Head Injury: First Aid, Home Treatment

Head Injury: First Aid, Home Treatment
Head Injury: First Aid, Home Treatment

Head injury: symptoms, first aid, treatment, consequences

The content of the article:

  1. The reasons
  2. Symptoms
  3. Diagnostics
  4. First aid for a head injury

    Cold exposure

  5. Home treatment

    1. Hematoma treatment
    2. Pain relievers and decongestants
    3. Folk remedies
  6. Consequences of a head injury
  7. Video

A head injury is a fairly common injury that is a violation of the integrity of soft tissues or bone structures as a result of external factors. In almost 80% of cases, it does not pose a particular danger, but in 20% of patients, traumatic brain injury leads to severe brain damage and requires immediate medical attention.

Head contusions are common
Head contusions are common

Head contusions are common

Depending on the location, damage to the forehead, occiput, frontal, parietal, temporal lobe, or base of the skull may occur. In some cases, injuries of several areas are observed at the same time. Depending on the severity, the bruises can be mild, severe, or moderate. Trauma often results in superficial wounds that do not affect the functioning of the brain.

The reasons

The cause of injury to the soft tissues of the head can be:

  • road traffic accidents. The driver himself, as well as a passenger or a pedestrian can hurt his head;
  • household injuries. Often people get injured while doing housework or in the yard, as a result of falls from a height of human growth, bruises on hard surfaces;
  • criminal injuries. A bruise of the soft tissues of the head can occur when struck with a blunt object or fist;
  • children's injuries. A child can get injured while playing, riding a bicycle, slide or swing. In infants, the head is the heaviest part of the body and is often injured by falling. Also, the baby can get hurt during childbirth;
  • sports injuries. Soft tissue injuries of the head often occur in adults and children during sports. Various types of martial arts, cycling, ski jumping are especially traumatic;
  • industrial injuries. A person can get a bruise of the tissues of the head at work if he does not follow safety rules.


Signs of bruising the soft tissues of the head:

Symptoms Description
Pain sensations They arise as a result of a blow, as well as a subsequent sharp vasospasm. In severe cases, the headache may accompany the patient during the recovery period
Hematoma Formed at the impact site. A hematoma (often called a lump) occurs as a result of hemorrhage due to rupture of large and small capillaries. Blood accumulates in the resulting cavity, and swelling and bruising appear on the skin
Other possible signs When the skin is cut, abrasions and wounds occur. If the bruise is on the nose, bleeding may develop. If the lips are damaged, there is often severe swelling in this area. Damage to soft tissue in the forehead, eyes and bridge of the nose leads to bruising

The following symptoms may indicate a concussion:

  • short-term loss of consciousness and memory (up to 3-5 minutes);
  • moderate headache;
  • single vomiting without nausea;
  • involuntary eye movement (nystagmus).


The doctor interviews the patient, listens to complaints and assesses the localization and area of damage. He also pays attention to the color of the hematoma and palpates. This makes it possible to determine the presence of fluctuations, pain in the area of damage and tension of the subcutaneous hematoma.

If there is suspicion of damage to the bones of the skull, X-ray is taken in two projections. Also, the patient is prescribed a general blood test and, if indicated, other studies.

First aid for a head injury

It must be remembered that any head injury can be dangerous, therefore, after providing first aid, you must see a doctor. Immediately after the injury, it is advisable to take a horizontal position.

If the victim has lost consciousness (even for a short period), dizziness, vomiting without nausea, lethargy or vision problems occur, an ambulance should be called immediately.

In some cases, a bandage is applied to the affected area. If the wound is too deep and bleeds heavily, stitches will need to be applied. Subcutaneous tension hematomas are opened under local anesthesia.

Cold exposure

In order to reduce pain and avoid the formation of hematoma and edema, which occur due to vascular damage, cold must be applied to the area of injury. An ice bag is the best option, but if not, freezing from the refrigerator or a cloth soaked in cold water will do.

To reduce pain and swelling, cold is applied to the site of injury
To reduce pain and swelling, cold is applied to the site of injury

To reduce pain and swelling, cold is applied to the site of injury

Home treatment

Hematoma treatment

In order to quickly get rid of hematoma at home, external agents are used, which include heparin, troxerutin, horse chestnut extract or medicinal leech (Lyoton, Liogel, Troxevasin, Synyak-OFF, Venitan). They are applied to the area of damage up to three times a day.

Heparin-based products are used to treat hematomas
Heparin-based products are used to treat hematomas

Heparin-based products are used to treat hematomas

Drugs from this group improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and dissolve blood clots. Their use speeds up recovery and shortens the treatment period.

Such ointments and gels are not recommended for use with hypersensitivity to the components, as well as for diseases accompanied by blood clotting disorders. The funds should not be applied to damaged skin, they are used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Pain relievers and decongestants

If a head injury is accompanied by severe pain, the doctor may recommend taking analgesics: Paracetamol, Analgin, Tempalgin. Drugs based on ibuprofen (Imet, Nurofen, Ibuprom) or nimesulide (Nimid, Nimesil) help to cope with pain.

If the bruise is accompanied not only by pain, but also by severe swelling of soft tissues (with injuries in the nose or eyes), then the patient's condition can be alleviated with the help of drugs such as Flamidez or Maxigezik. The composition of the funds includes diclofenac potassium, paracetamol and serratiopeptidase.

The drugs in this group have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant and fibrinolytic effect. The medicine is taken twice a day after meals with a glass of water. The treatment continues for 5 days. During this period, the patient's condition improves significantly.

Folk remedies

With a bump or bruise with a bruise of the soft tissues of the head, you can cope with the help of folk remedies:

  • recipe number 1: peel potatoes and rub on a fine grater. The gruel is wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected area for half an hour. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day;
  • recipe number 2: starch helps to quickly remove the bruise. The powder is diluted with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied to a bruise or bump. After the product dries, rinse it off with warm water. The procedure is repeated twice a day, until the condition improves;
  • recipe number 3: to quickly remove the bump, beat off the cabbage leaf and apply it to the hematoma, securing it with a bandage on top. The sheets are changed as necessary. Apply this remedy until the lump decreases;
  • recipe number 4: immediately after the bruise, the area of damage is lathered with laundry soap and left to dry, this will make it possible to prevent bruising. You can not use such a tool if the skin is damaged;
  • Recipe # 5: To reduce swelling, you can use an apple cider vinegar compress. For these purposes, only a natural product is used. Vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, a napkin is moistened in the solution and applied to the damaged area, fixing with a bandage. The compress is left for two hours. The procedure is carried out daily. Do not use apple cider vinegar if your skin is damaged, as it can increase pain.

Consequences of a head injury

In most cases, light bruises of the soft tissues of the head in the form of bumps and bruises disappear on their own within 7-14 days without causing negative consequences.

Headaches and dizziness can be a consequence of a head injury
Headaches and dizziness can be a consequence of a head injury

Headaches and dizziness can be a consequence of a head injury.

In the event that the injury is serious enough, and there is no treatment, the following complications may develop:

  • deterioration in performance;
  • memory impairment;
  • trouble sleeping (sleepiness during the daytime or sleeplessness at night);
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • weather dependence;
  • irritability.

It is necessary to observe the regime, sleep at least 7 hours a day and walk in the fresh air for a long time. If, despite treatment, the general condition does not improve, you need to seek repeated medical advice.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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