Moral Education Of Adolescents

Moral Education Of Adolescents
Moral Education Of Adolescents

Moral education of adolescents

Moral education of adolescents takes place at school and in the family. In addition, TV and the street very often instill moral values in adolescents. But, unfortunately, not always what the teenager was taught on the street is correct and useful for him. What should be the moral education of the younger generation?

Features of moral education of adolescents
Features of moral education of adolescents

Nowadays, movies and television broadcasts greatly influence the moral values of adolescents. Most adolescents perceive the patterns of behavior promoted in the films as true and try to adhere to them in their lives.

Very often in films, even positive characters lead an asocial lifestyle, kill each other, “walk over their heads” to achieve their own goals and care only about their material well-being. For this reason, some adolescents form the opinion: in order to live well, this is exactly what you need to do.

In addition to television, teenagers are greatly influenced by computer games, which they spend a lot of time on. Teenagers have access to resources on the Internet, thanks to which they can find computer games for every taste. And in most cases, these games are far from positive.

That is why parents should diligently engage in the moral education of adolescents. They need to help teenagers develop their own values. Even at a young age, parents should invest in the child the concept of love, friendship, help, mutual assistance and gratitude, as well as help adolescents understand the difference between "right" and "wrong", "good" and "bad".

Many adolescents, as a rule, check and evaluate the prohibitions and advice of parents in their own way, especially if the parents prohibit or advise something, and they themselves do the opposite. Therefore, first of all, the moral education of adolescents is an example of parents. It is the parents who by their own example should show the child what is right in certain situations.

Thanks to the right moral education, teenagers will make much fewer mistakes in life for which they will have to pay dearly. Lack of moral education leads children to unethical and immoral acts, sometimes even to crimes.

Moral education in pedagogy

Moral education in pedagogy is one of the leading concepts. This concept means the process of forming in adolescents value attitudes, moral feelings, high consciousness and behavior in accordance with the principles of humanistic morality and ideals. The tasks of moral education of adolescents:

Formation of a personality's position is one of the goals of moral education of adolescents
Formation of a personality's position is one of the goals of moral education of adolescents
  • Formation of moral consciousness of the system of moral concepts, ideas, judgments, emotional and intellectual connections, value relationships and experiences;
  • Formation of the position of the individual and moral feelings;
  • The formation of moral behavior and the ability to evaluate it, as well as the formation of moral norms and principles into the motives of personality behavior, their transformation into personal qualities.

Of all the directions of education in pedagogy, moral, for the most part, is carried out spontaneously. It is carried out more purposefully only in the processes of self-education, self-improvement, through the adolescent's own thoughts and actions. What are the thoughts and actions of a teenager, such will be his moral qualities. For example, by showing courage in a moment of danger, a teenager forms the quality of masculinity. Thus, moral actions are the basis for the moral self-education of a teenager.

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