Spiritual And Moral Education Of Preschoolers

Spiritual And Moral Education Of Preschoolers
Spiritual And Moral Education Of Preschoolers

Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers

Methods and tasks of spiritual and moral education
Methods and tasks of spiritual and moral education

Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers is based on instilling in the child moral, aesthetic and spiritual values that form a positive, moral and developed personality.

Basic principles of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers

Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers allows you to correctly form the worldview, civic position, family values and moral guidelines.

At the heart of modern classes in the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers is Orthodox pedagogy, which contains the spiritual and moral components necessary for the spiritual development of society and the state.

Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers should be carried out by the joint efforts of parents and relatives, teachers and educators. In the process of education, the historical continuity of generations, the possibility of transferring moral experience and giving a positive example are important.

The process of spiritual and moral formation of a child is especially important in the preschool period, when the basic qualities and habits of a person are formed.

In the framework of Orthodox pedagogy, spiritual and moral education is considered as the formation and development of a personality with moral and spiritual guidelines, self-improvement in the service of good and self-determination in virtues.

The basic principles of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers include:

  • spiritual guideline - building life and actions on the basis of Christian perfection, avoiding evil and choosing good;
  • humanistic principle - the formation of a positive attitude towards the world and people, sympathy and compassion;
  • natural science principle, which is based on the scientific understanding of social processes, laws of development and formation;
  • the culturological principle in accordance with national culture, values and traditions;
  • the state principle, in which education is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Effective classes in the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers should include scientific and canonicity, multilevel, visibility, activity, systematicity and consistency, practicality and responsibility.

The goals and objectives of the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers

Spiritual and moral education of a preschooler is a long-term process that requires internal change, the acquisition of internal awareness and striving for good.

The main goal of spiritual and moral education is the formation of a moral personality, the promotion of spiritual experience and familiarization with the values of Orthodox culture.

The main tasks of the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers include:

  • cognition and inculcation of Orthodox culture and traditions;
  • disclosure of the child's spiritual and moral giftedness, his abilities and talents;
  • harmonious, positive and humanistic development of the child's personality;
  • the formation of civic consciousness, a benevolent attitude towards the world around and people;
  • spiritualization of the child's living space;
  • protection and strengthening of the child's physical, mental and spiritual health.

Methods and techniques of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers

Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers is carried out using various methods, techniques and means. The upbringing program should include various types of game activities (verbal, finger, role, etc.), didactic materials, works of art, constructive and mobile exercises.

Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers - classes in preschoolers
Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers - classes in preschoolers

When using plot and play exercises, it is necessary to emphasize the child's moral side, empathy, mercy and compassion.

The program of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers should include the following activities:

  • productive activity (making applications, figurines, designs, crafts, drawings);
  • theatrical play activities (simulated scenes and performances of spiritual themes);
  • cognitive activity (reading historical and Orthodox literature, fairy tales, lives of saints);
  • creative activity (modeling from plasticine, painting and graphics, musical creativity, dancing);
  • moral activity (lessons of love and kindness, acquaintance with Orthodox traditions and values);
  • joint activities, in which children and parents participate, are aimed at the spiritual development of the family, strengthening family values, respect and mutual understanding (family and Orthodox holidays, games and competitions).

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