Cold in a nursing mother
During the season of acute respiratory diseases (ARI), a cold in a nursing mother is not at all uncommon. You can get sick if you are overcooled, wet your feet, or simply when dealing with patients. We call a cold a viral infection, which is manifested by a runny nose, cough, fever. Usually, such diseases go unnoticed and few people generally pay attention to the malaise. But what should a young mother do? How to deal with breastfeeding with a cold? Is it dangerous for a child or a woman?
A cold in a nursing mother: what to do

A cold in a nursing mother should not cause panic. Millions of years of evolution have made our bodies resistant to viruses. Nature also took care of the babies of sick mothers. In normal cases, the disease will be defeated by the forces of the immune system as soon as possible. Recovery will come within the next 3-7 days. After the virus enters the body, it begins to actively multiply and damage the cells of the mucous membrane. Inflammation develops, manifested in reddening of the integument, edema, increased blood circulation. There is a runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough. A cold in a nursing mother activates the defenses of the immune system. Many specific antibodies are produced that destroy a particular type of virus. If the body's resistance is good, then the woman is not threatened with any complications. You can saythat the cold will go away without medical intervention.
So, the most important thing is to calmly treat a cold with a nursing mother. During this period, you need to support your body in the fight against viruses.
Breastfeeding for colds
Contrary to some beliefs, breastfeeding with a cold is not only not dangerous, but vice versa, it helps the baby. Together with human milk, the baby receives antibodies to the specific virus that caused the mother's illness. This means that there is a high probability that the baby will not have a cold. It will still not be possible to avoid contact between mother and child. The worst thing in such a situation would be to deprive the baby of breast milk support without protecting him from the virus. When is breastfeeding for colds still contraindicated? Only in those situations when the mother's condition is serious, her health does not allow caring for the baby and feeding. ARI can provoke complications - acute bronchitis and even pneumonia. During these diseases, the question of a temporary cessation of natural feeding may arise. But the cold itself should never be the reason for such a refusal.
Some medications are contraindicated for breastfeeding. Medicines pass into breast milk and can sometimes harm the baby. It is necessary to use only means safe for the baby in the treatment of colds in a nursing mother.
How to treat a cold for a nursing mother
If you feel unwell, the temperature remains high for more than 2-3 days, then you should definitely consult your doctor. Weakened women sometimes face complications of acute respiratory infections. Although usually a cold in a nursing mother goes away almost on its own. Treatment in mild cases is symptomatic, that is, aimed at reducing the manifestations of the disease.
Antiviral drugs can be used while breastfeeding. They are most effective in the early days of illness. Such means include suppositories and drops with human interferon (Viferon, Interferon, Grippferon).

Paracetamol can be used to lower body temperature. Its daily dose should not exceed one and a half tablets. It is worth taking the medicine only at temperatures above 38.5 degrees. Combined products in the form of powders (TeraFlu, Rinza, Coldrex) should not be used. Medicines based on acetylsalicylic acid are also contraindicated in the treatment of colds in a nursing mother.
To reduce runny nose and nasal congestion, it is best to opt for seawater-based drops and spray. You can also rinse your nose with saline sodium chloride solution.
To combat intoxication and inflammation, drink plenty of fluids. You can use the infusion of chamomile, rose hips, drink tea with lemon.
It is best to gargle a sore throat several times a day with a solution of salt and soda.
How to treat a cold for a nursing mother, the therapist will tell you. Do not take antibiotics on your own. Typically, treatment with these agents requires temporary withdrawal from breastfeeding. If antibiotics are needed, and you have transferred the baby temporarily to artificial feeding, then milk must be expressed to support lactation.
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