Pregnancy Behavior - Typical Types And Their Features

Pregnancy Behavior - Typical Types And Their Features
Pregnancy Behavior - Typical Types And Their Features

Pregnancy behavior

Changes in behavior during pregnancy
Changes in behavior during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of great expectations and anxiety. Along with the changes in the outline of the silhouette, there are also changes in behavior during pregnancy. During this period, you need to be prepared for frequent mood swings. Even emotionally stable women, under the influence of hormonal changes, can become irritated over small things and without reason to fall into sadness and depression.

The behavior of pregnant women largely depends on the period. As a rule, the first trimester of pregnancy and related changes in the body are characterized by the greatest emotional instability. The restructuring of the body and toxicosis accompanying this period often makes a woman irritable and anxious.

And if the second trimester is in most cases the most favorable emotionally, then the behavior of pregnant women in the third trimester, due to the many worries associated with the upcoming birth, can again be extremely unstable.

The most typical types of behavior in pregnant women

The importance of the correct behavior of pregnant women is usually noted by all doctors. The baby's first emotional experience depends entirely on the mother's emotional background, her ability to properly tune in to pregnancy and be able to adjust her mood.

Studying the behavior of pregnant women, psychologists distinguish 5 most characteristic types that describe the psychological state:

  • A euphoric type of behavior during pregnancy, characterized by pride and demonstration of their exceptional state. A woman tries to attract maximum attention to herself, both from relatives and strangers, using any means, including manipulation and tantrums. Most often, this behavior is characteristic of women who could not get pregnant for a long time, and in the future, the most common model of raising a child is hypo-care, combined with mood swings and insufficient control of their emotions;
  • An anxious type of behavior in pregnant women is characteristic of women with difficult pregnancies. This is often caused by diagnosed health problems, unfavorable living conditions and disharmonious family relationships. For the same reason, their behavior before childbirth, if not provided in time with support from relatives or a psychotherapist, will also be unstable. In the future, when raising a child, a woman usually displays hyperresponsibility based on lack of confidence in her abilities;
  • The depressive type of behavior before childbirth and throughout pregnancy is characterized by unfounded persistent fears due to low self-esteem and lack of confidence in oneself and family relationships. A depressed mood usually scares off family members who have no control over the situation. The same behavior during childbirth can lead to various complications and add difficulties to doctors. In most cases, further emotional rejection of the child is observed, which is identified with failure. A woman usually tries to compensate her feelings of guilt with sacrifice and gifts;
  • The hypogestogenic type of behavior of a pregnant woman is usually observed then, then the pregnancy was unwanted. At the same time, a woman does not plan to change her usual way of life, treating her condition with negligence. The same negligent behavior before childbirth is fraught with various complications, and in some cases it ends with the abandonment of the born baby. As a rule, in the future, a woman is little involved in raising a child and does not pay due attention to him;
  • The optimal type of behavior of a pregnant woman is characteristic of those for whom pregnancy was conscious and desired. Such women are usually responsible, they prepare for motherhood by reading the relevant literature, attending courses for pregnant women and trying to maintain a harmonious state. Realizing that the condition of the child also depends on the condition of the mother, their behavior during childbirth is also adequate. In the future, such women bring up their child in harmony, trying to cooperate and develop the talents inherent in him.

Of the described types of behavior of pregnant women, doctors attribute the first four to the risk group. In most cases, for an easy course of pregnancy, the help of a psychotherapist will not be superfluous. Sometimes it is necessary to seek help from a family psychologist who will help to correct the situation and explain to the family the importance of psychological support.

Practical tips for maintaining an emotional state during pregnancy

To avoid the occurrence of severe mood swings, psychologists recommend preparing for this period in advance. In order for the behavior of pregnant women to not be too impulsive, it is important not to drastically change your usual lifestyle due to pregnancy. You should not immediately quit your job and completely switch to preparing for future motherhood. Favorite work during this period will help maintain the usual rhythm of life, harmony and calmness.

If a woman does not work, she needs to make sure that every day is filled with events. For this, it is very good to learn how to make short-term plans. This could include doing housework, taking long walks, or hanging out with friends.

It is necessary to try to explain to relatives and friends that in order to correct the behavior of pregnant women, they need guardianship. Gentle care is not just a whim, but a necessity during this period of life. Do not manipulate, demanding increased attention to yourself. It is enough to create an atmosphere of support and mutual understanding in the family, on which the state of mind of the unborn child will largely depend. You should not be tormented by the fact that at some moments of life it is impossible to maintain balance and the correct emotional background. Even with all efforts to completely avoid stress, grief and mood swings throughout pregnancy, it will not work.

The behavior of pregnant women can be corrected in many ways by breathing practices. Many hatha yoga exercises are suitable for this.

Optimal behavior during childbirth
Optimal behavior during childbirth

It is best to start your classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer who knows the specifics of the pregnancy and will be able to advise on the most effective and safe exercises.

Also at this time you need to limit the viewing of films containing scenes of aggression and violence, and various talk shows in which the discussion of the situation is too emotional. Fear and stress are the worst pregnancy companions because they can easily unbalance.

Since the behavior of pregnant women is often difficult to correct by an effort of will, in case of severe mood swings, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will be able to suggest sedatives that are safe for this period, which can help maintain the necessary emotional background.

Pregnancy is a great time for every woman. And the ease of its course largely depends on how much you manage to maintain the correct emotional mood.

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