Are you sure that prostatitis is not about you?
Are you an office worker, driver, winter sports enthusiast or can't you imagine life without a bicycle? Lead a sedentary lifestyle and only move around the city by car? Don't have a permanent partner and don't like protected sex? Attention! You are definitely a potential target for prostatitis. You don't need to panic, you need to act.

Men 's "second heart" under threat
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland in men. It is not for nothing that the prostate is called the "second heart" of a man. This gland is located between the bladder and the pelvic diaphragm. In general terms, its main job is to produce prostatic juice, which, when mixed with semen, is responsible for nourishing and protecting sperm. In addition, the prostate is involved in the formation of hormonal levels, provides the mechanism of erection and ejaculation.
Daily stress, lack of a daily routine, overtime working hours, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and unhealthy diet are the first enemies of prostate health. It is a misconception that only older men suffer from prostatitis. He is getting younger and ruthless towards the male population even at 30 years old. Statistics show that 8 out of 10 men over 25 have experienced prostatitis. This is one of the most unpleasant diseases that a strong half of humanity can suffer from. It is not customary to talk about prostatitis in a circle of friends, they do not talk about it with a beloved woman at dinner. But this does not mean at all that if you do not know about the problem or do not want to know, then it will not knock on your house.
Signs and symptoms of prostatitis
Obviously, prostate health is very important to any man. How the prostate works depends not only on the sexual capabilities of a person, but also on his physical and even psychological state. Sleep and appetite disorders, decreased performance, hot temper, conflict, gloominess, sometimes weakness and tearfulness - all this can be one of the manifestations of inflammation of the prostate gland. Not to mention sexual dysfunction and other painful and unpleasant sensations.

The most common signs of prostatitis are: urinary disorder, pain in the lower back, scrotum, perineum, decreased sex drive, and disruptions in intimate life (weak erection, short duration of intercourse, sudden nocturnal erections, dullness of sensation). As a rule, the above symptoms directly indicate that a man should see a specialist as soon as possible. It is necessary to be examined by a urologist, but if there are side problems associated with erectile dysfunction or reproductive function (infertility), then it is necessary to consult an andrologist.
Can prostatitis be cured?
The treatment of chronic prostatitis is still a difficult problem. Usually, inflammatory processes are suppressed by antibacterial drugs, but in the case of inflammation of the prostate, antibiotics alone are indispensable. Moreover, they may be ineffective if the disease is not caused by bacteria. Often, despite their efforts, doctors are able to achieve only a slight decrease in the intensity of symptoms.
To date, in the fight against prostatitis, preparations of animal origin made from an extract of the prostate of puberty bulls have proven themselves best of all. Such preparations contain special biologically active substances - peptides, which are natural physiological correctors of various functions of the body and are successfully used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. When ingested, these natural bioregulators, isolated from animal tissues, contribute to the regeneration and restoration of the functions of those organs from which they were extracted, in our case, the prostate gland.
Preparations for prostatitis based on peptides, for example, "Prostatilen®" have a complex effect - they improve microcirculation, relieve edema and venous congestion, remove inflammation, restore tissue and functions of the prostate gland.

As a result, in the very first days of treatment, pain and discomfort disappear, the mode and nature of urination are normalized, libido increases, erection improves, and the quality of orgasm increases. The drug is available in two types - rectal suppositories and ampoules for injections, which is undoubtedly convenient. Each organism is individual and the doctor prescribes the form of the medicine based on the characteristics of the patient. In acute and especially advanced cases, experts recommend using candles. With their help, the effect of treatment occurs as quickly as possible, since the medicine is injected into the body in the immediate vicinity of the inflammation focus.

"Prostatilen®" has been used in medical practice for over 20 years, both for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. This is a drug with proven efficacy, confirmed by clinical trials. Do not waste precious time on illness. The combination of physical activity, proper nutrition and an effective drug significantly reduces the risk of disease and the development of exacerbations. Remember, prevention of prostatitis is a must for every adult of the stronger sex. It is as much part of body culture as brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. And who said that being a man is easy?
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