10 Misconceptions About Facial Skin Care

10 Misconceptions About Facial Skin Care
10 Misconceptions About Facial Skin Care

10 misconceptions about facial skin care

Looking healthy and well-groomed means not only to please others, but also to feel strong, confident and fulfilled.

Experts in the field of cosmetology note that not all women know how to take care of their skin. Many women use cosmetics incorrectly and carry out various procedures without accurate information about their real impact, which does not have the best effect on their appearance, and sometimes on their well-being. Dispelling myths about skin care is the goal of this article.

Facial skin care: 10 common misconceptions
Facial skin care: 10 common misconceptions

Source: depositphotos.com

You need to start fighting the signs of aging at an early age

These kinds of claims are beneficial to manufacturers and sellers of high-value beauty products. In an effort to increase the number of consumers in any way, unscrupulous advertising creators mislead young women.

In fact, the use of anti-aging creams for girls is more harmful than beneficial. Their skin itself produces in the required amount hyaluronic acid, collagen and other substances that maintain its tone and healthy appearance. The decrease in the intensity of this process usually begins after 30 years. And if a young girl starts using anti-aging products, the natural functions of the skin fade away faster, and the signs of aging appear earlier.

It does not follow from this that in youth it is not necessary to take care of the skin of the face. You just need to select cosmetics according to your age and needs (for example, creams for sensitive, problematic, oily or dry skin).

Skin care products need to be changed from time to time

There is an opinion that it is harmful for the skin to get used to certain cosmetic preparations. Allegedly, with prolonged use of a cream of a certain composition, the effect of its active ingredients weakens.

This is not true. It is quite difficult to find cosmetics that perfectly match the needs of the skin in each specific case. If the problem has been solved, the selected cream should be applied as long as it maintains the face in optimal condition. Otherwise, a woman runs the risk of harming her health and appearance and spending a lot of money looking for a completely unnecessary replacement at the moment.

Refusal of the usual cream causes withdrawal syndrome

This is also a marketing ploy of manufacturers and sellers seeking to force customers to purchase expensive cosmetics for future use.

In fact, creams, lotions, foams, gels, and other facial products do not contain ingredients strong enough to induce an addictive or painful response to drug withdrawal. If your skin starts to look worse when you refuse certain cosmetic products, it is most likely that the reason is inappropriate products used to replace the canceled ones.

The most effective cosmetics with hormones

Some women firmly believe that some "hormonal" creams will return their skin to the state of 10 or even 20 years ago. No less common is the assertion that the abolition of such drugs within a few days turns a young beauty into an old woman.

Both are not true. The Russian market does not offer any cosmetic creams containing hormones. This name usually refers to products containing phytoestrogens (substances of plant origin with hormone-like activity). They do not create miracles of rejuvenation and are not particularly effective - this is just a myth, supported by advertising. But the abolition of such funds does not lead to disastrous consequences for the appearance.

You can combine cosmetics from different manufacturers without harm to the skin

The safety of combining products from different manufacturers is largely a matter of luck. There is always the possibility that the resulting mixture of ingredients will lead to allergies.

It is not for nothing that large firms that value their reputation create sets of cosmetics designed for a certain age or solving certain problems. The drugs included in this line include active components of the same type and are well combined with each other.

There are creams "for any skin"

This is a myth specifically targeted at women looking to save time and money when choosing beauty products. There is no cream suitable for all skin types and ages.

It is quite difficult to determine what substances the skin needs at the moment. Sometimes a woman simply cannot do it on her own, and the selection of cosmetics must be trusted by a specialist.

Night cream should be used just before bed

Night creams are usually dense, rich in active ingredients. When applied right before bedtime, the product is either smeared on the pillow without being absorbed, or it clogs the pores, making it impossible for the skin to breathe.

For the cream to work properly, it must be applied 2-3 hours before bedtime, and after 30-40 minutes, blot your face with a soft napkin. If this is not possible, it is better to do without applying the cream at night.

A fat cream must be applied to the skin before going out into the cold

In the cold season, a nourishing or protective cream is applied to the face at least an hour before going outside. If you do not allow the product to absorb, it will harden in the cold and turn into a crust that can injure the skin.

A moisturizer in winter can only be used when the woman is not going to leave the heated room in the next few hours.

Better to use cosmetics that do not contain preservatives

Most of the industrially manufactured cosmetic products contain preservatives that prevent the growth of pathogenic microflora and prolong the shelf life of products. You can do without preservatives only if the cosmetics are not intended to be stored for more than a few days.

However, not all preservatives are harmful (just as not all natural ingredients are safe). In order to avoid troubles, it makes sense to choose products from well-known manufacturers and purchase them in specialized retail outlets.

It is better to use cosmetics that do not contain preservatives: is that so?
It is better to use cosmetics that do not contain preservatives: is that so?

Source: depositphotos.com

Foundation and powder spoil the skin

Many believe that powders and foundations prevent the skin from breathing and dry it out, creating conditions for the appearance of early wrinkles. This information is very out of date. The latest generation cosmetics do not clog the pores and do not interfere with the flow of oxygen into them. In addition, modern powders and foundation often contain substances that protect the face from ultraviolet radiation, temperature fluctuations and other aggressive environmental factors.

Facial care is necessary, but difficult. It is important to have reliable information about the condition of your skin, as well as about the properties of cosmetics designed to preserve its youth and health. If it is not possible to figure out these issues on your own, it is worth visiting a beautician and using his recommendations.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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