Strength Test: 3 Tests To Assess The Health Of The Spine

Strength Test: 3 Tests To Assess The Health Of The Spine
Strength Test: 3 Tests To Assess The Health Of The Spine

Strength test: 3 tests to assess the health of the spine

"Never before has the flimsy rafter of the spine supported a large and noble soul," wrote Herman Melville in the novel "Moby Dick, or the White Whale." And also the state of the spinal column is considered one of the parameters for determining the biological age of a person. Do we want to be young and strong in spirit? You need to monitor your back health!

Osteochondrosis is the destruction of our life support

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease associated with abrasion of the intervertebral discs, gradual disruption of the integrity of the structural elements of the spine, the occurrence of protrusions and disc herniation. Osteochondrosis usually causes deterioration and loss of motor skills and even leads to disability. Spinal pathologies create the risk of complications and disturbances in the functioning of vital internal organs: heart, liver, pancreas.

It's a shame that often the disease progresses due to inattention and indifference to oneself! Because of the harmful opinion that osteochondrosis is nonsense, this is the norm … But today there are many ways to check and stop the aging of the back, to maintain its health at the proper level. It's time to finally take care of yourself in order to please your loved ones with energy and love of life for a long time! First, let's find out the condition of the spine.

Test number 1. Is there a reason to consult a specialist and engage in prevention or treatment?

1. What is felt when probing the spine?

  • Distinct soreness -2
  • Mild soreness -1
  • No pain - 0

2. What sensations arise when probing the shoulder muscles?

  • Explicit muscle tension - 2
  • Weak muscle tension - 1
  • Soft muscles - 0

3. From a standing position, try to touch the floor with your fingertips

  • Successful with ease - 0
  • It turns out with difficulty - 2
  • When trying to do the exercise, pain in the spine appears - 3

4. Sitting on the floor, try to reach your knees with your forehead

  • Feels a stretch under the knees - 1
  • Back pain occurs - 3
  • No unpleasant sensations - 0

5. Clasp your hands behind your back: one hand is pulled back over the shoulder, the other - from below

  • Failed to complete task - 2
  • I only managed to touch my fingers - 1
  • I succeeded without much difficulty - 0

6. Lie on your back, bend your legs 90 ° at the knees and hip joints and freeze.

  • It turns out to hold the pose for a long time - 0
  • Both legs get tired quickly - 2
  • One leg gets tired quickly - 1
  • Lower back starts to hurt - 3

7. You should reach the shoulder girdle with your chin

  • Can't get it - 3
  • The exercise is performed, but with pain - 2
  • Easy - 0


0-3 points. The spine is healthy and needs only prevention: physical activity, healthy eating, you can periodically take physiotherapy courses to help maintain the health of the spine for a long time.

3-13. The collapse of the spine appears to be gaining momentum. Medical and rehabilitation complex measures are needed: chondroprotectors, exercise therapy, periodic courses of hardware physiotherapy, which can help improve blood circulation and organ nutrition.

More than 13. The spine is in critical condition. Surely this is understandable without a test. Modern medicine recommends complex treatment: drugs + physiotherapy. Being a chronic disease, osteochondrosis requires regular treatment courses, so many people buy home magnetic therapy devices such as ALMAG-01 based on a magnetic field and follow the rules of treatment.

How to independently assess the condition of the spine: 3 truthful tests
How to independently assess the condition of the spine: 3 truthful tests

Test number 2. Lumbosacral osteochondrosis

  1. Neri's symptom. You should quickly tilt your head forward and touch your chin to your chest. Has the pain in your lower back pierced?
  2. Dejerine's symptom. Cough, sneezing, back pain? Does the lower back also react when the abdominal muscles are tense?
  3. Lasegue symptom. While lying on your back, raise both legs alternately. Is there an ache in the lower back, radiating along the sciatic nerve?
  4. Larrey symptom. Lie on your back, straighten your legs and make an attempt to sit without bending your knees. Is there pain along the sciatic nerve, indicating that the roots are injured by damaged vertebrae?
  5. "Call symptom". It is necessary to feel the edges of the lumbar and sacral region on the left, where the nerve roots are located, for the appearance of sharp point pain.

If there are reactions, there is a risk of diagnosis. New vertebrae and discs will not grow back, but now the main thing is not to start osteochondrosis with the help of modern methods of treatment, moreover, today it is possible to be treated at home, with convenience, thanks to progressive medical equipment such as ALMAG +.

Test for the presence of lumbosacral osteochondrosis
Test for the presence of lumbosacral osteochondrosis

Test No. 3. Cervical osteochondrosis

If the cervical spine is normal, the exercises are performed freely, without discomfort. If there are pathological changes in the cervical spine, they should signal during testing with pain and crunching.

  1. Slowly lower your head forward and touch your chin to your chest.
  2. Tilt your head to the left, then to the right and touch your ear to your shoulder.
  3. Turn your head to the side at right angles to both sides.
  4. Smoothly turn your head to the left until it stops, look behind your back. Repeat to the right.
  5. Gently tilt your head back, as if looking up at the sky and slightly back.
  6. Sit up straight, take your head back, clasp your hands with a lock, put your palms on the top of your head and press a little.

The neck is an area of particular risk. Destroyed discs are capable of pinching arteries that carry oxygen and food to the brain, provoking ischemia and lack of cerebral circulation. Cervical osteochondrosis must be dealt with using modern scientific achievements. The medical novelty from ELAMED ALMAG + device has specified indicators specially designed for the treatment of various types of osteochondrosis, including the cervical spine.

Cervical osteochondrosis test
Cervical osteochondrosis test

Comprehensive treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis development

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, a therapeutic complex is usually used: anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, glucosamine and chondroitin, physiotherapy. The new modernized ALMAG + device has incorporated the experience of many years of approbation of the predecessor devices and took into account the current data of science, engineering and the wishes of patients. This is a tool with extended functionality for those who value time and comfort.

The novelty differs from earlier versions by a number of advantages. Now ALMAG + has a regimen against inflammation and pain, aimed at relieving exacerbations. To inhibit the development of osteochondrosis and accelerate recovery, the main mode is intended.

It is important that the new product significantly improves the treatment parameters of cervical osteochondrosis, due to the updated characteristics of the magnetic field and design.

ALMAG + helps to enhance microcirculation, metabolic processes and blood supply to discs and tissues, improve drug absorption. Allows you to live and work without pain. It can help eliminate swelling and inflammation, and have an antispasmodic and soothing effect.

The device in the composition of the medical complex is able to significantly strengthen it and allow the spine to remain elastic and flexible.

With the device, you can not waste time on trips to the physiotherapy room, conducting treatment at home, without missing work. This is a bargain for family health - there is even a baby regimen for babies from 1 month old.

ALMAG-01 - magnetic therapy device for home treatment of osteochondrosis
ALMAG-01 - magnetic therapy device for home treatment of osteochondrosis

You need to be treated correctly, and then, like Melville's hero, you can say about yourself: "I am proud of my spinal column, like a strong, fearless flagstaff that I will raise towards the world."


The next level of home physiotherapy

JSC "Elatomsky Instrument Plant"


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