Prostatitis: how not to lose male strength?
Men are considered to be the strong sex. However, any, the strongest and most courageous person suddenly becomes defenseless and extremely embarrassed when faced with problems in the intimate sphere. Let's try to figure out how sex and prostatitis are related and why 90% of Russian men of working age have deviations from the norm in this function, which is so important for a full life.

A group of Russian scientists led by the chief urologist of Russia, Professor Dmitry Pushkar, decided to find out how things are with sex in Russian men. It turned out that 90% of respondents over the age of 25 years old periodically experience erectile dysfunction. Half of them have problems with potency before the age of 45, and a third of Russian men closer to fifty, on their own initiative, completely stop having sex. By the age of 57, 80% of male Russians have completely abandoned sex. Unfortunately, as the survey showed, the representatives of the strong half of humanity themselves, for the most part, do not consider the recorded symptoms alarming at all.
Where does sex go?
The level of a man's sexuality is realized in potency, which has its own parameters:
- Sex drive strength: strong - weak.
- Duration and quality of erection: long, persistent - short, weak.
- The duration of the breaks between intercourse.
According to urologists, one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction (impaired potency) is inflammation of the prostate gland, or prostatitis. This is a very common disease of the male genital area, which, according to statistics, affects 8 out of 10 men over 25 years old.
"Antisexual" manifestations of prostatitis, forcing men to avoid communicating with the opposite sex, are very diverse: worsening erection or frequent nocturnal erections, accelerated ejaculation (associated with a decrease in the threshold of excitation of the orgasmic center of the nervous system) and the so-called erased orgasm (dullness of sensation), pain during and after sex … Almost any decrease in potency with its qualitative violation can be a sign of a developing disease.
From "I DO NOT WANT" to "I CAN'T"
In addition, psychological problems are superimposed on the situation: up to 70% of patients with chronic prostatitis suffer from various neurotic disorders. Most often, a young (or not very young) person loses confidence and tries to avoid intimacy even more, withdraws into himself and does not make contact. The changed behavior of a man becomes the cause of quarrels in the family, as the second half begins to suspect a loss of attraction to himself or betrayal. Misunderstandings arise, an ice age begins in relationships with a sexual partner. According to statistics, about half of couples who are faced with the chronic form of this disease eventually break up.
Uncomfortable prostatitis in itself is extremely dangerous also by the consequences that it can provoke in the absence of proper treatment. The disease can go on without symptoms for years and make itself felt at the most inopportune moment. But even in the presence of painful sensations, many representatives of the stronger sex are ashamed to talk about this problem, hoping for a positive outcome without treatment. Such unreasonable behavior leads to dire consequences over time. The result of advanced male prostatitis is impotence, infertility, and later, possibly, prostate cancer.
How to bring back the joy of sex?
It is important to know how prostatitis manifests itself, how to protect yourself from it. But it is equally important to know another thing - he is being treated. In order not to face the irreparable, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is worth visiting a urologist. Today, there are many known practices for treating prostatitis - from medication to surgical. One of the most effective methods is the peptide preparation "Prostatilen", made from the tissues of the prostate gland of young bulls with the addition of glycine and trace elements of zinc.

As you know, peptides are natural physiological correctors of various body functions and have been successfully used for the prevention and treatment of diseases for over a hundred years. When ingested, these natural bioregulators, isolated from animal tissues, contribute to the regeneration and restoration of the functions of those organs from which they were extracted, in our case, the prostate gland. Thanks to the peptides, "Prostatilen" affects the diseased organ at the cellular level and has a complex effect - it improves microcirculation in the diseased prostate, relieves edema and venous congestion, removes inflammation, restores the tissue and functions of the prostate gland. As a result, in the very first days of treatment, pain and discomfort disappear, libido increases, erection improves, the quality of orgasm increases,the mode and nature of urination is normalized. And after a 10-day course of the drug, more than half of the patients note the complete disappearance of symptoms of prostatitis.
"Prostatilen" has been used in medical practice for over 20 years, both for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. However, no better prevention of prostatitis than regular sex with a regular partner has yet been invented. With constant sexual activity (albeit with the obligatory ejaculation), a natural massage of the prostate occurs. This helps to avoid stagnation of prostatic juice and reduces the risk of bacterial growth in the ducts of the prostate gland, so the chances of developing the disease are minimized.
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