Fireweed in folk medicine

Fireweed is a herbaceous plant with narrow leaves and beautiful small flowers forming a cluster. Flowers are often bright pink, but can be white or other colors. Fireweed refers not only to ornamental, but also to medicinal plants. And in ancient times, when tea was an overseas curiosity and not everyone could afford it, an infusion of fireweed was used instead of tea. Perhaps it was from there that its popular name - Ivan-tea - came from.
I must say that tea made from fireweed is not only tasty, but also very useful. In order to get the maximum benefit, the infusion is prepared in this way: brew a tablespoon of dried fireweed leaves with a cup (250 ml) of boiling water, cool, let it brew for about an hour. Such a drink has antibacterial and enveloping properties, contains tannins and mucous substances, due to which it helps very well with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition, the fireweed infusion has an analgesic and weak vasodilator effect, due to which it is effective for headaches, insomnia, neuroses. The high content of vitamins (vitamin C in the leaves of fireweed is more than in citrus fruits) and essential trace elements (iron, copper, manganese) make it an indispensable medicine in the treatment of anemia, vitamin deficiency, and exhaustion. An infusion of fireweed leaves will help strengthen the immune system in winter and spring, protecting against acute respiratory infections.
Fireweed affects the blood: when taken orally, it stimulates hematopoiesis, and when applied to wounds, it helps to stop bleeding. It is possible to apply externally fireweed not only for cuts, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it is effective in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases: pyoderma, boils, carbuncles, rosacea, etc.
All parts of the plant are used in fireweed. So, its roots are boiled and eaten like asparagus, they taste like a cross

between asparagus and cauliflower, and are quite nutritious due to the high starch content. But the roots are not only pleasant to the taste, they are also beneficial, as they have a mild laxative effect, preventing constipation. For the same purpose, you can drink an infusion of fireweed.
The healing power of this magical herb acts along the entire route of its movement through the body, including the urinary tract. Therefore, a decoction, infusion or alcoholic tincture of fireweed is successfully used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. For example, with chronic cystitis, which are difficult to treat and tend to relapse, it is simply irreplaceable.
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