Shoulder Injury When Falling: Symptoms, Treatment, Home Help

Shoulder Injury When Falling: Symptoms, Treatment, Home Help
Shoulder Injury When Falling: Symptoms, Treatment, Home Help

Shoulder contusion: symptoms, treatment, possible complications

The content of the article:

  1. Symptoms of a bruised shoulder
  2. First aid
  3. Diagnostics
  4. Shoulder injury treatment

    1. Conservative therapy
    2. Physiotherapy
    3. ethnoscience

      1. Burdock root ointment
      2. Vinegar-based compress
  5. Possible complications
  6. Video

A bruised shoulder is most often caused by a failed landing from a fall or a strong blow from a hard object. You can also hurt your shoulder if you use sports equipment incorrectly in the gym.

Shoulder contusions are most often caused by a fall, impact, or while playing sports
Shoulder contusions are most often caused by a fall, impact, or while playing sports

Shoulder contusions are most often caused by a fall, impact, or while playing sports

Signs by which such an injury can be recognized is severe shoulder pain in a calm state, aggravated by sudden movements of the body or the affected upper limb.

Immediately after a fall or impact, it is better to seek medical help, since it is important to differentiate a shoulder injury from a shoulder injury, as well as dislocation, fracture and other damage to soft or bone tissues.

Improper treatment can lead to the development of complications of varying severity and increase the rehabilitation period of the victim, therefore, even in mild cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of a bruised shoulder

The main manifestations of a bruise are pain in the injured area, present in a calm state and aggravated by sudden movements. In severe cases, edema, swelling and bruising may occur.

The main symptom of a bruise is pain
The main symptom of a bruise is pain

The main symptom of a bruise is pain.

An injury to the shoulder area is distinguished from an injury to the shoulder joint. At the first, only soft tissues are injured, no dysfunction of the joint is noted. The second is obtained in the course of direct action on the joint, for example, when falling on an outstretched arm.

In both cases, the treatment is not very different, but the sensation of the shoulder joint injury may be accompanied by more intense pain.

According to the severity of manifestations, the following degrees of severity of bruises are conventionally distinguished:

Severity Manifestations
The first Light bruises, abrasions and scratches, slight discomfort when moving the hand. No need for specialized treatment, symptoms disappear in 3-4 days on average
The second Hematomas, severe pain in the damaged area that increases with movement, swelling and body temperature may rise
Third In addition to severe pain, hematomas are noted, dislocation of the shoulder joint, damage to tendons, ligaments is possible
Fourth Severe swelling of the injured area, which can spread to surrounding tissues, a complete lack of sensitivity in the shoulder

First aid

The first thing to do if a shoulder is bruised during a fall or as a result of a blow is to examine the injured arm. If abrasions and scratches are found, they should be quickly treated with an antiseptic solution to avoid further infection.

Next, you need to try to move your fingers, brush and hand. If physical activity causes pain, but remains possible, you can fix the hand with a kerchief, towel, scarf, etc. To do this, bend the arm at the elbow at a right angle and fix it in this position with the material at hand on the neck.

If the bruised area hurts badly, non-steroidal pain relievers can be used - Ketorolac, Nimesulide and others. In the first 6-12 hours after a fall, it is recommended to apply cold compresses to the site of injury.

It is important for an injured person, even with a minor injury, to seek advice from a trauma center in the future. In severe cases, first aid should be provided by a qualified doctor.


During the diagnosis, an initial examination of the patient is carried out and symptoms are recorded. Also at this stage, the victim is questioned in detail about the incident that resulted in the injury, and it is noted whether he has concomitant pathologies.

To avoid the development of complications, it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner
To avoid the development of complications, it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner

To avoid the development of complications, it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Further, an external examination is carried out with palpation of the injured area - they check for bone fragments, joint deformities, hematomas, scratches or loss of sensitivity.

If severe damage to muscles, joints, bones or ligaments is suspected, the patient is referred for additional instrumental studies, which include:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • angiography;
  • arthroscopy;
  • arthrography;
  • x-ray.
If a fracture is suspected, an x-ray is prescribed
If a fracture is suspected, an x-ray is prescribed

If a fracture is suspected, an x-ray is prescribed

In rare cases, when there is an unsatisfactory general condition of the victim, nervous tension, there are suspicions of infection of the wound cavity with further infection of the blood, joints, etc., give directions for laboratory tests. Usually a coagulogram, biochemical and clinical blood tests are performed.

Shoulder injury treatment

In mild cases, seeking medical attention is not necessary. It is possible to carry out symptomatic therapy at home.

Conservative therapy

On the first day after the injury, it is advisable to use cold compresses, for which ice cubes wrapped in cloth can be used. On average, you can apply cold to the shoulder or shoulder blade area for no more than 10-15 minutes.

The list of medicines that can be prescribed for bruises:

  • Streptocide, Chlorhexidine, Rescuer and other antiseptics: used to treat open wounds, scratches and abrasions;
  • Celebrex, Movalis, Nise and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: used for 3-5 days to relieve inflammation and edema;
  • Novocaine solution: injected into the affected articular area with severe pain syndrome;
  • Diphenhydramine, Ketanov, Analgin and other analgesics: prescribed to relieve pain;
  • Voltaren, Diklak gel, Dolobene gel, Finalgon, Troxevasin: help to effectively relieve the inflammatory process.

It is important to consider that any drugs are best used as prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the prescribed therapy regimen.

In cases where, after 2–3 days after the injury, accumulation of blood and fluid in the joint is noted, a puncture may be prescribed. With further growth of the hematoma, drainage is installed in the patient.


Physiotherapeutic methods can be used for injuries of the shoulder joint 5-7 days after injury. The following procedures are considered the most effective in such cases:

  • electrical stimulation;
  • paraffin applications;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy.
In some cases, physiotherapy is indicated
In some cases, physiotherapy is indicated

In some cases, physiotherapy is indicated

After complete restoration of the joint and the disappearance of acute pain syndrome, the victim may be assigned to massage the injured area. This procedure is carried out by rubbing and stroking the skin towards the venous outflow. The massage is done for at least 20 minutes, it has a positive effect on blood circulation and the tone of damaged muscles.


It is better to cure the consequences of a bruise with folk methods at home with the permission of the attending physician.

Burdock root ointment

It is used for compresses and application to the area of injury. To do this, the burdock roots are thoroughly washed and then wiped dry with a towel. The prepared raw materials are placed in a blender and crushed or grated on a fine grater. The resulting gruel is poured with 1 glass of olive or sunflower oil, mixed thoroughly.

The mixture is placed in a glass container, infused for one day, after which it is heated over low heat for 15 minutes, avoiding boiling. The resulting ointment is filtered and in finished form is rubbed into the injured area or used for compresses. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Vinegar-based compress

The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect. For its preparation, 0.5 l of water is mixed with 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar. In the resulting solution, a natural fabric or a piece of gauze is moistened, which should then be applied to the area of injury.

Possible complications

Untimely provision of medical care to the victim, especially in severe injuries, can cause the development of the following complications:

  • hemarthrosis;
  • traumatic bursitis;
  • post-traumatic arthrosis;
  • subcutaneous hematoma;
  • suppuration of a wound received with a bruised shoulder;
  • synovitis;
  • humerus periarthrosis (periarthritis).
Elderly patients need special attention, which is associated with a high likelihood of complications
Elderly patients need special attention, which is associated with a high likelihood of complications

Elderly patients need special attention, which is associated with a high likelihood of complications

In such cases, massage and physiotherapy techniques are recommended to restore the shoulder joint. It is important to remember that due to the high risk of osteoporosis, elderly patients with a shoulder injury require close medical supervision.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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