Furunculosis - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis, Folk Remedies

Furunculosis - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis, Folk Remedies
Furunculosis - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis, Folk Remedies


Furunculosis is an infectious disease
Furunculosis is an infectious disease

Furunculosis is an infectious disease in which boils are formed.

Furuncle (common name for boil) is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, which involves the surrounding tissues. The inflammation is caused by the introduction of an infectious agent into the hair follicle, which is staphylococcus aureus.

The most common cause of furunculosis is Staphylococcus aureus, less often Staphylococcus aureus.

The causes of furunculosis

The immediate cause of furunculosis is the penetration of the pathogen into the skin through a microtrauma and its reproduction there, resulting in a purulent-necrotic process, covering the hair follicle with adjacent tissues. However, the leading factor in the mechanism of this inflammation is a decrease in immunity, both local and general.

Staphylococcus aureus refers to an extremely common pathogenic microorganism, it usually gets on the skin of a healthy person without causing disease. Skin microtrauma is also a very common occurrence. A decrease in the protective properties of the skin is that favorable factor that leads to the introduction of staphylococcus into the internal environment. In this case, of course, it is important to observe the rules of hygiene, since unsanitary conditions increase the frequency of contact with the causative agent of furunculosis.

As a rule, even a single boil indicates reduced immunity, but furunculosis, in which multiple boils are formed, is always based on a failure in the immune system. There can be many reasons for such a failure: general diseases of the body, circulatory disorders, endocrine disorders, stress instability, physical and psycho-emotional overstrain.

Thus, the cause of furunculosis is a combination of local and general damaging factors: the local cause of furunculosis is the ingress of staphylococcus into the skin through microtrauma, the general cause of furunculosis is a decrease in immunity.

Furunculosis in children

Furunculosis in children is formed by a similar mechanism, and occurs more often than in adults. This is due to age-related imperfection of the immune system in children, as well as more frequent minor skin injuries and contact with contaminated objects, in addition, the general condition of the body matters.

Furunculosis is especially common in adolescent children. This is due to the hormonal instability of the adolescent's body, as well as to external factors that cause a decrease in immunity (stress, poor diet, etc.).

Furunculosis symptoms

The first manifestation of furunculosis is a painful pimple
The first manifestation of furunculosis is a painful pimple

Furunculosis manifests itself in the appearance on the skin of various parts of the body of boils at different stages of maturation. The boil goes through a certain development cycle: first, a painful pimple (pustule) appears, then the stage of infiltration begins, when the pustule and the surrounding tissue become denser. At the next stage, the hair follicle undergoes purulent fusion. A purulent-necrotic focus is formed in the pustule, in the center of which there is a dense core. Then the necrotic tissue is rejected, the wound is cleaned, the process ends with scarring. Small furuncles disappear without a trace, scars may remain at the site of deep tissue damage.

Since with furunculosis multiple formation of boils occurs, the general condition of the body suffers. Furuncles are very painful, and depending on the location, they can interfere with performing normal everyday activities - walking, sitting, moving your arms, turning your head, etc. Signs of intoxication may appear: an increase in body temperature to subfebrile numbers, a general deterioration in well-being, headache, and decreased appetite.

Furunculosis in children usually proceeds violently, the general condition is always reduced, the temperature can rise significantly, the course is similar to the course of an infectious disease. However, at the same time, furunculosis in children passes faster, is less prone to a protracted course, as is characteristic of furunculosis in adults.

Diagnostics of the furunculosis

Diagnosis of furunculosis usually does not cause difficulties, due to the superficial location of the foci of inflammation. However, with a persistent course of the disease that does not respond to therapy, an extensive diagnosis may be required to establish the exact causes of furunculosis. In this case, bacterial inoculation of the purulent contents of the follicular pustule, a detailed blood test, and immunodiagnostics are performed. In the absence of a result, a complete examination of the body is carried out, since the cause of furunculosis in this case may be a general disease (diabetes, blood disease, etc.).

Furunculosis treatment

Furunculosis treatment consists of local and general therapy.

Local treatment of furunculosis - rubbing with alcohol
Local treatment of furunculosis - rubbing with alcohol

Local treatment of furunculosis consists of antibiotic therapy, anesthesia, creating aseptic conditions to prevent the spread of infection. Apply rubbing with alcohol 4-6 times a day. For the treatment of furunculosis, the usual 70%, salicylic 2% or boric 3% alcohol, hydrogen peroxide 3%, alcohol tincture of iodine 5% are used. Important: you need to wipe each boil from the periphery to the center, so as not to spread the infection through the skin. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out a boil at any of its stages! Such actions lead to the spread of inflammation and the development of severe complications (abscesses, phlegmon).

Antibiotics for furunculosis are used locally in the form of blockades: a boil on the periphery is injected with a solution of an antibiotic with an anesthetic. Such blockades are very effective, and if they are applied at an early stage of boil formation, the process undergoes a reverse development.

After the discharge of necrotic masses and the exit of the rod, the furuncles continue to be treated with antiseptic solutions, but no longer containing alcohol, for example, 3% hydrogen peroxide. After complete cleansing of the wound, ointment preparations are applied to accelerate healing: Vishnevsky ointment, sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil. At this stage of treatment of furunculosis, physiotherapy is actively used: UV radiation, magnetotherapy, heating.

The general treatment of furunculosis consists primarily in the elimination of the general disease that caused a decrease in immunity, and / or in general strengthening procedures that allow it to be restored. In the case of a severe course of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed for furunculosis, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs for oral administration. However, unless absolutely necessary, antibiotics for furunculosis inside try not to prescribe, since they, in turn, contribute to a decrease in immunity.

Treatment of furunculosis with folk remedies

Treatment of furunculosis with folk remedies can be quite successful if applied correctly. So, the treatment of boils at all stages with the help of decoctions of medicinal herbs (pharmacy chamomile, celandine, string, calamus, eucalyptus, etc.) is very useful, oil extracts from plants work well at the healing stage, including the aforementioned rosehip and sea buckthorn oils, pumpkins.

Honey and beekeeping products help well as restorative folk remedies for furunculosis.

Before you treat furunculosis with folk remedies, you need to make sure that there is no hypersensitivity to them.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
