Moral Education Of Preschool Children

Moral Education Of Preschool Children
Moral Education Of Preschool Children

Moral education of preschool children

Moral education of preschool children is part of a purposeful pedagogical process.

Features of the moral education of older preschoolers
Features of the moral education of older preschoolers

Living in society, the baby accepts its laws and tries to follow them. The role of teachers and parents is to help the child orient himself in life circumstances, correctly place accents in the moral assessment of events, and make an inner choice in favor of traditional spiritual values.

Moral education of preschool children: the role of the family

A preschooler is a child of 4-6 years old. During this period, adults can actively influence the views of the child and some of his personality traits.

Many children attend kindergartens, but still it is the parents who have the maximum moral authority for the kids. Therefore, the moral education of preschool children is almost entirely assigned to the family.

The values that will mean a lot to the child in the future are determined by his environment. For children to grow up honest, humane, responsible, they need a worthy role model before their eyes. Moral education of preschool children is based primarily on the personal example of loved ones. If parents make a sincere choice in favor of spiritual values, then the child will be able to do the same after them.

Unfortunately, many mums and dads do not have the opportunity to spend much time with their children. A busy work schedule can severely limit communication with the younger generation. Does this reduce the role of the family in the moral education of preschool children? Of course not.

Try to make the most of the time you spend with your baby. The phrase sounds trite that children grow up quickly. But this fact is directly related to moral education. Within a few years, your preschooler will gain other authority besides his parents, his opinion will depend on the words of many strangers, and the approval of the family will not be decisive. It is necessary to use all the possibilities of moral education of preschool children in order to have time to invest spiritual values in the child.

The goals of moral education of preschool children

The goal of moral education of preschool children, like any education in general, is to prepare a worthy member of society. Think about how you would like to see your child in the future. The moral aspect of your baby's personality matters a lot. Almost all parents would like to see their child strong, responsible, humane, kind, honest.

The goal of moral education of preschool children is to familiarize the child with moral laws and basic spiritual values. The child should make the choice in favor of a good start sincerely and independently, but under the careful guidance of adults.

In our time, there are parents who protest against the moral education of children. Their main argument is that it will be extremely difficult for a child with a high moral standard to survive in our cruel society. In general, this approach is understandable, but very controversial.

First, morality is a sincere commitment to the inner ideals of society, which means it helps to live in a team. Secondly, even if an immoral person manages to achieve a lot in life, it will be, first of all, material values. It is almost impossible to create a strong family, make friends, and keep in touch with relatives without observing moral laws. Perhaps, in the complete absence of spiritual principles, such a person will not feel his own loneliness and inferiority. But will parents be happy who raised an immoral child? Most likely no.

Moral education of children is a movement towards a happy future for your baby. Relying on traditional values, the child will be able to overcome any difficulties in the future.

Moral education of younger preschoolers

Young children have certain characteristics in the perception of our world. The younger the kid, the more imaginative he has. The moral education of younger preschoolers is based on these characteristics.

At the age of 3-4 years, a child mainly learns the world through play. By introducing elements of moral education into the gameplay, you can achieve colossal success. Different characters can be used to demonstrate kindness, compassion, courage and honesty. Your assessment of the behavior and actions of fictional characters is important for the child.

Games with peers are also important for the moral education of preschool children. Adults need to follow these activities of the kids and subtly intervene in the process if necessary.

Special lessons on moral education at this age are practically unnecessary. Personal example of adults and properly organized games contribute to acquaintance with the foundations of the moral laws of society.

Moral education of older preschoolers

Older children already have a large store of knowledge about human society and its laws. A preschooler 5-6 years old not only perfectly understands the difference between good and evil deeds, but also has enough self-control to limit himself.

The moral education of older preschoolers is a difficult task, since it requires maximum sincerity and enthusiasm from an adult.

The tasks of moral education of younger preschoolers
The tasks of moral education of younger preschoolers

However, in some ways it becomes easier with grown-up children. So, for example, humane books, cartoons, performances come to the aid of adults. Good works of art affect children on the level of emotion and intelligence. Moral education of preschool children through art is a traditional method. Parents need to choose the right works and discuss the impressions received with the child. The role of conversation at this age is gradually increasing.

Classes on moral education of preschoolers

Children's educational institutions also contribute to the moral education of children. Much depends on the personal qualities of teachers and on the atmosphere prevailing in the team. Special classes in the moral education of preschoolers have an auxiliary role.

As part of the educational program of the kindergarten, children are introduced to some poems, fairy tales, stories. In morality classes, the teacher discusses with the children the characters in the works, their behavior and character. It is advisable to be creative in such activities. For children, small theatrical performances based on books will seem clearer. You can also arrange a drawing competition for the work. When discussing characters, you need to help children determine the moral assessment of their actions.

Classes on moral education of preschoolers can also take place in the form of solemn events. So children may be interested in performances on the topic "Courtesy Lessons", "Friendship". If the invited parents are present at the performance and during the discussion, then such classes will be of maximum benefit.

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