Coccyx Injury When Falling: Home Treatment, Symptoms, Consequences

Coccyx Injury When Falling: Home Treatment, Symptoms, Consequences
Coccyx Injury When Falling: Home Treatment, Symptoms, Consequences

Coccyx injury when falling: treatment, first aid, consequences

The content of the article:

  1. Anatomical features
  2. The reasons
  3. Symptoms
  4. Diagnostics
  5. First aid
  6. Treatment

    1. Drug therapy
    2. Treatment of a tailbone injury at home
  7. Consequences of a bruised tailbone
  8. Video

A bruise of the tailbone from a fall is a common injury, especially in the winter season - during icy periods or when skating. The concept includes traumatic injury to soft tissues located near the coccygeal bone and the sacrococcygeal joint. How does a bruise occur, what to do in such cases, and how to treat the injury?

Coccyx injury is most often associated with a fall on the gluteal region
Coccyx injury is most often associated with a fall on the gluteal region

Coccyx injury is most often associated with a fall on the gluteal region

Often, the coccygeal bone can be bruised when falling on the gluteal region and slightly above it. The trauma is manifested by pain syndrome, aggravated by sitting and moving, the formation of a bruise (hematoma).

The danger lies in a possible fracture of the coccygeal bone or, with improper and untimely treatment, the development of coccygodynia (chronic pain arising from damage to the nerve plexuses in the coccygeal region of the spine).

Anatomical features

The tailbone is located in the lower part of the spinal column and is represented by several (4–5) rudimentary accrete vertebrae.

The tailbone and sacrum perform important functions in the body
The tailbone and sacrum perform important functions in the body

The tailbone and sacrum perform important functions in the body.

Although this section of the spine is inherently a vestigial tail, it has several important functions:

Function Description
Is the site of attachment of muscles and ligaments They are responsible for the work of the genitourinary system, the distal part of the large intestine, the motor activity of the hip, namely, its extension
Support function Partially absorbs thrust when tilted back

Around the coccygeal bone there are several nerve plexuses that innervate the muscles of the pelvic floor and the walls of the anus.

The reasons

The main causes of trauma to the coccygeal region:

The reasons Description
Fall on the buttocks and lower back At home, during icy conditions, while skating, going downhill
Sports injuries For skiers, track and field athletes, skaters, wrestlers, etc. Injury is also possible when cycling on uneven roads as a result of hitting a hard bicycle saddle

Trauma is quite common in children, which is associated with insufficient coordination of movements and high motor activity.

Falls often occur on ice due to improperly fitted shoes
Falls often occur on ice due to improperly fitted shoes

Falls often occur on ice due to improperly fitted shoes

Women are more likely to damage the tailbone than men due to wearing uncomfortable shoes, shoes with heels during the icy period.


Immediately after falling, the victim feels a sharp intense pain in the coccygeal region, which subsides after a few hours.

The main symptom is pain at the site of injury
The main symptom is pain at the site of injury

The main symptom is pain at the site of injury

However, in the subsequent pain syndrome disrupts the normal activity of a person. He tries in every possible way to spare the damaged area, therefore he moves carefully and slowly, he cannot sit with an equal load on both buttocks, as pain arises or increases, so he has to transfer support from the tailbone.

The injured area begins to hurt more severely during movements, bowel movements and intercourse. Pain can radiate to the perineum, buttocks, lower extremities, anus.


In order to suspect a bruise of the coccygeal region, you must:

  • collect anamnesis, complaints;
  • determine the mechanism of injury;
  • apply physical research methods: examination, palpation, sometimes auscultation (to exclude crepitus).

Palpation of the damaged area causes sharp pain, the surrounding tissues are less painful, palpating which the patient may additionally complain of discomfort. Crunch (crepitus) is usually absent. This sign is more characteristic of fractures.

X-rays may be taken to confirm the diagnosis
X-rays may be taken to confirm the diagnosis

X-rays may be taken to confirm the diagnosis.

For the differential diagnosis of severe injury to the tailbone and a fracture, X-ray is used, sometimes with dubious results - computed tomography. This allows you to confirm or exclude damage to other parts of the spine.

Magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed if a large hematoma is suspected: this method visualizes soft tissues well.

First aid

After injury, the victim must be in a lying position on his side or stomach. Cold should be applied to the injured area: ice or snow, preferably placed in a plastic bag or wrapped in a cloth, heating pad or bottle of ice water, etc.

First aid consists in exposure to cold at the site of injury
First aid consists in exposure to cold at the site of injury

First aid consists in exposure to cold at the site of injury

Pain relievers in tablets (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, etc.) help to relieve severe pain.

The next stage is the transportation of the patient to a specialized medical institution. It should be carried out in a lateral lying position, avoiding unnecessary pressure on the gluteal and sacrococcygeal region.

Therefore, a doctor's examination is required, and, if necessary, additional research.


Usually, conservative therapy is carried out under the supervision of a traumatologist. Rest of the injured area is necessary. It is recommended to avoid undue pressure on her, you can not sit and lie on your back.

In order to minimize pressure, special orthopedic pillows or rubber circles are used, which are designed to relieve the coccyx area while sitting.

It is recommended to use orthopedic pillows during the recovery period
It is recommended to use orthopedic pillows during the recovery period

It is recommended to use orthopedic pillows during the recovery period

The first few days you need to apply cold, avoid using hot baths. Subsequently, thermal physiotherapeutic methods are shown, aimed at improving blood circulation and accelerating the regeneration of the injury site. For example, ultra-high frequency therapy (UHF) is used for this purpose.

Drug therapy

To reduce the inflammatory component and pain syndrome, it is allowed to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Nurofen) for a period of no longer than 5-7 days. Long-term oral use of these drugs adversely affects the condition of the gastric mucosa.

To relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, in particular Nurofen
To relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, in particular Nurofen

To relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, in particular Nurofen

It is also possible to use rectal suppositories, gels and ointments for bruised coccyx. To smear the place of damage should be 1-3 times a day. How many days to carry out therapy depends on the severity of the injury.

Treatment of a tailbone injury at home

Treatment of a bruised tailbone at home is allowed only after consulting a doctor and following his recommendations. Folk remedies used for this are onion compresses or dressings with plantain leaves, which lead to short-term pain relief.

Correction of the diet is necessary in order to prevent poor passage of feces (constipation). Since constipation increases intra-abdominal pressure, and, accordingly, the affected area suffers.

Consequences of a bruised tailbone

The outcome of the trauma is usually favorable; with strict adherence to the recommendations, complete recovery often occurs. Sometimes after an injury, pain persists for a long time.

Usually, the pain syndrome is stopped only with anesthetic drugs, less often it goes away on its own. Pain occurs or intensifies during the act of defecation, while sitting and moving, sometimes at night.

Coccygodynia is treated symptomatically, conservatively. They use blockades with Lidocaine and Betamethasone, physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF therapy, mud therapy, ultrasound with anesthetics or hormones, etc.). In cases where coccygodynia cannot be conservatively cured, they resort to surgical methods of treatment.

Late treatment, delayed treatment and misdiagnosis increase the risk of complications. Therefore, in case of a fall and suspicion of serious injury to the tailbone, you should contact the nearest trauma center or other medical institution as soon as possible, where the patient can be provided with professional assistance.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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