Another area of kerosene treatment recommended by traditional medicine is head lice therapy, simply put, getting rid of head lice. That is, perhaps, all that was found on this issue, despite vague statements about the alleged widespread use of kerosene as a medicine since ancient times.
When consumed, kerosene causes symptoms of severe poisoning, and this applies to both swallowing liquid and inhaling the vapors of the substance. However, the hereditary folk healers that have appeared recently in large numbers claim that it is all about the dose, and willingly cite the words of Paracelsus that everything in the world is poison and all medicine, and these qualities depend only on the dose. On this basis, as well as on the empirical experience of several people, however, not documented in any way, kerosene in small doses began to be offered for internal use, declaring it a broad-spectrum medicine, practically a panacea. Treatment with kerosene has become especially popular in advanced stages of cancer, however, if you try to discuss this issue with oncologists, you will not hear anything good. Their clinical experience suggests that the effect of kerosene cannot even be compared with that of a placebo, since placebo is indifferent, and kerosene, when used regularly, even in small doses, causes severe toxic damage to the liver and kidneys.

However, in traditional medicine, kerosene treatment is not only flourishing, but gaining momentum. One of the healers by the name of Todik invented a drug consisting of highly purified kerosene and walnut tincture. The healing properties of the walnut are beyond doubt, but Todik argued that in combination with kerosene, the walnut becomes truly miraculous, supporting this with his own example - he managed to cure old sciatica with this mixture. The drug was patented and named Todikampa. The controversy about this drug has not subsided for a long time, and in fairness it is worth saying that, while fundamentally refuting the possibility of treating any serious diseases with kerosene, official medicine has not conducted any research on this matter.
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