Facial hair removal

Light stubble only adorns the man. But the hair growing on a woman's face is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, and, first of all, for the woman herself. Fortunately, getting rid of the noble "gun" today is easy - just take advantage of the achievements of modern cosmetic medicine.
Facial hair removal - electrolysis. This procedure is carried out using a needle through which a weak current is supplied to each follicle. As a result, the hairs become thinner, weaker and thinner. The disadvantages of electrolysis include the need to repeat the procedures (from one to several months), as well as a certain pain.
Laser hair removal (photoepilation). In the process of exposing the follicles to short, deeply penetrating flashes of light, hair becomes less frequent and soon stops growing. It may take up to 6 procedures to completely get rid of unwanted vegetation - and this also applies to the disadvantages of the method. To the pluses, you can add the painlessness of the action.
Facial hair removal can also be done at home - with sugar or wax depilation. This method is very popular due to its availability and low cost. After a rather painful procedure, the skin remains smooth for up to 5-6 weeks, after this period the depilation must be repeated, and after waiting until the hairs grow back to a length of at least 5 mm.
The next method of getting rid of vegetation is plucking. Optimal for cases when there are not many hairs on the face. Plucking is easily done with a mirror and tweezers. The result of the procedure also lasts up to five to six weeks. The advantages of this event include cheapness and ease of use, the disadvantages - discomfort, skin irritation.

Facial hair removal can also be done with chemicals that can be purchased at any beauty store. Again, the advantages include affordability, the possibility of using it at home, and the disadvantages are frequent allergic reactions.
Of course, every woman chooses the method of getting rid of facial hair that seems to be the most optimal and reasonable for her particular case. However, we still dare to give one piece of advice: do not shave your hair - this can lead to more hair growth. Fortunately, there is plenty to choose from - use one of the above methods.
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